2014.11.01c Recommended Worship Created by James on 11/1/2014 2:47:42 PM Effective worship is a vital component of growing close to Yah, this article describes some vital principles and provides some recommended worship songs
Recommended Worship
Dr James Robertson
This article is a continuation of the two companion pieces “The Creator Desires Deep Personal Relationship with YOU!” and “Seven Steps in Drawing Close to the Creator” which should preferably be read before reading this.
The worship of our Almighty Father in Heaven is a vital component of drawing close to Him.
It is NOT possible to draw close to Him without worship.
This article provides information on worship together with links to a collection of songs that are particularly effective in my experience.
IF you are determined to draw close to Father I encourage you to worship daily, to listen to worship music whenever you can, including having it playing in the background at home, in your car and at every other possible opportunity.
How you go about this and to what extent you follow my counsel is between you and Father and relates to YOU crafting YOUR relationship with Him UNIQUELY as He leads you and YOU allow Him to lead you and are obedient to His leading.
Worship is making love to Father Yah, it is drawing close to Him, giving Him your undivided attention and IF you really go for it He will pour out His Spirit on you and fill you more and more so that you draw closer and closer to Him.
You should commence worshipping from the day you choose to draw close to Him.
Father wants you to come to Him as pure as possible, YES He will meet you where He finds you but it is difficult for Him to allow you really close to Him when you are crawling with demons, full of bitterness and resentment, surrounded by Satanic artefacts and stolen goods, confused with massive error and deception with and generally FAR from where He would like you to be. Read the article, “Seven Steps in Growing Close to Yah” for guidance on cleansing yourself so that you come to Father in pure worship and pure love making as soon as possible and make your worship as pleasing to Him as possible. Think of it as the bride bathing and donning a pure white wedding dress!
That said, you SHOULD worship from day one!
However, there is a challenge, most of the worship songs available worship Jesus at some level, those that do NOT worship Jesus worship “God” and “The LORD” and most have words that are trite or meaningless – do you have any idea how offensive “Jesus do you know how much l love you?” is to Father Yah? Firstly praise is being given to a human being which is gross sin, secondly the name used is pagan and derived from Zeus and relates to one of the highest level Demonic Masterminds on earth and thirdly IF the worship is actually directed at Father Yah He knows MUCH BETTER than we do how much we love Him and a KEY measure of our love is our obedience to His Commandments so singing the song evidences that you do NOT love Him enough to clean up your act!
Note that two people can sing the same song in the same congregation at the same time and one can be worshipping Yah because of a deep inner connection and the other can be worshipping a Demonic Mastermind called “Jesus”.
In the context of worshipping Jesus – as I was preparing this material Father said to me “for me a believer worshipping Jesus or Yahooshua is equivalent to your wife having loud and passionate sex with your son in your presence!”
He said further “a believer singing to ‘God’ or ‘The LORD’ is equivalent to your wife crying out the name of your worst enemy as she climaxes in lovemaking with you!”
Sadly, while most songs are NOT as massively offensive as the offensive “Jesus do you know how much l love you?” example the vast majority are doctrinally inaccurate to the point of being hurtful and offensive or presumptuous or plain irritatingly stupid from Father’s perspective.
Over the last twenty one years I have narrowed my choice of worship songs down to a collection of 23 songs many of which I have been using almost exclusively for the best part of the twenty one years because the vast majority of songs on my substantial collection of over 50 CD’s are simply NOT suitable or NOT effective.
A few new songs have been added in recent years but overall the collection has remained largely static. Every now and again I come across a new singer or new album and hope to find something to add to my core collection but generally I am disappointed and return to the core set.
And even then, the language in that core set is all with regard to “God”, “The LORD” and there are some references to Jesus which are inappropriate, but at least the bulk of the words are appropriate and have value in terms of helping one to draw closer to Father and NOT cause Him undue grief and hurt through their use.
