2013.12.05 Father's COMPASSION towards MANY Afrikaner WOMEN – DIVORCE Created by James on 12/22/2013 8:05:18 AM The previous article addressed the wrong conduct of many Afrikaner men NOT all, there ARE many Afrikaner men who ARE close to the Almighty
This article addresses the situation specifically of those Afrikaner women who ARE close to the Almighty and are in covenant with / married to those men who are in grievous sin and / or seriously abusing their women
Because of the harsh judgment that has now been unleashed on South Africa the Almighty will extend special grace to women in this situation and will grant them divorce where possible
This article discusses the basis for such divorce
Father's COMPASSION towards MANY Afrikaner WOMEN – DIVORCE
James Robertson
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This article is a direct extension of the previous article relating to the harshness and sinfulness of many Afrikaner men.
In percentage terms more Afrikaners and specifically Afrikaner women close to the Almighty
In recent years the Almighty has shown me that as a people the Afrikaner people have a greater percentage of true believers, that is believers who are moderately close to Him (male and female), than there are in percentage terms amongst ANY other people on earth.
Recently the Almighty has shown me that WITHIN this group there are SEVEN times more WOMEN than men who are close to Him.
As a consequence of this there are MANY believing Afrikaner women who are in covenant with {married to} unbelieving men.
Many Afrikaner men in grievous sin – fornication and abandoning covenant women and children
The Almighty has ALSO very recently shown me that amongst the Afrikaner MEN who ARE NOT close to Him there is a group that is very harsh, very religious, very proud, very self-righteous and who are in GREAT ERROR and great sin see Father's ANGER towards MANY Afrikaner MEN:
This sin of abandoning covenant women and abandoning children to poverty, witchcraft and ancestor worship and justifying their actions based on the bible is bringing harsh judgment on these men. This abuse of African women and the children that are fathered as a consequence of the conduct cited above has also generated HUGE resentment and anger amongst the population of South Africa of African appearance and is increasingly resulting in brutal and barbaric murders, rape, etc.
The covenant woman {wife} is inevitably caught up in violence towards the man
Because a woman resides with a man the violence that is referred to above comes on her as well. As a consequence a significant number of women close to the Almighty have already suffered barbaric rape, assault and murder and the Almighty is DEEPLY GRIEVED by this situation because He has to WATCH every incident where a woman He loves is destroyed this way.
Note that ALL incidents of this nature can ONLY happen if there is sin, see Judgement in THIS Life:
Because these women are under the protection of their husbands any attack on the husband will come on the woman as well. Because the women are ALSO in sin with regard to diverse Christian doctrinal errors there is NO way for Yah to protect them, see the article on “Important Truths” reference lower down.
Harsh and abusive treatment of women
Most of these men are harsh and abusive towards their wives and children. Mostly verbally abusive and generally treating their women badly and showing NO tenderness, some are physically abusive. Some effectively treat their women as servants or slaves.
The women are generally extremely submissive and accept this harsh treatment as their lot in life on the basis of church teaching and upbringing.
Similar harsh treatment of women occurs amongst many OTHER men who are NOT fornicating in the manner described in the article referenced above.
It happens that because there are so many MORE believing women than men that most of the women who are close to Father Yah are married to men such as those described above.
Father stresses that it is His CLEAR commandment that a man should protect and care for his woman / women and treat them tenderly.
The Almighty’s call for nationwide corporate repentance has been ignored
The Almighty made a way for nationwide corporate repentance and prayer for deliverance culminating on Monday 16th December 2013 with His call for at least 100,000 adult believers to gather at the Voortrekker Monument see the South Africa – The REAL Issues website relating to this call at
and in Afrikaans at
See also correspondence in this regard at
and in Afrikaans at
This call was almost totally IGNORED and the Almighty says that the judgment that has been foretold cannot now be turned away, it is only a matter of time. The South African economy will decline substantially within four years, that is by end of 2017. Before the end of 2031 there will be a massive bloody revolution in which almost all Europeans, Asians and people of mixed race as well as Africans from outside of South Africa will be brutally murdered. Only those in the Western Cape will survive.
