2011.01.22 Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sinThere is a belief that because a person is anointed and used for mighty works by Yah that they are without error, in practice this is NOT the case
2011.09.02 Ten Commandments in Hebrew on Large Rock in the central USA The Los Lunas StoneEvidence of Hebrews in the USA thousands of years ago -- The Ten Commandments engraved on a rock in the USA at Los Lunas
2012.08.06 Bible study versus deep relationshipMost believers believe that Bible School is the RIGHT thing to do
In fact it is not.
The RIGHT thing to do is to seek a deep personal relationship with Yah and NOT rely on other people.
2000.10.1 Part 6: A Study on the Ministry of Deliverance: Marriage TeachingsA series of teachings with regard to the ministry deliverance by a highly anointed and gifted servant in that field, recordings made in the late 1990's
2011.04.12 The Mark of the BeastThere is much talk of the Mark of the Beast but it is NOT the microchip
2011.09.05 Do NOT concern yourself with conspiracy theoriesMany believers get side-tracked and into serious sin with regard to conspiracy theories
2011.04.01 About Mohammed and the QuranWhy the statement "I don't believe in the Quran at all, because it hasn't been written by God. Their "god"
has passed away while our God is still ALIVE!!!! " is false
2013.11.04 The REAL BattleI continue to encounter believers and others who get massively distracted by the physical realm and are ignorant of the spirit realm which is what is really important.
This article addresses this topic...
2011.02.12 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill WieseAnother sobering account of a visit to hell
2010.11.05 End Time Issues Mailing ListAn overview of the ETI mailing list -- click the subscribe link on the sidebar in order to subscribe