There is a HUGE need for an anointed worship group to record songs with the correct names and correct lyrics but I have yet to meet anyone who cares enough to do anything about the situation.
Worship as your constant practice
The Almighty says: "Worship relies on the right heart attitude and appropriate words with anointed music"
The word “anointed” is a technical term relating to the presence of the Spirit of the Almighty in and on a believer or on the words of a song, the writing in a document, etc. Father Yah is EVERYWHERE and as we draw close to Him the presence of His Spirit grows more intense around us and on the work that we do, be it the songs we sing, the words we write, whatever.
In preparing the above collection of worship songs to make available as an extension of this document we went through each song and removed references to “Jesus” and removed applause and wolf-whistles. Wolf-whistles during worship are triggered by demons and applause during worship is entirely inappropriate, both are jarring for Father.
A few days after we had removed these items from these songs and been exclusively using them for our daily worship Father said to me “it is interesting to notice how much I have been holding myself in listening to these songs in order to protect myself from the hurt I feel when people direct worship due to me to Yahooshua. THANK YOU for removing those words!”
IF you are serious about your relationship with Father Yah, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, it is vital to understand that worship is now a non-negotiable part of your daily life. You worship Yah through active direct worship – taking time apart in a quiet place, removing yourself from distractions and actively singing to Father, either with your own words if you are musically inclined or singing along with songs like those that we use, of which there are copies available for download off my website – see links later in this document. You also worship Yah through everything you do in your life that IS pleasing to Him – your entire lifestyle.
On a broader front you worship Him by discontinuing ALL behaviours, habits, traditions, rituals, etc that are NOT pleasing to Him – that can require significant adjustment and at the most basic level relates to the TV that you watch, the radio that you listen to, what entertainment you partake of, what your read and ALL source of information, who you socialize with, etc. IF you take this REALLY seriously you will soon find that there is very little other than basic documentaries and similar programs that you are able to watch. I reached a point many years ago where, having asked Father to let me know His heart and experience His feelings I found myself sitting in theatre performances and watching movies where I would feel His anger or His grief or other feelings at what was being portrayed, to the point now where I have NOT been to the theatre or movies for many years and only watch a very limited range of documentaries on TV for a short space of time. It is entirely UP TO YOU – He does NOT demand that you do NOT do these things, He is entirely committed to you exercising your free will – understand only that YOU have the ENTIRE say over whether you draw closer to Him or draw away from Him.
What I am writing here I am writing for those who have made a serious decision to serve the Almighty -- for the rest, this will NOT make sense.
Taking the above points further, worship can, and should include the following – in considering what I have to say it is important to understand that one worships with one’s spirit NOT one’s intellect – I have been playing some of my collection of songs almost daily in some cases for about 19 years and I am NOT conscious of knowing the words even though some I have listened to thousands of times – worship is something you do with your heart NOT your intellect – the role of your intellect in worship is to GET OUT OF THE WAY so your spirit can connect with your Father in Heaven.
Following are some specific measures that I recommend:
a. Play worship music in your home ALL the time that you are awake, play your choice of songs, we play those listed below, on repeat constantly throughout your home. Pray “Father I ask you to make my home your home, I choose to make my home a safe haven for you from the tumult and sin of the world and I choose to play music to soothe you in my home whether I am at home or not”. I have been doing this for around 14 years, we now have loud speakers throughout our home and even if we go away for a lengthy period we leave the music playing so that Father has a set-apart {sanctified} place where He can rest. Sing along with these songs whenever you think of it, either in your heart or out loud.
b. Play worship music in your car – instead of listening to the radio, news, etc, play the same songs, or different songs as those in your home, as you are inclined, we use the same collection because I really have concluded that they are the ONLY songs worth singing! If you are alone in the car you can sing aloud at the top of your voice without inhibitions!
c. If you travel on public transport or walk a lot or even when you go to the shops, load the songs of your choice on your mobile phone and play the songs through earphones and, where you think of it, sing along.
d. Note that it does NOT matter if you are thinking of other things and doing other things, just have the songs playing quietly in the background, Father is always there and your spirit will ALWAYS hear and sing along even though you are NOT conscious of it.