This bloodletting will then escalate into a tribal war that will see all the groups other than Zulu and Xhosa killed before a massive war between Zulu and Xhosa culminates with the Zulu victorious. This will happen NO LATER than the end of 2031, that is in eighteen years’ time.
All who can flee should flee.
The Afrikaner “Volk” will be “utterly obliterated” and ALL corporate promises are NOW annulled
The Almighty states that by the end of this process the Afrikaner people as a recognizable and visible group of people will have ceased to exist and within 50 years they will have been “totally assimilated” into other populations.
The Almighty further states that because of “the GREAT SIN” of the Afrikaner people “all corporate promises are hereby (today, Monday 16th December 2013) annulled and set aside”. All the promises of the Almighty are CONTINGENT on right behaviour and therefore ALL promises for a bright future for the Afrikaner people and South Africa as a homeland of the Afrikaner people have been “obliterated and are of NO FURTHER EFFECT”, this INCLUDES the visions of Siener van Rensburg and others of his generation.
Only a remnant of those who believe will be preserved to continue in their service to the Almighty and “they will have to make a REAL effort to get free of their sin”.
The Almighty desires to protect those who ARE close to Him
It is ALWAYS the desire of the Almighty to protect those who ARE relatively close to Him and who have relationship with Him. To this end He is AGAIN calling those who DO believe He exists and answers prayer to redouble their efforts to come to a place of set-apartness {holiness} and to get free of sin.
This requires that they deal with ALL sin including the sin that they are NOT NOW AWARE OF. I hope to write a further article on this shortly. Also see Important truths relating to the matters of Yah the eternally self-existing:
as well as Life WITHOUT sin:
and Life WITHOUT sin - Amplification:
and Getting close to Yah Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL the answer to doctrinal differences:
If you are unclear as to the value of getting free of sin see Pictures from Hell Drawn by a young Korean artist:
specifically view the paintings at https://app.box.com/s/b2ohx0nr7ejx528u062m
Note that these are BELIEVERS, those that DISDAIN the sacrifice of Yahooshua!
The Almighty is NOT interested in those that do NOT believe He exists. On the Day of Judgement they will be cast into the fire and utterly consumed.
In particular, since the destruction of South Africa is NOW CERTAIN, the Almighty desires to do what He can to save those who ARE close to Him.
In the context of this particular article He desires to save those women who are close to Him and who are in covenant with / married to the men who are in the sort of gross sin mentioned above as well as others in circumstances where the Almighty CAN make a way out.
There ARE some for whom there is NO way out at this time.
The Almighty WILL grant these believing women divorce under certain circumstances
Where a believing woman is in covenant with or married to a man who is in grievous sin Father desires to grant divorce WHERE there are sufficient grounds. He will ALSO grant divorce to other believing women where applicable where there are grounds. There is a significant amount of information on divorce on the website – use the search box in the right hand side bar and search for “divorce”. See Understanding Divorce at
In considering what follows take particular note of “the Virgins Covenant”, the covenant that comes into existence when a man takes / is given the virginity of a woman with the shedding of blood. This results in an eternal covenant that can ONLY be broken under VERY specific circumstances see The Virgin's Covenant at:
If you are a woman (or man) who is questioning whether what is written here is applicable to you it is VITAL that you read the above article attentively and prayerfully.
In summary the Almighty WILL grant divorce under the following circumstances subject to various caveats:
1. Woman gave her virginity to another man
In a case where a woman gave her virginity to another man before she consummated with her present “husband” then, UNLESS certain very specific conditions were complied with she is in adultery, her present man or legal “husband” is NOT her man {husband} in the sight of the Almighty and she can walk away and apply for legal divorce with complete assurance that the Almighty WILL grant her request.
