11/1/2014 2:47:42 PM,
Effective worship is a vital component of growing close to Yah, this article describes some vital principles and provides some recommended worship songs
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11/1/2014 2:14:27 PM,
There are numerous things that get in the way of us getting close to Yah, this article discusses the most important steps that YOU can take to grow close to Yah
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11/1/2014 2:10:16 PM,
The Almighty Creator desires a deep personal relationship with YOU -- this article explains the context to this, the basics of what is going on in the world today and the rewards available to those who respond favorably to this invitation
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7/27/2014 10:25:42 AM,
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7/27/2014 10:25:43 AM,
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12/25/2013 6:47:28 AM,
This article sums up Father Yah's position with regard to the Satanic Feast that is Christmas
The previous articles have fully exposed the deep Satanic nature of the feast at multiple levels and Father has NOW proclaimed judgment over ALL who observe the feast from this day, Tuesday 24th December 2013, onwards
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12/25/2013 5:35:17 AM,
This is the third article on the subject of Christmas and further exposes "the evil and horror of Christmas" -- Yah's words
Links to further articles at the end of this article
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12/25/2013 4:55:57 AM,
The second article on Christmas, dealing with some heavier issues
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12/25/2013 4:36:00 AM,
Father Yah requested that I find three articles that best summarize the issues that believers should consider when deciding whether to observe Christmas or NOT
This is the first article
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12/22/2013 8:05:18 AM,
The previous article addressed the wrong conduct of many Afrikaner men NOT all, there ARE many Afrikaner men who ARE close to the Almighty
This article addresses the situation specifically of those Afrikaner women who ARE close to the Almighty and are in covenant with / married to those men who are in grievous sin and / or seriously abusing their women
Because of the harsh judgment that has now been unleashed on South Africa the Almighty will extend special grace to women in this situation and will grant them divorce where possible
This article discusses the basis for such divorce
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12/15/2013 2:29:43 PM,
This article summarizes a major sin amongst many Afrikaner men that Father has been revealing to me progressively in recent months as we have interceded and worked to avert the destruction that Father showed me two years ago was coming on South Africa
It turns out that many Afrikaners believe that Africans are sub-human and that intercourse with them is of no consequence and that the children that result are excluded from the community of those who believe and therefore ALSO of no consequence
This has resulted in massive fornication by this category of men with African women and the birth of children with African physical appearance who outnumber the children with European physical appearance of the same men
The magnitude of the anger and hatred that this has kindled amongst African people is huge and the magnitude of the sin and judgment that this sin is bringing upon these people is similarly huge
This couples with all the other sins that are present in South Africa on both sides of the "racial" divide including extreme witchcraft and ancestor worship on the part of many Africans, including the President and leadership of the ANC
The consequence is that South Africa will be utterly destroyed within eighteen years.
This article examines this sin in more detail including an account of an incident revealed to me by the Almighty with regard to a specific individual which Father says is representative of the sins of hundreds of thousands of other primarily Afrikaner men
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12/15/2013 11:23:09 AM,
This article corrects an incorrect statement that I made in the article on Race that messengers {Angels} fathered children before the flood of Noah
It is FALSE that messengers {Angels} have or can father children, it is further confirmed that ancestor spirits (demons) ALSO cannot father children
False teachings regarding Africans and Jews having been fathered by messengers are also confirmed as false
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12/15/2013 11:30:58 AM,
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12/14/2013 2:11:33 PM,
In the last few months since I first started writing about the Almighty's call to believers to gather at the Voortrekker Monument on the Day of the Covenant I have received a significant number of emails most to the effect that "That place is Satanic, the LORD would NEVER ask us to congregate there, there is NO way I will go near that place". I have responded to these emails in several emails and on the website but people keep writing.
Initially I was NOT sure how to respond, I was certain Father HAD given me the instruction and yet did NOT know how to respond to these criticisms
Several times I got on my knees before Him and asked Him how to respond
Over time His response has become more specific AND more ANGRY
The article below summarizes what He has said to me
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12/3/2013 4:04:02 AM,
I recently met with a man who I esteem greatly but who, in the course of conversation, made a comment that led me to conclude that he did NOT have a deep personal understanding of the reality of the Creator and coming judgment. Father subsequently confirmed this.
In praying about how to respond to this situation Father Yah made a number of very clear statements to me most salutary was
James “why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?”