If you take this to the full extent and your work situation is one in which you sit alone working for significant periods of time you can listen to worship music in the background with earphones while doing your work.
Conversely, if you listen to other music, etc you will take on whatever comes to you through those sources which will generally NOT help you to get close to Father.
The more you worship Father in every possible way the closer you will become to Him and the easier you will find it to serve Him. You will also find that provided you are praying daily for His guidance you can get by with very little input in the way of news, etc – He is able to ensure that you receive important information IF you have the emunah {faith / trust and belief} to trust Him for that level of guidance. Remember, He wants to be part of EVERYTHING that you do – provided of course that you are NOT engaging in sinful activities.
IF you download the songs listed below you will find that they contain wrong words, specifically “God”, “The Lord” and “the lamb” – there simply are almost NO songs that are free of these errors – pray and ask Father to forgive you for playing songs with wrong words and when YOU sing them substitute for the right words that are given below.
Note that at times Father may ask you to leave the same song playing for an entire day because it soothes Him AND because it will strengthen you in whatever way He intends, either through the words or the anointing of the song or both. Remember that IF you want to draw close to Father being filled with His Spirit, that is “anointed”, is key.
The anointing increases dramatically when you worship for a longer duration
Having worshiped for an hour at a time for many years Father impressed on me some time ago to worship for an hour and a half whenever possible.
I have found that the intensity with which the anointing flows increases significantly with this increased duration, it is much stronger in the last half hour.
It is so that for the first half hour at least one is frequently distracted and thinking of things that need doing.
It is advisable to have a pad or notepaper so that you can jot down headlines as they come up while you are worshiping -- the goal is to free your mind up to focus on Yah -- by writing short notes you clear your mind.
Note that these thoughts as you are worshiping are frequently the leading of Yah as you draw closer to Him.
In my experience it is only towards the end of the first hour that I come into a place of close connection with Father and therefore a stronger flow of His Spirit.
Accordingly I encourage you to seek to worship for an hour and a half or even longer whenever you can. If you can only manage half an hour or an hour right now that is fine – it really is UP TO YOU to craft your relationship in a way that works for you realizing that your decisions will impact where you get to in your relationship with Father. It is NO different to progressing in a corporate setting – IF you desire promotion you need to be diligent and good at your job – it is the same with Father – IF you desire promotion you need to be diligent and good at serving Him.
I also encourage you to consider taking on a discipline of worshiping EVERY day at the start of the day.
It is my consistent experience that WHEN one exercises this discipline that the day and the week go more smoothly because I am more in tune with my Father in Heaven.
My collection of songs
As mentioned above, over the years I have built up a very small collection of songs which have really appropriate words and / or which are relatively highly anointed. I am NOT saying there are NO others out there but I am saying I have NOT found them or been led to them.
And even these songs contain error at some level as mentioned above. Certain key words are NOT correct but I do NOT have the musical prowess or technical skills to do much about it. I substitute these words with the words that are listed below at ALL times to such an extent that I make the substitutions without thinking and hardly hear the wrong words. Father has indicated to me that He understands my constraint and is greatly pleased by my discipline of substituting the right words. I encourage you to adopt the same discipline.
I do NOT think I could have the relationship I have with Yah were it not for constantly listening to and singing along with this small collection of highly inspired and anointed songs. Accordingly, I commend these songs to you and encourage you to follow the links, download the songs and record them onto whatever medium will allow you to play them at every possible opportunity. If you want a set from me on CD or memory stick by post please email me and I will supply as funds permit.
I would go so far as to encourage you to progressively distance yourself from almost all other music except that which is truly anointed worship such as this collection.
