2013.09.07 Clarification re Jesus, God, The LORD, Christ, Bible, Cross, etc are Satanic Created by on 10/12/2013 7:52:21 AM
Some were offended by my recent articles on the name Jesus and the Bible having Satanic connotations
This article clarifies the basis of these statements
2013_09_07_Clarification re Jesus God The LORD Christ Bible Cross etc are Satanic v 005
Clarification re Jesus, God, The LORD, Christ, Bible, Cross, etc are
James Robertson
Some were offended by my recent articles on the name Jesus and the Bible having Satanic connotations
To clarify
“The LORD” is used instead of “Yahooeh, also incorrectly represented as “Yahweh” – Yahooeh is a Hebrew phrase meaning "Yah the eternally self-existing" which is the fundamental name of the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth – “The LORD” is an accurate translation of "Baal" the name of a pagan demonic god;
“Christ” is used instead of "anointing of the Spirit of Yah" and "anointed of the Spirit of Yah" – “Christ” is an inaccurate and meaningless term and is NOT a synonymous name for Yahooshua, it is a term that refers to his being anointed with the Spirit of Yah, a condition that applies to ANY anointed believer through the ages, including today -- any significantly anointed person is, a "Christ" -- this incorrect language is in large measure responsible for people believing that Yahooshua IS Yah whereas it is the anointing of the Spirit of Yah, the "Christ" that is Yah -- this translation error is Satanically inspired and for this reason Yah hates it;
The Bible is a compilation of writings, some of them at some level written by anointed men and containing SOME anointed content, however it was compiled by the Roman Church by men who were NOT appointed to the task by Yah and its contents represent the outcome of a struggle between Yah to preserve some truth and Satan to destroy all truth -- so, while the Bible does contain some level of inspiration the lies about it have led the vast majority of believers AWAY from a deep relationship with Yah and rather to lean on their understanding and intellect and that of others and this, in turn has led men to worship the book and, for this reason, because the worship of the book stands between Yah and man, Yah hates the book even though he has been forced to work through it;
Yahooshua was and IS a man and an anointed spokesman {prophet} and NOT Yah in any shape or form, it is grievous sin to worship him, or Jesus, or any other man;
There are MANY other errors such that the church is comprehensively breaking ALL of the Ten Commandments of Yah and teaching men to break them in the name of The LORD, Jesus, God and Christ – these are discussed in articles on my website.
For many years Yah has tolerated these errors and extended Grace with regard to them in recognition of the fact that the lies have prevailed for many generations and were all that men knew and most men were reliant on others for their information. However, now, with the Internet, we are no longer reliant on the person in the pulpit or even on published and expensive books, we can search for truth ourselves and, since all the above truths have been published on the Internet for over a decade, there is now NO excuse for people NOT to know the correct names and use them and also NOT to know the truth about the other items.
Furthermore, on 3 May 2003, the Court of Heaven was convened and Satan was brought before Yah and charged with his sin of rebellion, his lies and all the evil that he has brought to earth, he was found guilty and sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit – see attachment.
At this point, since Satan had been convicted, there was no basis for Yah to continue to grant grace to those who walked in the above errors and all the other errors as it would have been unjust towards Satan.
Accordingly, at that point Yah ceased to grant grace for ALL the above errors and handed men over to be deceived and serve the demonic gods that they were worshipping and speaking about.
A small number of believers who had significant relationship with Yah continue to have experiences with Yah despite their error but they are falling away rapidly.
Thus, in September 2013, at the Feast of Tabernacles, it is vital to understand that people who continue to use these names and observe these traditions are giving their worship and praise to demons and to Satan and NOT to Yah and Yah is ANGRY with the hardness of their hearts and has given them over to the demons they are worshipping and serving.
I hope that this clarifies the situation.
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