2012.11.12 The Starting of a New Day Created by on 9/28/2013 9:51:17 AM There are many good reasons to accept that the Day begins at sunset with regard to Sabbath observance and the like and this point is supported by a person on the list who disagrees with the recent article suggesting that the Day begins at sunrise.
I have it that Yah has confirmed to me what was written last week and it is up to each reader to form their own opinion.
The Starting of a New Day
James Robertson
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In response to the article 2012.11.09 Yah's day begins at sunrise I received the following from a man who has been on the list for many years and whose opinion I really respect:
“Hi James
“In the 90’s I received an article written by a Craig Peters from the USA entitled “Day Spring” regarding the Sabbath starting at sunrise. Initially I was taken in but then with prayer the following Old Covenant Scripture came to me and being before the Pharisees and the false teachers of Messiah’s time it convinced me that this was a false teaching.
“Nehemiah [Nehemyah] 13: 19 “ . . .when the gates of Jerusalem began to dark before the Sabbath, I commanded that the gate should be shut. . “
“It darkened toward the Sabbath not lightened as it would have had the Sabbath started in the morning.
“Then we have Messiah’s sign of the 3 days and 3 nights in the New Covenant Scriptures:-
“Mark 16: 2 ; Luke 23: 54 ; Luke 24: 1 ; Matthew 28: 1 ; John 19: 31 ; John 20: 1.”
I have prayed about it again and received the following answer:
- It is a majority opinion within the body of believers who attach significance to such things and is therefore likely to be wrong.
- Yah says “why would I start the day when everyone is going to sleep?”
- The error goes back a long time but it is not necessary for me to know its origins.
- I heard correctly, the day begins at Sunrise.
In closing, I leave it to each reader to pray about the two alternative points of view and make their own choices.
There is NO solid basis to prove that the day in fact begins at sunrise, it is up to each person to make their own choice – I am now satisfied the day begins at sunrise.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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