2010.12.07 Will you fast with me on the sun gods birthday?An appeal to observe a three day fast over 25 December every year as a statement of committment to Yah and opposition to pagan lies in the body of believers
2013.12.01 Voortrekker Monument -- Important PrinciplesIn the last few months since I first started writing about the Almighty's call to believers to gather at the Voortrekker Monument on the Day of the Covenant I have received a significant number of emails most to the effect that "That place is Satanic, the LORD would NEVER ask us to congregate there, there is NO way I will go near that place". I have responded to these emails in several emails and on the website but people keep writing.
Initially I was NOT sure how to respond, I was certain Father HAD given me the instruction and yet did NOT know how to respond to these criticisms
Several times I got on my knees before Him and asked Him how to respond
Over time His response has become more specific AND more ANGRY
The article below summarizes what He has said to me
2007.10.01 What is the origin and the purpose of man? -- creation versus evolutionThis document started out with a vague idea of where i was headed in terms of solid evidence in support of the thesis that there is a creator.
As i wrote and researched i gained more insight into what i thought was important.
2012.11.04 What is a week – REALLY?Following on from the previous articles the same website documents evidence that weeks commence on the New Moon and should follow a lunar calendar.
However, since there are 29.5+ days in a lunar month a seven day week does NOT fit so observance of the Sabbath as the seventh day becomes problematic.
Yah has pointed out that the precise pattern of weeks, months and years was disrupted during the flood when the earth was knocked off its axis, its orbit round the sun was distorted to an eclipse instead of a circle and the orbit of the moon was disrupted.
Yah recommends that one asks for Mercy and Grace and adhere to the currently accepted calendar as any other weekly cycle will cause massive disruption.
2011.02.08 Faith, sacrifice, obedience, discipline, words and deedsA discussion relating to faith, sacrifice, obedience, discipline, words and deeds
2011.04.13 Believing men in lackThose believers who are truly seeking to serve the Almighty are frequently in financial lack
2012.11.10 Worship - Part 2The balance of the important worship songs / psalms.
2010.11.07 Just Who is God? by Gary MillerAn article explaining why God is NOT a valid name for the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing