2012.11.09 Yah’s day begins at sunrise Created by James on 9/28/2013 9:35:25 AM
It is almost universal religious practice on the part of Jews and Messianic believers to observe the Sabbath from sunset to sunset.
As with so many other traditions it turns out that this is also incorrect and that the regular Sabbath should run from SUNRISE to sunrise.
It is almost universal religious practice on the part of Jews and Messianic believers to observe the Sabbath from sunset to sunset.
As with so many other traditions it turns out that this is also incorrect and that the regular Sabbath should run from SUNRISE to sunrise.
Yah’s day begins at sunrise
James Robertson
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Many years ago I received an article which claimed that Yah’s day begins at sunrise NOT sunset as is generally believed in Jewish circles and amongst the vast majority of believers who observe the true Sabbath.
I prayed about it, Yah confirmed that it WAS so that His day begins at sunrise and that sunrise to sunrise was the correct time-frame for observing the Sabbath.
I published an article accordingly and for some years observed the Sabbath on this basis.
However, over the years the enormous weight of opinion and convention regarding sunset to sunset tripped me up and I started more or less observing the Sabbath from sunset on Friday to sunrise on Sunday “just to be sure” -- a classic Rabbinic cop out.
In the last few weeks I have been troubled by this and last Saturday, as I was writing the various articles about blasphemous names, etc I became more troubled.
This morning I finally asked Yah about it and He confirmed that His day DOES begin at SUNRISE – Sabbath observance, both the weekly Sabbath and most of the high Sabbaths should therefore be observed from sunrise to sunrise.
Note that we are commanded to observe the Day of Atonement from sunset to sunset and that the Passover meal is taken after sunset.
As with so many of these issues the truth has been corrupted over time.
Yah’s day begins at sunrise and we should therefore observe the Sabbath accordingly.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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