This is the most obvious and succinct reason I have ever heard as to why people who do NOT have a deep personal conviction of the reality of Almighty Yah will NOT be "saved", that is NOT spend eternity with Yah in Heaven
This article sets out to provide an open letter that can be given to any educated person who questions the existence of the Creator with a view to challenging their unbelief and, IF they choose to change position, providing them with a list of documents that they can use to answer many of their questions and equip them to grow in their relationship with Yah
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11/24/2013 1:40:09 PM,
In so many respects our world is race obsessed
This article seeks to give a proper understanding of what is REALLY going on in the world around us in terms of race and bloodlines and presents some extremely challenging information which Yah has been teaching me on for over a decade
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11/23/2013 7:08:21 AM,
In order to understand much of what is written on this list it is vital to understand the fundamental spiritual context in which what is written here is presented
This article discusses the rules of engagement between Yah and Satan with a view to assisting readers to better understand what is happening
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11/22/2013 10:21:49 AM,
Further thoughts and experiences from my journey that I hope will encourage YOU to seek to draw close to the Almighty Creator (Yah the eternally self-existing) and get free from sin and follow the example of Yahooshua {Jesus}
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11/22/2013 10:14:52 AM,
There is an almost universal belief that it is impossible to live life without sin
An implicit implication of this belief is that there is really not that much point in trying
This article was written in response to someone who made such a statement and endeavours to demonstrate from my own life experience that it IS possible to live a life without sin
Yes, you are likely to sin at times, the issue is will you ACCEPT judgement and learn from it and course correct and get back on the strait and narrow path towards Yah?
Will you EARNESTLY seek to be free of sin?
Are you willing to TRASH just about everything you believe in order to please Yah and seek to walk in ALL truth
Are you willing to lose EVERYONE in your life?
Are you willing to lose EVERYTHING in your life?
Are you willing to seek the prize that is WITHOUT PRICE?
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11/22/2013 10:10:01 AM,
I am regularly challenged by people on this list regarding my statements that "the Almighty says" or "Yah says", etc
Some months ago, having been travelling constantly for several months and moved to London, NOT having worshipped regularly, etc I wrote an article that was prideful -- you may have received it
Yah blocked it after it had gone to a few people and then judged me severely
After I had repented He gave me a severe rebuke that lasted for about half an hour while I was on my knees and I then published a retraction
I immediately focussed on getting closer to Him, restoring the anointing that had drained, and dealing with the other issues that He had raised with me
I am now on my fourth three day fast and confident that the problem of a few months ago is well behind me
Some weeks ago Father had me write a new document simply factually summarizing my walk with Him and who I believe myself to be with Him
This is presented below
He has now instructed me to send it to the list
For all who doubt i counsel caution and fasting and I ask that you consider the possibility that since I constantly ask Yah to judge me that I AM hearing Him accurately most of the time
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11/22/2013 9:46:27 AM,
I continue to encounter believers and others who get massively distracted by the physical realm and are ignorant of the spirit realm which is what is really important.
This article addresses this topic...
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11/22/2013 9:24:23 AM,
I continue to encounter believers and people who claim to be believers who seemingly have NO idea of the principles of judgment in this life
Either things are going wrong in their lives and they somehow blame "God" or regard the Almighty as being Capricious and unpredictable
OR they are conducting themselves in spiritually highly dangerous ways, judging and condemning others, etc oblivious to the fact that they are heaping up judgment which will either hit them on the Day of Judgment or at any time in the remainder of their lives
This article sets out to explain the mechanism of judgment and how to avoid it and how to respond to it in some detail.