Remember that on the day of your judgment, immediately following your death, you must give account for every single thought, word and deed – including what you listened to and how you fed your spirit – I have confidence that this collection of songs will stand you in good stead on THAT day – and THAT day is THE day your entire life should focus on – how you will be judged, the unrepented sin that you will suffer torment for, the level of your obedience and relationship with Father that will determine whether you find yourself as a worker of iniquity in the Outer Darkness, a foolish virgin, a wise virgin, a wise steward, a good and faithful servant, an overcomer or a friend – remember that it is a progression as you climb the mountain to draw close to Yah.
Remember too that there are MANY vacancies for positions of high esteem and authority and contrast this with the over 100 billion who have served Satan and the congestion around the positions of high office in the Satanic kingdom – it is up to you to choose where YOU will be for ETERNITY – that is a VERY long time to live with the consequence of bad choices now! Especially choices like “I do NOT have time to worship Yah and draw close to Him”.
Remember that the ULTIMATE SIN is NOT to have a relationship with your Creator!
In the sections below I list the words of some of the songs with adjustments and, where I do NOT give the words I give commentary. In the list there are links to download the songs individually and also as a Winzip compressed zip file at the end of the list.
The names below are the names of the download files.
If for some reason the download links do NOT work use the Google search engine to search for “Lyrics” and the first line or two of the words of the song and you will almost certainly find a range of versions to download from YouTube or elsewhere. Be selective in which version you download, pray and ask Father to guide you. Some versions are much more anointed than others.
Word substitutions
The following word substitutions are recommended relative to the songs that follow:
a. Jesus: ALL references to Jesus have been removed, it is HIGHLY offensive to Father to worship Jesus or Yahooshua or sing to him or about him. Jesus is a pagan (Satanic) name and is now the name of a Demonic Mastermind who receives ALL worship directed to Jesus and gains power and authority every time he is worshipped. This demon was known as Zeus in previous millennia. The TRUE name of the prophet from Nazareth was “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah IS Salvation”.
b. God: “God” is the name of a pagan deity, the accurate translation of the word generally translated “God” is “Mighty One”, “mighty one” or “Almighty” depending on context but these words generally do NOT fit the music. Substitute with “Yah”, the true essential name of the Almighty or “El” Hebrew meaning “my beloved Mighty One” as fits best with the music.
c. The LORD: “The LORD” is an accurate translation of the pagan (Satanic) name “Baal” and is an abomination in the sight and ears of the Almighty. The Hebrew word translated “The LORD” is generally “Yahooeh” (frequently inaccurately transliterated as “Yahweh”). Substitute for “The LORD” and “Lord” with “Yahooeh” or “Yahweh” or “Yah” as fits best with the music.
The above three substitutions are NON-NEGOTIABLE IF you are serious about serving our Almighty Father in Heaven – refer what He has to say about these items quoted earlier.
The following words are commonly used but have pagan origins and substitute for Hebrew words that are more accurate, they cause Father distress when they are used although NOT to nearly the same extent as God, The LORD and Jesus. In your early days of seeking to draw close you may ignore the words below BUT IF you are serious about drawing really close I counsel you to make the substitutions set out below.
d. Holy: The Hebrew word commonly translated “holy” is “qodesh” this word can generally be substituted without difficulty.
e. Glory: The Hebrew word commonly translated “glory” is frequently “kabad”, this word can generally be substituted without difficulty. In some cases “esteem” works.
f. Lamb: The reference to “the Lamb” is a reference to Yahooshua {Jesus} and should be avoided, substitute with “Yahooeh” for ONLY Yahooeh – meaning “Yah the eternally self-existing” the name of the Almighty Creator, is worthy of worship.
The words of some of these songs are very clear and direct, others make considerable use of metaphor as a way of describing the extremely multi-faceted nature of the Almighty Creator and how He relates to and interacts with us.
