2012.06.08 Body, Mind and SpiritThe human spirit has all the characteristics of a human being apart from the body, the mind or brain is a complex technical device that provides the interface that allows the human spirit to control the body.
2011.02.05 Detailed marriage strategyPack of documents presenting the results of a comprehensive Spirit led analysis of the factors required for successful life in covenant union (marriage) of man and woman, also addresses family life and society
This analysis was undertaken late in 2001 at the leading of the Spirit of Yah as best I was able to follow His guidance at the time. In most areas my understanding has matured but the fundamental principles remain valid.
As with all things it is up to each one of us to seek Yah for guidance on what we adopt and what we discard
The analysis was undertaken in Excel, attached please find the detailed Marriage Strategy documents as an Adobe pdf file
2011.01.17 Vision for eternity -- critical success factors for lifeWhat are your criteria for a successful life as viewed by Yah and Yahooshua on the Day of Judgment?
2010.11.07 Just Who is God? by Gary MillerAn article explaining why God is NOT a valid name for the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing
2013.10.08 The Essence of the issues relating to the BibleThis article presents the essence of my current understanding with regard to the Bible as the culmination of something like twelve years moving from a point of believing that the Bible was "The Living Word of Yah" to understanding that it is "a little book" that represents a collection of fragments that Satan was unable to keep Yah from preserving
2011.05.03 Pastors – the Prison Warders of Yah's peoplePastors have taken on authority and position that is NOT from Yah
2004.11.09 Angelo - A Hearing Impaired Beggar on a High Throne in HeavenYah has a very different set of criteria for judging who will sit on a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity
This extract from “The Final Quest” by Rick Joyner demonstrates just how different these criteria are
It is vital that we have just as much respect for the poor and homeless as for those of high earthly status
2012.08.08 Yahooshua was an OLD Testament ProphetMany people totally misunderstand Yahooshua and do not realize that he was, in fact, an OLD Testament prophet (spokesman of Yah) .
This article outlines why this is and what the implications are.
Many people totally misunderstand Yahooshua and do not realize that he was, in fact, an OLD Testament prophet (spokesman of Yah) .
This article outlines why this is and what the implications are.
2011.04.28 Proof of a Global FloodIn the article "Noah is father to ALL men living" I mentioned the series of videos which I have created, proving a Global Flood.
Following is an overview of the suite of videos.