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11/9/2013 6:15:56 AM,
The previous articles regarding Halloween have highlighted the intense evil of the event
This article highlights the demonic baggage and curses associated with the seemingly innocuous pumpkin head, trick or treat, etc and advises readers to have nothing to do with it
Basic prayers for deliverance are provided and those who have been actively involved are advised to seek deliverance ministry
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11/9/2013 5:53:01 AM,
I was asked to comment on an article attacking Shaul {Paul} and labeling him a heretic
The response is relevant to all such debates in which believers start attacking other believers on the basis of the bible
The document that I am responding to also shows a lack of fear with regard to what will happen on the Day of Judgment should it be found that Shaul was, indeed, close to Yah
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11/9/2013 7:53:04 AM,
A further article about Halloween that is more explicit about the evil
This is vital reading for all who seek to serve the Almighty Creator and shun the evil one
Also a few comments on some aspects of what Father has shown me regarding Witches and Satanists
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11/9/2013 6:27:45 AM,
Most believers are extremely ignorant about Halloween and its evils
Father has impressed on me to locate further information of relevance
The article below provides a historical understanding of this evil day
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11/9/2013 6:38:30 AM,
In response to a request for information regarding Halloween, Mahdokt Walter a former witch delivered by Yah, sent me the poem below
It gives some small indication of the evil of this day and why you should NOT participate in any manner
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11/9/2013 6:58:06 AM,
In response to a fairly lengthy multi-sided debate about Jesus, Jews and other matters I suggested that the people who were opposing what I was saying fast and pray and seek Father in order to learn the truth
In response one individual sent me quite a lengthy reply attacking what I had said
In the process the writer raised diverse issues that opened the door for me to write about equally diverse issues, quite a few of which I have NOT previously written about on this list
After I had finished Father instructed me to publish the resulting email to the list as it contained information of relevance
The emails concerned are reproduced below
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11/9/2013 7:17:16 AM,
In response to the message on Prayer and Fasting for South Africa I received two emails relating to the Masonic aspects of the actual Monument at the Voortrekker Monument site
This highlighted for me that I was seeing the gathering as being in and around the amphitheatre and NOT at the physical monument itself so please take this as a correction
My response to the emails is contained below
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11/9/2013 7:43:45 AM,
After sending the previous message I realized that I had not provided prayers against witchcraft and curses, these are provided here.
This is a complex topic and there is much more that could be written about it.
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11/9/2013 7:36:30 AM,
Having given little time to the situation in South Africa for many months I have suddenly been given an urgency for the situation there with particular reference to Yah's call for 100,000 adult believers to assemble at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria (as the outward symbol of his covenant with a segment of the believing population) on Monday 16th December 2013 to repent of the sins of the people and the nation and cry out for deliverance
Yah has also said that as many people as possible should embark on seven three day fasts at weekly intervals in the lead up to this meeting in order to prepare the way for repentance and to make sure that the required number of people attend the gathering
The article below gives a detailed set of recommended prayers
See also http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/374/2012-01-05-Getting-close-to-Yah-Appropriate-prayer-and-fasting-are-VITAL-the-answer-to-doctrinal-dif.aspx
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11/9/2013 6:47:25 AM,
This article presents the essence of my current understanding with regard to the Bible as the culmination of something like twelve years moving from a point of believing that the Bible was "The Living Word of Yah" to understanding that it is "a little book" that represents a collection of fragments that Satan was unable to keep Yah from preserving
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10/12/2013 1:42:40 PM,
As I seek to consolidate my understanding regarding the Bible it occurred to me that my article on Summing Up only addressed the negative aspects of the Bible, this article seeks to balance that
I have also created a comprehensive page on the website that presents everything I have written about the Bible since 2009 see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/TheBible.aspx
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10/12/2013 10:24:50 AM,
I was recently asked to sum up what I hold to be true about the Bible and it seemed appropriate to document this.
What is written below is my consolidated understanding gained since 2001 when Yah told me that the Bible was NOT His Word.
It has taken me over decade to adjust to that revelation and to fully understand the way Yah sees the Bible.
At the end of the article are a large number of links to other articles that have a bearing on the topic
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10/12/2013 10:19:53 AM,
In response to the article "The Virgin's Covenant" it is apparent that some do NOT regard Yah's commandments as in the best interests of mankind
This article responds to this opinion.
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10/12/2013 10:14:00 AM,
In response to the article "The Virgin's Covenant" it is apparent that I did NOT adequately address the question of Yah's Mercy in situations of abusive relationships and other situations.
This article discusses this in more depth.
