2013.11.04 The REAL Battle Created by James on 11/22/2013 9:46:27 AM I continue to encounter believers and others who get massively distracted by the physical realm and are ignorant of the spirit realm which is what is really important.
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The REAL Battle
James Robertson
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I continue to see that most people are completely unaware of the battle that is raging around them in the spirit realm. They look at what is happening in the world around them and generally draw incorrect conclusions.
The REAL battle is between the Almighty Creator, Yah the eternally self-existing, and those who serve Him spiritually and Satan / Lucifer / The Deceiver / The Accuser and those who serve him spiritually.
This correlates to the principle of “look NOT to the things that are seen, look to the things that are NOT seen”.
In this battle the war is between relationship with the Almighty and NOT relationship with Him. If one does NOT have a relationship with Yah then one is automatically a FRIEND OF SATAN and an ENEMY of Yah.
Good and Bad are a smokescreen that hide the truth, the majority of “good” people do NOT have a relationship with Yah and are therefore on Satan’s side in the battle.
Once one comes to understand this principle it becomes apparent that almost everything we see happening in the physical realm is an outworking of what is happening in the spirit realm and therefore subject to different interpretation.
A classic example of this relates to what is happening in South Africa – the President and leadership of the ANC formally offer a bull to the ancestors and usher the ENTIRE NATION and particularly those who voted for them into Ancestor worship, paganism, witchcraft and Satanism. This results in an intensifying spiritual battle between those who are serving Satan and those who are attempting to serve Yah.
A counter point to this is the reality that a very large number of South African European males (“whites”) have at some stage had intercourse with African women, frequently virgins and are therefore in the sight of Yah in life time covenant {marriage} to those women. To compound the situation many of those liaisons resulted in children and those children therefore in spiritual terms are children of Israel through their European {Israelite} fathers and therefore blessed.
Then, historically, these European men introduced legislation and approved conduct at some level based on Africans being purportedly “children of apes”, “children of Satan”, “bastards”, “tares” and other false beliefs that resulted in discrimination, oppression, violence and abuse. Thus, given that for the most part the children of the Ham / Canaanite spiritual dispensation (African) who carried a large number of curses were progressively overpowered spiritually by the children of the Israelite (European / White) people who were largely blessed. Those who were blessed survived illness, prevailed in combat, etc while those who were cursed died.
This situation has been so extreme over the past two centuries that Father has said that the reason the African population in South Africa is exploding is because of these blessings. Father also says that the MOST SEVERE sin of Apartheid was that the men of South Africa legislated discrimination against their African wives and half caste children and perverted the bible to justify their actions thus bringing Yah into reproach.
May the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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