2012.08.09 "Chick Flicks" ARE pornography TOO Created by James on 9/28/2013 8:08:54 AM Many believers take pride in not using pornography but are unaware that the word means the portrayal of fornication which does NOT necessarily refer to nudity.
Thus Chick Flicks, Soap Operas, Live Theatre and many other forms of entertainment represent fornication in the sense of characters making it clear that there is a sexual relationship that is contrary to the commandments of Yah.
Discretion is required with regard to what one watches and my inclination is to avoid it all.
“Chick Flicks” are pornography TOO
James Robertson
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While statistics indicate that somewhere in excess of 60% of believers use pornography at some level many believers complacently watch so-called “Chick Flicks”, watch soap opera’s etc not realizing that these are ALSO pornography.
The word “pornography” stems from the Greek “porneia” which in biblical terms is used to reflect adultery and fornication.
The word “graphy” stems from a word meaning the visual or graphical depiction of something.
Accordingly “pornography” is the graphical depiction of fornication and adultery.
Most movies include some level of fornication or adultery – viewers do not necessarily see the act, in fact many would declare that they would NEVER watch “that sort of thing” but they watch movies and TV programs in which a woman implicitly has multiple sexual partners, they see affairs, they see reference to use of prostitutes, call girls, escorts, etc, etc.
The underlying message is clear – these men and women are having sex – it is simply NOT being visibly depicted on the screen but the viewer KNOWS that the sexual acts are taking place.
Fact is, this is JUST as much pornography as watching sexually explicit movies, reading sexually explicit books and magazines, etc.
In fact most of the novels read by predominantly women with romance involved are ALSO pornography in the sense that they refer to promiscuous behaviour.
I have reached a point where I will hardly watch any movie or soap opera or chick flick or live theatre because they virtually ALL depict relationship conduct which is adulterous and they therefore ALL fall into the category of pornography.
So, the question is, do you want to please Yah or do you want to watch your worldly, contaminated “entertainment” at the potential risk to your eternal destiny?
Many believers claim to eschew pornography but then watch soap operas, chick flicks and the like which also depict fornication, that is “porneia” and which are just as much pornography as sexually explicit material – remember that Adam and Chavah {Eve} were “naked and unashamed” – the shame is NOT in the nakedness it is in the forbidden relationships.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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