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10/12/2013 10:09:51 AM,
I have been contacted by a number of people with questions relating to failing marriages, planned marriages, etc
This article seeks to provide a robust discussion of the overall picture of the covenant union between man and woman and measures required for success as well as measures intended to clean up current situations entered into through lack of knowledge
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10/12/2013 9:51:37 AM,
Many sincere believers focus on the physical realm and head knowledge when the spirit realm is what really matters
This article addresses one aspect of this dynamic -- Illumination with demons contrasted to Anointing with the Spirit of Yah
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10/12/2013 9:44:50 AM,
After publishing the article on "Is Jesus Zeus" Yah expressed His frustration and anger at the intellectual gymnastics that men go through to deny His true name and the true name of Yahooshua
This article reports what was said to me
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10/12/2013 9:39:59 AM,
I have received negative comment on my indication that the name Jesus is derived from Ieosus and that this name is Greek and derived from Zeus
Following is my response:
Two points:
1. The man’s name was Yahooshua, it was not and never could be Iesous or Jesus or anything other than Yahooshua, just as my name will always be James so arguments about the origins of Iesous and Jesus are futile, they are both attempts to escape the fundamental issue
2. There is so much confusion and contradiction relating to Iesous that intellectual debate about the language will NOT resolve the issue -- there are all sorts of arguments on the Internet one way or another – there is only one source that is reliable and that is Yah and He says that Iesous was adopted in order to divorce the religion that became Christianity from its Hebrew roots in part to try and escape persecution by the Romans and the Hebrews and partly to make the religion more palatable by adopting language and customs that were pagan in origin – virtually all the major building blocks of Christianity relate to pagan Greek and Roman practices
To the extent that you say Iesous is NOT linguistically derived from Zeus there are others who hold differently
See the attachment from http://www.hiddenbible.com/jesuszeus/jesuszeus.html
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10/12/2013 9:27:31 AM,
There are serious misconceptions relating to the reason for the existence of man and for our purpose on earth
This article sets out some little known facts relating to the battle that is being fought on earth and challenges readers to commit themselves fully to the service of the Creator
I urge you to read this prayerfully and consider your options
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10/12/2013 9:23:28 AM,
This article responds to various emails I have received from people challenging me with regard to the names that I advocate
I urge you to read this prayerfully and, if you have any love for the Almighty, Yah the eternally self-existing and Yahooshua {Jesus} that you change to the correct form of their names as an act of love and seek to bring them joy
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10/12/2013 9:11:07 AM,
I received the following article from Gerry Easton in response to the debate with regard to the personage of Yahooshua
With the message "This may help those with the identity problem of the Heavenly Father and His Son"
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10/12/2013 9:01:42 AM,
This article lists those activities and principles that are most important in life when gauged against the outcome on the Day of Judgment
To the extent that you may NOT be doing all of these things in roughly this order of priority I encourage you to seek to do them now
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10/12/2013 8:57:09 AM,
There are serious misconceptions relating to the fate of people who die without knowing Yah or who have been rejected by Yah
This article summarizes what happens and how these people become demons
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10/12/2013 8:47:44 AM,
There is massive confusion relating to the word "Christ"
This word relates to the anointing of the Spirit of Yah and is NOT an alternate name of "Jesus" or Yahooshua
This article discusses this in more detail
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10/12/2013 8:44:16 AM,
There is uncertainty with regard to the correct dates for Yah's calendar for His High Sabbaths and special set-apart {holy} days such as the Day of Atonement
This article discusses this and recommends a source for a calendar that I have found to be reliable in the past
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10/12/2013 8:40:28 AM,
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10/12/2013 7:52:21 AM,
Some were offended by my recent articles on the name Jesus and the Bible having Satanic connotations
This article clarifies the basis of these statements
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10/12/2013 7:42:04 AM,
Many believe that Yahooshua {Jesus} somehow did away with Yah's most set-apart days, such as the Day of Atonement
In fact, Yahooshua lived and died to make it POSSIBLE for us to observe these Sabbath's in the present age
This article discusses this
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10/12/2013 7:38:02 AM,
Someone recently asked me which bible version they should read
This article presents my response which simply put is "none -- build a deep personal relationship with the Almighty and read what He tells you to read "
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10/12/2013 7:34:49 AM,
I receive regular correspondence from people regarding what I believe about Jesus and why I say that Jesus is pagan and worship of Jesus is worship of demons
This article addresses this topic
I receive regular correspondence from people regarding what I believe about Jesus and why I say that Jesus is pagan and worship of Jesus is worship of demons
This article addresses this topic
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I publish on this list
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
I receive regular correspondence from people regarding what I believe about Jesus and why I say that Jesus is pagan and worship of Jesus is worship of demons
This article addresses this topic
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I publish on this list
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
I receive regular correspondence from people regarding what I believe about Jesus and why I say that Jesus is pagan and worship of Jesus is worship of demons
This article addresses this topic
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I publish on this list
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
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10/12/2013 7:27:27 AM,
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9/28/2013 2:35:47 PM,
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12/14/2013 1:15:19 PM,
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9/28/2013 2:31:48 PM,
About a month ago the Almighty said to me "son of man, have you seen the arrogance of those who call themself Christian in their ignorance" and gave me some headlines
This article provides some context for what I write based on my own experience and the discusses the points that lead to the conclusion that the vast majority of Christians are extremely ignorant of the matters of the Almighty AND arrogant in that ignorance.
