2012.11.22 South Africa - The Covenant is NO MORE Created by James on 9/28/2013 10:52:37 AM In response to the video of Mr Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa, singing "shoot the boer" allegedly at the Centenary Celebration of the African National Congress on 8 January 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fzRSE_p1Ys the day after Yah declared that there would be massive revolution and destruction, Yah declares that the Covenant between black and white in South Africa has been violated and is no longer of effect (likewise the Constitution) and that a full scale genocidal race war will, in time, occur UNLESS President Zuma and the ANC leadership repent and turn away from such genocidal songs and talk
It is vital to understand that the singing of this song by the President carries far more weight than if it is sung by anyone else, when it is sung by the President publicly in front of a large audience who join in, as in this video, the spiritual impact is huge!
South Africa – The Covenant is NO MORE
James Robertson
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In the previous message I discussed the reasons why the words sung by Jacob Zuma at the ANC Centenary on 8 January 2012 would resonate in the spirit realm until the declared genocidal war on white South Africans came to pass OR Zuma and his cabinet repented and cancelled out the spoken words.
I also mentioned that in my own first-hand experience genocidal race murders of white South Africans by black South Africans are already a reality and are a manifestation of this song and songs like it sung over many years by the ANC despite majority rule and the government of the country now being in the hands of the ANC.
As I mentioned I was deeply troubled and upset when I encountered this video on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fzRSE_p1Ys
So much so that for several days I was unable to hear Yah clearly on the matter.
Eventually last night I had expressed enough of the anxiety and distress to be able to calm my spirit enough to hear Yah.
To sum up the position:
1. It has been declared by the President of South Africa that the black African people of South Africa, LED by the Cabinet will use machine guns to shoot boers (Afrikaners) and by extension ALL white people since there is no ready distinction between whites of different European descent – this is a declaration of war and wholesale genocide.
2. This song, specifically sung by the President, constitutes a breach of the covenant that was reached between the ruling white government and the African National Congress in the early nineties that led to black majority rule – it nullifies that covenant.
3. It constitutes a breach of the Constitution which guarantees human rights and nullifies the Constitution.
4. The song violates the High Court order last year declaring it hate speech and places the President and the ANC, with the blessing of the President, above the Rule of Law.
5. Fundamentally the words constitute a declaration of an all-out genocidal race war on the white people of South Africa UNLESS those words are repented of and recalled by President Zuma and the leaders of the ANC – it is vital that those on this list who have influence with the ANC use that influence to bring about repentance, cancellation of the words and forceful prohibition of such songs EVER again being sung.
Barring such repentance and withdrawal Yah says that “a race war is inevitable” and that, while in percentage terms there are more Afrikaners close to Him than in any other people group and He will therefore fight WITH them they will ultimately lose the war and 75% of those whites who remain in South Africa at the start of the war will perish because of their errors with regard to Jesus, the bible, etc (also UNLESS they repent).
Yah says further that those who truly turn to Him and deal with their sin and seek a way to leave the country before the war WILL be assisted to leave.
The ONLY way that war can be prevented is for President Zuma and the ANC to repent publicly, cancel out the song and strongly prevent the singing of such songs and act to stamp out the genocidal murders that are already happening.
The Covenant between white and black has been violated and set aside, a genocidal race war is inevitable UNLESS the President and leaders of the ANC repent and forcefully act to stem the tide of violence that is already rising up in the country.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. I ask that Yah will judge me severely and correct me harshly, show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it and lead me into ALL truth with regard to this teaching and EVERY teaching that I offer, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.
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