You may find that the wording of some of the songs does NOT work for you initially but, IF you are truly seeking to draw close to Him I encourage you to let the anointing on the songs flow into you by simply listening if you feel awkward about the words initially. At the same time, IF you enter into worship with the right heart attitude you may find some of these songs touching and moving you deeply for reasons you cannot explain in which case just flow with the songs, weep, shout, laugh, etc as seems appropriate at that moment – the spirit realm is far more complex that we realize and far more sophisticated.
Posture for worship
Your posture in worship is important in determining whether you receive or not.
Firstly this is about your heart attitude – are you open and willing to receive? Do you come to Father in love and humility?, the more this is the case the more you will receive.
When I can I worship standing and, when I really want to receive I raise my hands to Father. In this position one is best able to receive the anointing. Another good position to worship IF you are really in a place of deep repentance is flat on your face on the floor with your hands above your head preferably or next to your sides when the first position gets too uncomfortable – not a position that you should use often, one tends to fall asleep unless there is deep conviction with regard to sin.
I remove my watch and items in my pockets and take my shoes off when I worship at home as symbolic distancing from the matters of the world and a mark of respect to the Almighty.
When some or all of the above are NOT practical it is NOT an issue, as always this is about how YOU choose to worship Yah understanding that some things work better than others – follow my counsel or not, try what works for YOU, Father DOES have standards and requirements and ALSO He WILL meet you where you are today and lead you to where He wants YOU to go IF you will permit Him – that is why some of the songs below that ask Him to change one and lead one are so important.
I truly believe that my current relationship with Father is a direct consequence of repeatedly singing many of these songs for nearly two decades.
When you first start this journey and sing these songs you may feel a dramatic and powerful presence or you may NOT feel anything. That is OK, again it is about your unique journey. If you feel warmth or a tingling, like an electric current, that is the Spirit of the Almighty, just let if flow. You may find that the intensity of what you are feeling causes you to sink to the floor, that is also FINE – there is NO recipe.
My collection of recommended songs
The following are the songs that make up the current collection that we play at home, in the car and on our mobile phones.
Audio Introduction to the recommended worship song collection
01 HalleluYah Yahooeh Almighty Reigns
An extremely powerful song, once the errors in wording are corrected. The version linked below is particularly highly anointed and is strongly recommended. Sung with the appropriate word adjustments this will help you to draw close to Father more than any other single song I know of.
HalleluYah* {Alleluia}
For Yah El Almighty reigns
For Yah El Almighty reigns
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh {the Lamb}*
Worthy is Yahooeh
You are Qodesh
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy is Yahooeh
For Yah El Almighty reigns
For Yah El Almighty reigns
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy Yahooeh
You are Qodesh
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy is Yahooeh
You are Qodesh
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy is Yahooeh
You are Qodesh
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy is Yahooeh
You are Qodesh
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
*Lord God Almighty has been replaced with “Yah El Almighty”
*The word HalleluYah means “Praise Yah” in Hebrew – Alleluia is NOT an accurate translation of this word which refers to Yah personally by His essential name
*”worthy is the lamb” has been replaced with “worthy is Yahooeh” – Yahooshua, the lamb IS worthy but he is NOT on a par with Yah and should NOT be worshipped, he is fundamentally a man, the most powerful man in existence, but a man nonetheless
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
02 This is the Air I Breathe
A very effective worship song stressing our need for Father and focusing on drawing close to Him. The “air” that is referred to is a metaphor for the Spirit of the Almighty flowing into and on us.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
03 Exalt Yahooeh our El
Important words to position yourself in the right attitude towards the Almighty. Some word substitutions recommended as shown below
Exalt Yahooeh our El* {the Lord our God}
(Exalt Yahooeh our El)
And worship at His feet
(And worship at His feet)
Exalt Yahooeh our El
(Exalt Yahooeh our El)
And worship at His feet
(And worship at His feet)
For He, (for He)
Is Qodesh {holy}*
For Yahooeh our El, He is Qodesh
For Yahooeh our El, He is Qodesh
For Yahooeh our El, He is Qodesh
Yes Yahooeh our El, He is Qodesh
*The LORD is the most frequently used translation of the Hebrew phrase “Yahweh”, more correctly translated “Yahooeh” and most accurately translated “Yah the eternally self-existing” – for the purpose of fitting the music I find that Yahooeh is the most appropriate form to use here – “The LORD” is a literal translation of the pagan (Satanic) name, “Baal” and should be avoided at ALL times.