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9/28/2013 2:20:14 PM,
Many years ago Father prompted me to write an article "Seek Truth NOT Error" with regard to a fundamental principle of life that He was teaching me
Some years ago I revisited the article and found that, notwithstanding that there was much truth in it, there was also significant error
Accordingly I wrote a new article which is attached -- I commend this for your consideration as a vital life principle if one is seeking to serve the Almighty
There is SO MUCH ERROR, focus on what is true and good
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9/28/2013 2:09:12 PM,
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9/28/2013 2:05:29 PM,
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9/28/2013 2:00:25 PM,
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9/28/2013 1:57:09 PM,
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9/28/2013 1:51:31 PM,
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9/28/2013 1:36:32 PM,
I constantly encounter sincere believers who are experiencing loss or difficulty
As a group many really committed believers in South Africa are experiencing difficulty, some are in poverty, others are suffering injuries and other losses
Fundamentally it is written that "Satan roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he MAY devour"
Most people focus on the roaming and the lion when, in fact, it is the permissive "MAY" that should receive maximum attention
The forces of darkness require sin in our lives in order to attack us -- this article discusses the principles and mechanisms that apply
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.
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9/28/2013 1:22:17 PM,
In recent months I have received a stream of emails arguing diverse topics based on human intellect and logic founded on the writings of men, including the Bible
Nearly always these arguments are totally at odds with what the Almighty has to say on the topic
Herewith please find an article written early last year which outlines spiritual measures that one can take in order to hear the Almighty more clearly and align oneself with Him
These recommendations relate to some apparently high risk prayers and intense fasting and seeking after truth
IF you are serious about seeking, serving and pleasing the Almighty Creator these measures are commended for your consideration
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9/28/2013 1:06:28 PM,
I recently received a very harsh email discussion to the effect that the Jews were physically descended from Satan
This debate cited Yahooshua {Jesus}, the Master and the Word as final authority and demonstrated a total lack of understanding of the principles involved by misquoting the words of Yahooshua to prove something that he had not said -- this sort of ignorant poison is behind some of the great tragedies of this generation
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9/28/2013 1:01:42 PM,
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9/28/2013 12:58:20 PM,
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9/28/2013 12:55:48 PM,
This article lists Yah's special days for 2013 drawn from the Qodesh publishers calendar a copy of which is attached or available from http://www.qodesh.co.za
I recommend the Qodesh publishers site for a number of useful books
The New Moon's should be observed with a feast in the evening of the New Moon
The various Sabbath's should be observed as appropriate to each Sabbath
I have also listed the dates that Yah hates (Christmas and Easter) in the hope that you will fast with me at Christmas 2013 and possibly at Easter
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9/28/2013 12:48:35 PM,
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10/17/2013 10:38:17 AM,
In response to the video of Mr Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa, singing "the Cabinet will shoot the boer with machine guns" at the Centenary Celebration of the African National Congress on 8 January 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fzRSE_p1Ys discussed in two messages last week, Yah has given me an extremely challenging and difficult message calling the people to repentance and to seek His face for deliverance
I have agonised over writing this article but eventually concluded it had to be written
It is likely to offend no matter what your religious or political viewpoint so I ask you to consider it prayerfully
Once you have read it, if you recognize the core message to be from Yah, please consider forwarding it to other believers who will potentially take it and act on it
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9/28/2013 10:52:37 AM,
In response to the video of Mr Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa, singing "shoot the boer" allegedly at the Centenary Celebration of the African National Congress on 8 January 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fzRSE_p1Ys the day after Yah declared that there would be massive revolution and destruction, Yah declares that the Covenant between black and white in South Africa has been violated and is no longer of effect (likewise the Constitution) and that a full scale genocidal race war will, in time, occur UNLESS President Zuma and the ANC leadership repent and turn away from such genocidal songs and talk
It is vital to understand that the singing of this song by the President carries far more weight than if it is sung by anyone else, when it is sung by the President publicly in front of a large audience who join in, as in this video, the spiritual impact is huge!