Note that under such circumstances the woman is actually in spiritual legal terms a whore and this may be giving rise to harsh treatment from her man and IF she cleans up her situation the relationship MIGHT improve. However, should she apply to the Court of Heaven for a divorce, having followed due process and be granted a divorce and THEN consummate a new covenant with her current man and his behaviour does NOT change there will be NO release.
2. Explicit monogamous covenant broken
Particularly in the context of the sins of many Afrikaner men addressed in the previous article, IF the woman gave her virginity to her present man {husband} AFTER formally agreeing to enter into a MONOGAMOUS covenant, whether formally verbally discussed and agreed to BEFORE first intercourse OR in formal “marriage vows” in a church or before a magistrate BEFORE first intercourse AND the man then breaks the covenant of monogamy be having intercourse with other women, irrespective of race, there IS a basis for divorce under certain circumstances.
In assessing such a situation it is vital to understand that IF first intercourse took place without a FORMAL agreement to monogamy there is NO basis for divorce in terms of this item. First intercourse LOCKS down the covenant in the Court of Heaven and NO changes after that are of any validity except in EXTREME circumstances. The default covenant is fundamentally a polygamous (many women) covenant.
IF the woman has made NO reasonable attempt to meet the sexual needs of her man from the time of first intercourse or some later time such that he has gone to another woman or women in desperation it is highly UNLIKELY that the Almighty will grant divorce since it is an inherent requirement of a monogamous covenant that a woman agrees to meet ALL the reasonable sexual needs of her man, even if he wants sex x times a day.
If a man and woman explicitly agree a monogamous covenant and the man has taken the virginity of one or more other women BEFORE the agreement to monogamy AND before first intercourse then the monogamous covenant is NULL AND VOID in the Court of Heaven because the man already has covenants with these other women and these covenants CANNOT be summarily set aside.
If the woman had intercourse with the man KNOWING that he had had intercourse with other women before her, even if they were NOT virgins, she should realize that she was being extremely naïve to believe that the man would adhere to monogamy UNLESS they sat down, looked each other in the eye and he gave her his TOTAL assurance, preferably in writing, that he would NEVER go with another woman.
3. Man is categorically NOT a believer OR has sinned beyond redemption
There is an EXPRESS commandment NOT to join to unbelievers.
If a woman joined to an unbeliever under the mistaken belief that he WAS a believer and subsequently found that he was NOT and after sufficient prayer and intercession he is STILL not a believer there is a basis for divorce BUT you will have to ask the Almighty for guidance as this is NOT guaranteed. The reverse also applies (woman an unbeliever).
If the man WAS a believer but has subsequently entered into such grievous sin AND been warned repeatedly by the Almighty through others AND has come to the point of utter rejection there IS a basis for divorce. However, ONLY the Almighty can determine IF this point has been reached and RENEWED efforts to avert disaster on the part of the woman will almost certainly be called for.
If the woman came to belief AFTER consummation and they were BOTH unbelievers at the time of consummation then CONSIDERABLE prayer on the part of the woman for MANY years will generally be required before the Almighty grants divorce.
Note however that many people who THINK they came to belief later in life actually came to belief at an embryonic level as children or teenagers and this spark is rekindled later in life. Accordingly the issue of “believer versus unbeliever” is very complex and ONLY the Almighty can judge.
