Once one achieves a significant level of anointing one will start to see the world from a different perspective, you will become aware of the huge levels of sin and error but at some level feel yourself to be removed from that sin and error
If you are praying the appropriate directional prayers you will find that people are taken out of your life, others are brought into your life and the way you live your life will change progressively
In time this will bring about a situation where in a real sense you are IN the world but NOT OF the world, i.e. you are no longer a part of much of what is going on in the world even though you are observing it and, IF you truly seek Yah intensely you will find that what is happening in the world will have a diminished impact on you
The extent to which this happens in your life, IF it happens at all, will be a function of what you pray and the level of commitment and dedication that you bring to bear in drawing close to Yah and being led by His Spirit in every way AND in having a deep personal relationship with Him
If you are a shallow nominal believer with NO relationship, NO anointing and who carries on living life the way the world lives then you will NOT understand what I am writing about here AND you will NOT experience what I am writing about here
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