2013.10.02 Illuminated versus Anointed Created by on 10/12/2013 9:51:37 AM Many sincere believers focus on the physical realm and head knowledge when the spirit realm is what really matters
This article addresses one aspect of this dynamic -- Illumination with demons contrasted to Anointing with the Spirit of Yah
Illuminated versus Anointed
James Robertson
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Recently someone sent me an email about the “Illuminati”, the Free Masons, etc. It dealt with all the visible hard issues and ignored the Satanic and demonic dimension
It is so that there ARE secret societies and organizations and that they DO engage in Satanic rites and they DO connive and scheme and, at some level control things, but there is a much more sinister dimension and one that is FAR more widespread, the “Illuminated Ones”
Following is derived from my response:
“Illuminati is derived from “Illuminated one”
An illuminated one is a follower of Satan who is filled with demons in the space in their body reserved for the set apart {holy} Spirit of Yah
Illumination is Satan’s equivalent of the anointing of the Spirit of Yah
There are illuminated ones everywhere just as there are anointed one’s everywhere
And they are at all different levels of illumination and ALL over the world
There are only about 5,000 illuminated one’s who are having a major impact on the world just as there are only about 5,000 anointed one’s who are having a real impact for Yah
The vast majority of the world’s population are serving Satan at a more material level than they are serving Yah – where are you on that scale?
To illustrate my point
About five weeks ago we were having dinner in a fairly upmarket restaurant
A fairly attractive black haired woman and three tough men sat down at the table next to us
The woman was a fairly senior witch and the three men were mid-level Satanists, all of them were killers – you have to be to achieve their rank in the service of Satan
A man and woman then sat down at the table across the aisle
She ate only onion rings and French fries (potato chips) – she was a mid-level witch and matron in an abortion clinic who had been eating the flesh of some of the children she had murdered in order to increase her power and could not face eating further meat
The next day I was at a client and a tall, striking woman with a strange hairstyle came to a meeting, she was a senior witch and was Account Manager for the client
Over the past year, wherever I go Father shows me witches and Satanists, in restaurants, on TV, in work situations
Many are as uncommitted and ineffectual as the vast majority of church goers, little knowledge and more committed to enjoying themselves than doing anything for Satan but some are highly committed and extremely powerful at a level that very FEW believers in Yah achieve
These are FILLED with demons – the demons are not ON them as is the case with believers and lower level witches and Satanists and other agents of Satan, they are INSIDE them because they have gone through intense rituals to invite these demons to take up residence IN them so that they can tap into the power and knowledge of these demons – they take their service of Satan seriously, they kill and eat human flesh regularly for the power it (the act of murder and obedience to Satan) gives them
Those people are a much more immediate and real threat to you and I than the people written about in the article I received
Some time ago I found that I had nearly 200 death curses uttered against me together with over 50 human sacrifices offered against me – that is MUCH closer to home than anything that was written about in the article – at the time I did not know that these things were being directed at me but, because of certain measures I had taken in terms of seeking to live life close to Father, they were NOT touching me but they were gearing up to trip me up and destroy me
Because almost all believers in Yah walk in almost complete ignorance of these things we are highly vulnerable to attack by these demonic forces
The minute a believer starts to make an impact the Satanic and demonic realm starts to direct curses and other SPIRITUAL measures against them and, most of the time, because of ignorance these things neutralize them
Many are side tracked by the visible issues, the secret societies, the rumours about world leaders, etc – some of which are true and some are just elaborate camouflage for what the forces of darkness are REALLY doing on the earth
In another situation a highly anointed believer with sin in her life was attacked by Molech, one of the most powerful demons on the planet, the “god” of abortion and child killing told about in the book {bible}. The woman attacked by Molech left her body, was prayed back by some close associates and left again. It was only when I took authority that the demon left and she came back to life. I was able to deal with the situation because I had knowledge and authority that the other people involved lacked
Incidentally, many Police Officers are ALSO involved in Satanism and Witchcraft and they cover up the murders – all over the world
What is my point?
People like those mentioned above are cursing and practicing witchcraft in the street where YOU live but you are probably oblivious to what is going on
You are almost certainly carrying a pack load of demons
What protective measures are you taking?
Yes, the world is controlled by Satan – he is the mighty one {god} of this world, so why are you surprised that his people are in the corridors of power?
I said further to the person who sent me the email “More to the point, what do you achieve by talking at length about what Satan’s servants are doing?”
We are told to submit to those in authority and NOT to judge – we get the rulers we deserve
We are told NOT to talk about what the unbelievers do in secret
Focus on what you can do something about, your own sin and your own error and on getting closer to Yah and getting filled more with His Spirit and getting free of your OWN demons and gaining knowledge with regard to spiritual warfare in the SPIRIT realm
If you are NOT one of the 5,000 who are making a real impact for Yah how about going on a series of fasts to shift error in your life and get closer to Yah – a three day full fast with water only has great efficacy in breaking witchcraft PROVIDED you pray the appropriate prayers and tackle it with the right heart attitude
See: http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/374/2012-01-05-Getting-close-to-Yah-Appropriate-prayer-and-fasting-are-VITAL-the-answer-to-doctrinal-dif.aspx
The rest – intellectual study without the Spirit of Yah -- is a total waste of time
See also the article on “Seek Truth NOT Error” at http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/456/2013-05-01-Seek-truth-NOT-error.aspx
to better understand the issues
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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