4. Default covenant grievously broken
In the event that there was NO formal covenant agreement BEFORE first intercourse, the Almighty’s default terms apply, see the article on the Virgin’s covenant and take note specifically of:
♦ lead your woman closer to the Almight
♦ love her even if she beats you, flogs you and nails you to a stake {cross}
♦ treat her gently and tenderly
♦ provide for her
♦ make love to her tenderly and skilfully
♦ accept her the way she is when you covenant with her and do NOT try and change her
♦ comply with any specific terms you may have agreed BEFORE consummation (additional terms are OPTIONAL and NOT necessary) – the previous terms apply UNLESS you contract OUT BEFORE consummation
♦ most women today would want their man to agree to monogamy, the default terms do NOT include monogamy, they include polygamy, more than one woman with one man – it is important to be absolutely clear on this point BEFORE consummation – if he is having sex with other women when he consummates with you do NOT be surprised when he continues to do this subsequently AND realise that you will have no basis to complain UNLESS you covenanted exclusive monogamy
♦ break this covenant and you will die – NOT necessarily in THIS life but you will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment – breaking this covenant MAY bring death in this life to offender but then the life of the other party to the covenant must be BEYOND REPROACH
♦ follow your man wherever he goes and promote him towards Yah
♦ love him and submit to him in EVERYTHING even if he requires you to be beaten, flogged and nailed to a stake
♦ honour and adore him
♦ support him and work with him in all his endeavors
♦ bear his children and raise them
♦ make love to him passionately and skilfully
♦ keep yourself to him only sexually
♦ accept him the way he is when you covenant with him and do NOT try and change him – if he was drunk when you consummated accept that he will be drunk again
♦ comply with any specific terms you may have agreed BEFORE consummation (additional terms are OPTIONAL and NOT necessary) – the previous terms apply UNLESS you contract OUT BEFORE consummation
♦ break this covenant and you will die – see note above
It will be readily apparent from the above that a covenant on the basis of the default terms is NOT easily set aside. That said, IF the one party has been scrupulous in observance of these terms and the other has violated them on a comprehensive basis there IS a basis for divorce.
Again ONLY the Almighty can decide.
That said it IS permissible for a woman who has done everything she knows to do, who has prayed repeatedly for the healing of her marriage and changed all she knows to change and is at breaking point to cry out to the Almighty to release her in a spirit of brokenness, such release MAY be granted.
If on the other hand there were clear covenant terms in accordance with the Almighty’s commandments and one party seriously violates them then divorce is a relatively simple matter, typically after two formal warnings.
5. Man is in such sin that his woman faces dire consequences
As an extension of the previous point, where the man is in gross sin, as described in the previous article, such that the safety of the woman and her children (where relevant) is at massive risk.
AND where the man has been formally and repeatedly warned;
AND where the woman has cried out to the Almighty in prayer and intercession for the man to turn from his evil ways;
A point MAY be reached where the Almighty will extend mercy and release the woman (or man).
Note however that IF the woman is an active participant and co-conspirator in the sin of the man then divorce will probably NOT be granted. So a woman who withholds sex and then tells her man to “go f_ck the maid” or “get a wh_re” or similar and THEN years later complains about the conduct of her man almost certainly has NO basis for release. In a case like that the man might in fact have a basis for divorce!
6. Other
The Almighty IS merciful and there can be OTHER circumstances where a divorce MAY be granted.
As I have it, the fundamental test is whether the party filing for divorce has done EVERYTHING they reasonably can to heal the relationship. Note that the Almighty is the SOLE arbiter of reasonableness!
In a case where there IS a massively dysfunctional situation AND the woman TRULY is doing all she can to get close to the Almighty AND has been praying for the healing of the relationship for a significant time there MAY come a point where the Almighty will release her.
In general the Almighty will ALMOST ALWAYS require her to redouble her efforts and prayer to heal the union BEFORE He will grant divorce. Where there is GREAT danger viewed from the Almighty’s perspective and the woman really HAS tried her best, there may be greater clemency than there would have been otherwise.
Ultimately the ONLY answer is to go before the Almighty with a broken spirit and a contrite heart and IF you truly believe that divorce is the ONLY answer ask Him for a clear sign AND to make a way out. Then if your man comes home drunk and tells you to … off out of the house, do so, go to family or friends and file for divorce, do NOT return to him.
In ALL the above cases come HUMBLY to the Creator and ask for clear guidance, He says that right now, IF you are a woman married to men such as those addressed in the previous article it is LIKELY that He will give your application serious consideration.
Remember that the Almighty has said that it is His DESIRE to set women who are in such marriages free IF He can find a legally valid way.
May Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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