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9/28/2013 10:42:49 AM,
This article reports a song allegedly sung by the President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, in which he repeatedly declares that the Black African people of South Africa, including the Cabinet, will murder Afrikaners, and by extension, white people generally, with machine guns
It has been suggested that these words should NOT be taken seriously, however, consideration of spiritual laws indicates that the genocide inherent in the song must eventually come about UNLESS repented of and cancelled by Mr Zuma and his cabinet colleagues
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9/28/2013 10:33:21 AM,
Following on from the article in which Yah stated that the bible was a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men the next logical question is "what do I do about this?"
This article discusses various actions that are appropriate once you realize the bible is NOT what you thought it was
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9/28/2013 10:28:06 AM,
In response to the article on Satan's lies a few months ago I received an in-depth rebuttal of several points
This article presents the rebuttal verbatim together with the subsequent exchange of emails so that you can form your own opinion on the topics addressed
Note that the domain name of the person writing is "truth is life" which is a very dangerous name since it can delude the person using the domain name into thinking that they have all truth.
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1/31/2014 11:32:00 AM,
This article was written last week but not published.
We are commanded to NOT speak of what the wicked do in secret
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9/28/2013 10:20:05 AM,
In supporting a person who has prayed to be judged in this life and is experiencing a harsh situation Yah has given me a very harsh message concerning the proper perspective on the bible
This article traces my journey through worshipping the book {bible} to the point where I can now hear Yah make such a statement and elaborate on the statement.
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1/31/2014 11:40:30 AM,
Many people on this list find what is published challenging and flying in the face of conventional and common teachings and practices.
This raises the challenge of "who do I listen to".
This article suggests that UNLESS the party who is teaching prays regularly to be judged, corrected of error and led to truth and has fasted intensively in support of this their doctrine should be regarded as suspect.
I have added these prayers to this email and ask you to pray them for me on a regular basis.
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9/28/2013 10:02:15 AM,
Many believers are justly offended by sin and make statements like "I have come to detest television".
Such language is seductive and seems right, however, Father says we should NOT use such language but make clear choices to avoid television programmes and other sources of material that depict sin and are NOT acceptable in His sight.
Another problem with "detest" is if I then watch a program and find it to be NOT detestable then my moral framework for qualifying TV programs in or out is broken and I can move into a place of invalid choices because my "detest" has been bypassed.
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1/31/2014 11:52:39 AM,
The character pattern (it is NOT an English word) YaHuWaH has recently become quite popular as an English representation of the Hebrew phrase YHWH which translates accurately as "Yah the eternally self-existing" which is the descriptive name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
If it is necessary to represent this phrase by one word in English (as is sometimes necessary to fit worship music) the correct transliteration of YHWH is Yahooeh
Yah says that YaHuWaH is NOT a valid representation and it is offensive to Him and Grieves Him.
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9/28/2013 9:51:17 AM,
There are many good reasons to accept that the Day begins at sunset with regard to Sabbath observance and the like and this point is supported by a person on the list who disagrees with the recent article suggesting that the Day begins at sunrise.
I have it that Yah has confirmed to me what was written last week and it is up to each reader to form their own opinion.
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9/28/2013 9:46:40 AM,
The world is dominated and ruled by the forces of darkness which hate truth and love error, the majority opinion with regard to the things of the Almight is ALWAYS wrong.
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9/28/2013 9:41:23 AM,
The balance of the important worship songs / psalms.
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9/28/2013 9:35:25 AM,
It is almost universal religious practice on the part of Jews and Messianic believers to observe the Sabbath from sunset to sunset.
As with so many other traditions it turns out that this is also incorrect and that the regular Sabbath should run from SUNRISE to sunrise.
It is almost universal religious practice on the part of Jews and Messianic believers to observe the Sabbath from sunset to sunset.
As with so many other traditions it turns out that this is also incorrect and that the regular Sabbath should run from SUNRISE to sunrise.
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9/28/2013 9:28:37 AM,
Frequently believers are called to do things.
Most often they turn away because the task seems too daunting or too unpalatable.
that is NOT the issue.
Obedience is THE issue.
