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Over the years I have repeatedly written about the importance of words, in this article I discuss the implications of words in the context of a song allegedly sung by the President of South Africa allegedly at the Centenary Celebration of the African National Congress on 8 January 2012.
1. Zuma’s song and my reaction
Last Monday I unexpectedly came across a site on YouTube with the heading: “Jacob Zuma sings "Kill the Boer" at ANC Centenery Celebrations in Bloemfontein, South Africa”
The singer is clearly Jacob Zuma the President of South Africa and also the President of the African National Congress, the ruling Party in South Africa. The stadium setting quite reasonably looks like it could indeed be the ANC Centenary Celebrations early this year.
According to the sub-titles the song goes as follows:
for us
come together all the winners
we going to shoot them with the machine gun they are going to run
we going to shoot them with the machine gun they are going to run
you are a boer (white man)
we going to hit them
and you are going to run
shoot the boer
they are going to run
shoot the boer
we going to hit them
they are going to run
we are going to shoot them with the machine gun
they are going to run
they are going to run
we going to shoot them
they are going to run
shoot the boer
we are going to hit them
they are going to run
shoot the boer
we are going to hit them
the cabinet will shoot them with the machine gun
the cabinet will shoot them with the machine gun
shoot the boer
we are going to hit them
they are going to run”

Given that the Afrikaner (Boer) people are inextricably interbred with the other people of European descent in South Africa (my covenant woman, soon to be legal wife, is an Afrikaner of many generations) and since virtually all businesses today employ a significant proportion of Afrikaner men and women intermingled with other Europeans and since Afrikaner families live intermingled with families of other European origins any attack on Afrikaners is, in effect, an attack on ALL people of European descent.
The essence of this song is that the Cabinet – the highest organ of Government -- will kill people of European descent with machine guns.
This song, or a derivative was declared “hate speech” by the South African High Court last year and its singing was banned.
What makes this song even more significant is that it was allegedly sung on Sunday 8 January 2012, the day after I published the message “Yah speaks on South Africa” in which Yah declared that there would be massive revolution in South Africa leading to the murder of 75% of those of European descent – in the visions that led up to this message from Yah I saw a popular uprising, it was beyond my ability to comprehend that the President of the Nation would lead the slaughter that I saw in the visions.
After I watched this clip on YouTube I was stunned, numb, I struggled to compute what I had seen. I kept quiet about it most of the week. I lay awake at night mulling over it, trying to comprehend its significance, unable to hear Yah clearly regarding it because of the emotional turmoil going on inside me.
2. An African friends comments
Finally, on Friday, I forwarded the link and the words of the song to a few people close to me and asked for comment.
An old friend, of African descent, responded that I should NOT be concerned, that I should not give credibility to the singer of the song and that things would soon change.
The problem for me around that response was that Yah has taught me repeatedly over the years with regard to the importance of words – see previous articles with regard to words published on this list over many years.
Last night I shared this with my woman {wife} and we discussed it.
Finally I was able to reach some level of calmness about it and to start to discuss it with Yah.
What follows is based on the more rational and calm position that I have reached on the topic.
Yah willing, I will follow this with another article which reports Yah’s specific words on the above song and its singing by the President of South Africa and the impact it has on the future of this nation.
3. Words were responsible for creation
In considering “pay no attention” in the context of the above song, regrettably that is NOT possible for me.
Words are the most powerful device available to men, words are used constantly in every area of life, Yah used words to speak Creation into existence.
4. Curses are words – that song is a curse
Curses are words that carry destructive significance.
The Indigenous African People, as they are referred to in at least one piece of recent legislation, suffer under the curse that Noah pronounced on his grandson Canaan – all Noah said was “Cursed be Canaan” (Genesis 9:25) and yet those words have reverberated over 4,500 years condemning the children of Canaan to poverty and serfdom and a life of extreme paganism – those few words gave Satan a blanket right to operate on the descendants of Canaan in perpetuity.
The song reported above is a curse.
5. We will be judged for our words
Consider Matthew 12:36-37, Yahooshua speaking “36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. 37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” KJV
We will be judged for our words – that is how important our words are.
Our Guardian Messengers {Angels} follow us everywhere and record EVERY word we speak and the books of record are retained for our judgment.
It is extremely unwise to suggest that the words of the President of a nation are NOT to be taken seriously – whether he means them seriously or NOT is NOT the point, he has spoken those words and those words carry the FULL authority of his office as President.
If he was NOT serious then he needs to repent publicly and cancel those words, failing his sincere repentance those words will resonate in the Spirit realm until they are given life.
Words like these gave life to World War II, the German Nazi Party and the Holocaust.
6. Words resonate until they generate action
Most people think that words just disappear after they have been spoken, this is NOT so.
Words are powerful agents for action in the Spirit realm.
Both the messengers {angels} of Yah and the messengers and demons of Satan listen attentively for words that give them instruction to act.
When someone speaks out death, as in this case, the demons and fallen messengers of Satan whose task it is to bring about war, revolution and murder immediately begin to consult with regard to how they will give effect to these words.
The words will resonate in the spirit realm until they are cancelled by the person who spoke them or by someone else who has the authority to cancel them – such as the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the African National Congress (ANC) coupled to disciplinary action against the singer or until they bring about action, in this case the murder of whites including murder using machine guns.
These are the ONLY two possible outcomes from that song – it may take some years for the Satanic forces to bring about all that is necessary to bring about the full blown racial genocide that is inherent in the song but in the meantime the high murder rates and atrocities against whites will continue.
On a first-hand knowledge basis a close family friend of my woman {wife}, a man in his fifties, was accosted by a gang at his son’s 21st birthday party, the people at the party were forced to lie on the ground and this man, who had handed over his valuables and was lying defenseless on the ground was shot at point blank range as an act of wanton and cold blooded murder.
Such acts are a DIRECT MANIFESTATION of the words of this song which is allegedly frequently sung by members of the ANC.
7. The constitution is comprised of words
In further considering this situation it is important to recognize that the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, hailed by many as the most just Constitution developed anywhere is ALSO comprised of words – the words of this song, sung by the President and NOT cancelled, nullify and over-ride the words of the Constitution.
8. The judgment by the High Court is also comprised of words
The words of the High Court judgment declaring songs like this to be “hate speech” are ALSO annulled by the President proclaiming this song in direct violation of the Rule of Law and the legal authority of the High Court.
The singing of this song about killing of white people with machine guns by the President of the Country has massive spiritual import and authority.
To declare that these words can be ignored is to fail to comprehend the significance of words in the spirit realm – these words constitute a declaration of war by the ANC on the white people of South Africa.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. I ask that Yah will judge me severely and correct me harshly, show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it and lead me into ALL truth with regard to this teaching and EVERY teaching that I offer, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.
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