*El or Eli or Eloi is most accurately translated “my beloved Mighty One – as uttered by Yahooshua as he died “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani” meaning “my beloved Mighty One, My beloved Mighty one, why have you forsaken me” – El is a term of endearment reserved for those who have a deep personal relationship with Yah.
*Holy correctly translates from the Hebrew as “set-apart” but this form does not fit the music at all but “holy” is a blasphemous word – refer article 2012.11.01 and accordingly I have opted to use the Hebrew word, “Qodesh” which is the word generally translated “holy”.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
04 In the Stillness of this Hour
In the stillness of this hour
I worship you Yahooeh {my Lord}
Crying Qodesh {Holy} is Yahooeh on high
In the quiet of my heart
I sing this song of praise
Crying Qodesh is Yahooeh on high
And for all my days
I bow down before you
Giving kabad* {glory} and esteem* {honour}
To your Name
And for all of my life*
Let me* {I will} worship and adore you
Crying Qodesh is Yahooeh on high
*Assuming that you WILL worship Yah for ALL your days is presumptuous – there is great risk of falling away – when using this song I prefer to pray in my heart and ask Father to help me to overcome to the end that I may indeed worship Him all my days.
*glory and honor have been replaced with kabad and esteem – in kabad is correctly translated both glory and honor but both of these words are blasphemous and should be avoided. Esteem is a valid English translation of kabad, in order to fit the metre of the song I have used “kabad and esteem” for “glory and honor” although in Hebrew esteem is a duplication.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
05 Draw Me Close to You
An important cry to our Father to help us draw close to Him. Note however that He is NOT obliged to draw us close to Him – we are required to draw close to Him IF we desire His rewards.
Pray “Father help me to draw close to you always”
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
06 Your Eye is on the Sparrow
Important in terms of realizing that Father sees ALL we do and IS concerned about us and interested in us.
Your eye is on the sparrow
And Your hand, it comforts me
From the ends of the Earth to the depth of my heart
Let Your mercy and strength be seen
You call me to Your purpose
For Your kabad {glory}, may You draw all men
As Your love and grace demand
And let me* {I will} run to You
To Your words of truth
Not by might, not by power
But by the spirit of Yah {God}
Let me* {Yes I will} run the race
'Till I see Your face
Oh let me live in the kabad {glory} of Your grace
And let me run to You
To Your words of truth
Not by might, not by power
But by the spirit of Yah
Let me run the race
'Till I see Your face
Oh let me live in the kabad of Your grace
And let me run to You
To Your words of truth
Not by might, not by power
But by the spirit of Yah
Let me run the race
'Till I see Your face
Oh let me live in the kabad of Your grace
*”As angels understand” – this phrase is contained in the original song and has been deleted in this version -- the word generally translated as “angel” is actually “messenger” but this word does NOT fit the music – the error is second order and therefore in the interests of fitting the music I choose to sing “angels” -- however Father says that “angels do NOT understand” and for this reason this phrase is removed from the version for download
* “Let me {Yes I will} run the race 'Till I see Your face” as an absolute statement of own ability is presumptuous however the principle is important and I have substituted “Let me” – when I sing this song I also pray along the lines of “Father help me to overcome to the end that I may see your face and dwell with you for eternity”
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
07 Purify my Heart
A very important song in terms of seeking to be purified from sin and to be set-apart {holy} to serve the Almighty. Note that we are UNABLE to purify ourselves without Father’s help – YES we DO need to pray the appropriate prayers and undertake all the necessary measures that are discussed elsewhere AND we need Father’s help to do this in a manner that is effective and pleasing to Him.
