2013.10.11 South Africa: About the Voortrekker Monument Created by James on 11/9/2013 7:17:16 AM In response to the message on Prayer and Fasting for South Africa I received two emails relating to the Masonic aspects of the actual Monument at the Voortrekker Monument site
This highlighted for me that I was seeing the gathering as being in and around the amphitheatre and NOT at the physical monument itself so please take this as a correction
My response to the emails is contained below
South Africa
About the Voortrekker Monument
James Robertson
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In response to the previous email which referred to Yah calling believers to assemble at the Voortrekker Monument I received two emails for a person on the list, the first stating that the Voortrekker Monument contained massive Masonic and therefore Satanic elements and that it was therefore not right for people to gather there
The short answer to that is that I did NOT express myself clearly, Father wants people to gather in the amphitheatre on the Monument grounds. The longer answer is that Yah is constrained to operate in a contaminated and Satanically controlled environment and there is nowhere else suitable given that the Covenant of Blood River provides for a building and that building IS the Voortrekker Monument
The emails and my response are duplicated below:
Re: [ETI 2013.10.08] South Africa -- Call to Fast and Pray for Repentance and Deliverance
Andries Pretorius was my forefather I am a direct descendant of him.
The monument you speak of is a pagan occult abomination dedicated to sun worship.
Most of the leaders who signed that covenant were freemasons of which Andries Pretorius was one.
Me and my family their descendants paid the price in blood pain and rivers of tears for their sins of rebellion (freemasonry) which is likened to witchcraft.
Yah curses to third and fourth generation those who rebel (hate) against Him.
We were cursed for witchery over many generations.
Yah has now by Favour alone restored four generations on my direct bloodline to His Righteous Torah.
I bless Him from my heart and being.
Please how can you ask Torah believers the children of YHVH to go and assemble at a pagan shrine????????
Do some research please and take care not to be guilty of laying traps before the blind.
I was an occult witch for 52 years then Yah touched me and called me out.
I praise Him for that and I know what I am talking about.
We are NOT to have anything at all to do with pagan temples and sun worship.
That building is a shrine to hasatan. Please do your research on this matter lest you are found to mislead His children.
Spoken to you in His Peace. Bless You YHVH!
>>> MY REPLY <<<
Dear ….
You are correct about the Voortrekker Monument’s Masonic design and construction
It is also so that virtually every church building in the world and most secular buildings have strong Masonic influence
Virtually all believers are heavily demonized as I am sure that you know more than most
The doctrines of the entire formal “Christian” “church” as massively apostate and false as are all the significant widely used words used in worship and day to day reference to the Almighty and His matters
Even the vast majority of those who believe and have come out of the “Church” are still massively demonized and have substantial error
The entire planet is in the grip of the forces of evil because Satan IS the mighty one {god} of this earth
The reality is that even believers who appear to be devout generally have significant demonic infestation and major error plus inherited curses and the demons that go with that
I personally have been through numerous sessions of deliverance, some running for several days, over a period of nearly twenty years to come to a point where I want to believe that I am relatively clear, the average believer does not have the privilege of access to that level of ministry and so must live with massive demonic baggage and still seek to do their best to serve the Almighty
So, as per your second email regarding the Monument itself, you are correct, people should NOT assemble AT the Monument itself but in the Amphitheatre, a distinction that I clearly need to make, so thank you for that
What IS true is that those who went into battle at Blood River DID call on the Almighty and DID enter into Covenant with Him notwithstanding their error and alleged other allegiances
It is also true that amongst at least some of the descendants of those who fought there WAS a desire to honour the terms of that Covenant and the building now referred to as the Voortrekker Monument was erected in terms of the Covenant even if the design and construction was hijacked at a significant level
The dilemma Yah faces in dealing with mankind is that IF He refused to meet with men at ANY place where there is some level of demonic and Satanic activity or assignment then He would have great difficulty finding any place to meet
Conversely, in seeking a place to meet with men He needs to locate a place where there IS a focus of belief {faith} and some level of dedication to Him and His name, however corrupt that location may be
It is so that in strict spiritual legal terms that there IS a Covenant that exists to this day between the descendants of those who took the oath at Blood River (Ncome) and the Almighty and that this creates a spiritual legal basis for the Almighty to move in South Africa in the present situation PROVIDED those people intercede to graft the other believers in South Africa into that Covenant – we are NO longer in an age where a new corporate covenant of this nature can be made
It is ALSO so that in strict spiritual terms the Voortrekker Monument site, NO MATTER how corrupt, IS the place where one of the terms of that Covenant have been observed, no matter how corruptly and it is therefore a place where men HAVE called on the Name of the Creator and many at some level associate with the Covenant that was made at Blood River
Thus we have a situation where corrupt mankind has no option but to meet at a corrupt venue to observe a Covenant that has been only observed to a limited extent by the human partakers in that Covenant and YET the Almighty chooses to extend MERCY and loving kindness towards those who believe and afford them the opportunity to come before Him and repent of EVERYTHING, including their Free Masonic and other secret society links, their witchcraft, their ancestor worship, etc
There is NO other place in South Africa which satisfies the spiritual legal requirements for this meeting and I have absolute certainty that 100,000 adult believers gathered for a full day, following on sustained prayer and fasting WILL break through the evil that surrounds them and oppresses them and create the necessary spiritual weight in the spirit realm to allow our merciful and loving Creator to deliver them as He deeply desires
IF we prevent people from assembling, for whatever good reason, the possibility of deliverance for the people of South Africa is non-existent
I will post a clarification to the list
Thank you so much for your interest and concern
Warm regards and blessings,
Voortrekker Monument Pagan Masonic Sun Worship Temple an ABOMINATION TO YHUH
>>> MY REPLY<<<
Thank you ….
For the benefit of the wider audience that you have emailed here I append the email that I sent to you personally about the Voortrekker Monument and the dilemma the Almighty Creator, Yah the eternally self-existing, faces in dealing with mankind in this corrupt world which is the MOST corrupt generation that has ever lived
As a broader comment on the article
The article, as with virtually every expose of the work of Satan on earth uses judgmental and self-righteous language, the blasphemous name “God” and cites the book commonly known as “The Bible” as a defining authority, which it is NOT – see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/TheBible.aspx
Our whole English and other modern language vocabulary, words like “Christ”, “Jesus”, “Holy”, “Glory”, etc, etc is contaminated with pagan and Satanic connotation and meaning such that to avoid error completely one has to substitute so many words that communication with unschooled people becomes almost impossible
The subject line of the email to which I am responding contains the name “Yhuh” which is NOT the Name of the Creator and, is in itself, erroneous – the fundamental, essential Name of the Almighty expressed in modern English is “Yah”, at a stretch “Yahooeh”, very approximately “Yahweh” (the latter two being accurately translated as “Yah the eternally self-existing”)
Thus we find that those who condemn error ALSO have specks in their own eyes and frequently those specks are PLANKS such that the sin of the one judging is as great or greater than the sin of the one they judge and expose
It is better simply to state facts and leave it at that – see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/456/2013-05-01-Seek-truth-NOT-error.aspx
The world IS full of error and deception, Satan’s messengers {angels) and billions of demons rule on earth almost without restraint
Yah requires us to focus on His truth NOT on the errors that surround us, easy to say, NOT easy to do but THAT is the yardstick by which we are called to walk
Warm regards and blessings,
May the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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