Through obedience we create a benchmark against which others, similarly called, will be judged.
"did you listen? did you obey? were you willing to pay the price? are three questions that many will fail on the Day of Judgment and the basis of their judgment will be the extent to which someone DID listen, DID obey, WAS willing to pay the price!
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9/28/2013 9:25:18 AM,
Yah judge me severely is the most fundamentally important prayer we can pray.
A person on this list has recently prayed that prayer and found himself in severe distress -- a measure of the sin there was in his life.
BUT he is pressing through and his life will never be the same.
Are you willing to seek total transformation in your life?
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9/28/2013 9:01:28 AM,
Few realize that it is possible to be led by the Spirit of the Creator every second of every day.
Far fewer attempt it.
Even fewer succeed.
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9/28/2013 8:58:24 AM,
Following on from the previous articles I was impressed to research other words.
I found nothing negative relating to mercy, grace, favour, worship, pray and blasphemy.
It was suggested that "amein" should be used instead of "amen" as "Amen" is associated with a pagan (Satanic) deity.
The Hebrew "chesed" which means covenant love including loving kindness embraces mercy, grace and favour and is therefore perhaps a more suitable word when speaking about these concepts.
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2/1/2014 9:25:01 AM,
Following on from the previous articles the same website documents evidence that weeks commence on the New Moon and should follow a lunar calendar.
However, since there are 29.5+ days in a lunar month a seven day week does NOT fit so observance of the Sabbath as the seventh day becomes problematic.
Yah has pointed out that the precise pattern of weeks, months and years was disrupted during the flood when the earth was knocked off its axis, its orbit round the sun was distorted to an eclipse instead of a circle and the orbit of the moon was disrupted.
Yah recommends that one asks for Mercy and Grace and adhere to the currently accepted calendar as any other weekly cycle will cause massive disruption.
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9/28/2013 8:45:11 AM,
Following on from the previous two articles the same website documents a number of other language errors.
The article below contains links to some of their pages.
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9/28/2013 8:39:59 AM,
Following on from the previous article the same website documents a number of other major errors, in particular, glory is another blasphemous name (refer previous article for more information).
The full article from http://iahushua.com/ST-RP/glory.htm is recorded below and I urge you to read it -- there is further challenging information on this site.
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9/28/2013 8:36:33 AM,
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1/30/2014 2:22:36 PM,
It has been on my heart for some time to share the details of the worship songs that I have used as my core worship resource for many years and which have assisted me to draw close to Yah.
This is the first of a series of articles with details of those songs with the lyrics, some commentary and links to copies of the song.
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1/30/2014 10:52:31 AM,
Following on from the previous article on prayer herewith a fairly comprehensive list of the prayers that I pray fairly regularly, some nearly daily, which I hope you will find helpful.
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3/5/2014 5:23:22 PM,
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9/28/2013 8:16:04 AM,
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9/28/2013 8:13:19 AM,
This morning I was thinking about Satan's most effective lies, the lies that are keeping the greatest number of people lined up to burn in the Lake of Fire and are keeping the greatest number of people away from deep personal knowledge of Yah (the Almighty) and the things of Yah
This article lists those lies
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9/28/2013 8:08:54 AM,
Many believers take pride in not using pornography but are unaware that the word means the portrayal of fornication which does NOT necessarily refer to nudity.
Thus Chick Flicks, Soap Operas, Live Theatre and many other forms of entertainment represent fornication in the sense of characters making it clear that there is a sexual relationship that is contrary to the commandments of Yah.
Discretion is required with regard to what one watches and my inclination is to avoid it all.
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9/28/2013 8:05:22 AM,
Many people totally misunderstand Yahooshua and do not realize that he was, in fact, an OLD Testament prophet (spokesman of Yah) .
This article outlines why this is and what the implications are.
Many people totally misunderstand Yahooshua and do not realize that he was, in fact, an OLD Testament prophet (spokesman of Yah) .
This article outlines why this is and what the implications are.
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9/28/2013 8:00:08 AM,
Many people teach that the word "cleave" relating to the relationship between man and woman in Genesis relates to the man "adhering" to his woman.
This article discusses why this is entirely false.
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9/28/2013 7:55:05 AM,
Most believers believe that Bible School is the RIGHT thing to do
In fact it is not.
The RIGHT thing to do is to seek a deep personal relationship with Yah and NOT rely on other people.
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