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold and precious silver
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold, pure gold
Refiner's fire, my heart's one desire
Is to be qodesh {holy}*
Set apart for You, Yah {Lord}
I choose to be qodesh
Set apart for You, my Master
Ready to do Your will
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from within and make me qodesh
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from my sin, deep within
See previous notes
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
08 Set-Apart Spirit You are Welcome in This Place
A very important song and prayer to ask the set-apart {holy} Spirit of Yah, the Creator, to dwell in your house and in your body. Note that the opening to the song available for download is a prophetic, that is inspired, metaphor message from the Almighty.
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Omnipotent Father* of Mercy and Grace
Thou art welcome in this place
for in Thy presence there's healing divine
No other power can save Yah, but Thine
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Omnipotent Father of Mercy and Grace
Thou art welcome in this place
Fill all the hungry and empty within
Restore us, oh Father revive us again
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
*Note that the Set-Apart [Qodesh] {Holy} Spirit is Yah Himself NOT some other spirit being
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
09 Soften my Heart Yah
Important words and principle, to ask Father Yah to soften one’s heart so that one is more teachable by Him and better able to hear Him and obey Him.
Soften my heart Yah {Lord}, I want to meet You here
Soften my heart Yah, tender me with tears
For Your presence is beyond anything I could desire
Soften my heart Yah, consume me with Your qodesh {holy} fire
Soften my heart Yah, I have made a choice
Soften my heart Yah, I want to hear Your voice
For Your presence is beyond anything I could desire
Soften my heart Yah, consume me with Your qodesh fire
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
10 Yah we Proclaim Your Mighty Power
Very important to ask Father Yah to release His power and His presence on us and in us on an ongoing basis.
Yah {Lord}, we proclaim You now
And Your mighty power
And Your awesome majesty
Yah, come upon us now
And release Your power
And let Your presence fall
Oh Yah, oh Yah
Release Your power
And let Your presence fall
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
11 Heaven Come Down Tonight
Another song calling for the presence of the Father to fall on us – large metaphor – the version for download is highly anointed. The principle of being broken with grief and repentance for our sins is also most important.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
12 Sky Spills Over
Strongly anointed, also largely metaphor, if you cannot identify with the words just listen, raise your hands to Father, close your eyes and receive whatever there is for you to receive.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
13 Sovereign Over Us
Strongly anointed, largely metaphor but the principle of acknowledging Father Yah as Sovereign (King) over one is VITALLY important.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
14 There is No One Like You
Important words and an important declaration – take this to heart and pray it as you sing it as a clear statement of commitment and dedication as well as of esteem and worship towards your Father in Heaven.
There's no one like you my El* {Lord}
No one could take your place
My heart beats
to worship you
I live just to seek your face
There's no one like you my El
No one could take your place
There's no one like you my El
No one like you
You are my El {God}, you're
everything to me
There's no one like you my El
No one like you
There's no one like you my El
No one could take your place
I long to see your presence Yah {Lord}
To serve you is my reward
There's no one like you my El
No one could take your place
there's no one like you my El
No one like you
I have used “my El” in place of “my Lord” because the correct translations of “Lord” do not fit the music – see previous notes re El being a term of endearment toward Yah
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
15 Awesome Yah
An important declaration ONCE you come to really grasp the power and authority of the Almighty in the Universe. If you have just come to this you may find this difficult because there really is LITTLE evidence that He is awesome on earth today, this is a consequence of the Contest between Yah and Satan that prevents Yah from acting freely on earth. The version available for download is a strongly anointed recording.
Sing “My Yah is an awesome El” instead of the chorus words in the song.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
16 You Are My Hiding Place
An important statement of position relative to the Almighty sung with trust and belief {faith} that Father will lead you to that place.
You are my hiding place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You
I will trust in You
Let the weak say
I am strong
In the strength of Yahooeh {the Lord}
You are my hiding place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You
I will trust in You
Let the weak say I am strong
In the strength of Yahooeh
I will trust in You
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
17 Come and Fill Me Up
An important cry to Father to fill one with His Spirit and to declare one’s desire to be so filled. When you first start this journey and sing these songs you may feel a dramatic and powerful presence or you may NOT feel anything. That is OK, again it is about your unique journey. If you feel warmth or a tingling, like an electric current, that is the Spirit of the Almighty, just let it flow. You may find that the intensity of what you are feeling causes you to sink to the floor, that is also FINE.
I can feel you
flowin' thru me
Qodesh {Holy}* Spirit,
come 'n fill me up
come and fill me up
Love 'n mercy fill my senses
I am thirsty for
your presence, Yah
Come and fill me up
Yah, let your mercy wash
away all of my sin
Fill me completely with
your love once again
I need you, I want you,
I love your presence
I need you, I want you,
I love your presence
*holy is replaced with “Qodesh” as “holy” is a blasphemous word and qodesh is the Hebrew word translated holy – refer article 2012.11.01
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
18 Let me Burn with Qodesh Fire
Another important song about being filled with and led by the Spirit of the Almighty and being set-apart to serve Him.
Let me burn with qodesh fire
Marked by purpose
and desire
Set apart unto your name
My life, my heart,
my strength you claim
Now in your separateness {holiness}* I see
intense desire calling me
Away from that
possessed my soul
You have captured me
and made me whole
Qodesh, qodesh, qodesh Yah El {Lord God}
Almighty I adore
Your kabad {glory}, now my eyes
can see you're the King
who reigns in majesty
One qodesh passion
now I know
As to a ruined world I go
To kindle fire, spread a
flame that will reveal your
qodesh name.
*holiness to be consistent would be converted to qodeshness but that would be an invented word, since holy fundamentally means set-apart of separate I have changed this to separateness
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
19 Where Does my Help Come From
An important declaration of dependence on our Almighty Father for guidance and help.
I lift my eyes up
to the mountains
Where does my help come from
My help comes from you
Maker of heaven,
Creator of the earth
Oh how I need you Yah {Lord}
You are my only hope
You're my only prayer
so I will wait for you
To come and rescue me
Come and give me life
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
20 Father I Come to You
An important song in terms of approaching Father Yah with the right attitude. References to Yahooshua (your son) have been removed.
Father I come to you,
lifting up my hands
by your grace I stand
Just because you love me
I know your favour,
unending love
I receive your favour,
your unending love
Not because I've earned it,
not for what I've done
Just because you love me
I know your favour,
unending love
Unending love,
your unending love (2x)
It's the presence
of your kingdom
As your kabad {glory} fills this place
And I see how much you
love me as I look into your face
Nothing could be better,
there's nothing I would trade
For your favour,
unending love.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
21 You Are The Fire
Anointed song, strong use of metaphor to describe the fire of the Spirit of the Almighty that brings cleansing and burns out sin in us IF we permit it.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
22 Miracle
Anointed song relating to the work that Father Yah can do in our lives IF we permit Him to turn our lives around and change our lives and our circumstances. People who have had a dramatic encounter with the Almighty will relate particularly strongly to this, others may NOT have the same experience – as always take what works for you and park the rest.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
23 The One That Really Matters
A profoundly moving song that really focuses our attention where it SHOULD BE, on our Father in Heaven. Be aware that “the cares of this world” CAN take us out and that WE must be vigilant to guard against this. Singing words that imply that our status and future are guaranteed are an open license for the powers of darkness to exploit any and all sin in our lives to neutralize us and lead us away from Father.
Click here to listen to this song (Right Click on the slider and Select “Save Audio As” to download)
Conclusion: Worship
Click here to download the complete collection as a Winzip zip file
I pray that these songs will help you in your quest to draw close to the Almighty Creator. I encourage you to download the entire set and then pick those that work for you right now as you deem appropriate and return to the full collection from time to time as your relationship with our Almighty Father grows.

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