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This book was written in 1998/99 following several years of intense research and study of the bible in order to understand what marriage, divorce and adultery REALLY were
While my understanding of many factors has changed radically since writing the book the analysis of marriage, adultery and divorce remains almost entirely valid, the book is available here for download and the main section of the book are presented in the pages underlying this page
This was the first time that I discovered that the Christian Church was in MAJOR error and was totally NOT prepared to consider its error
I found that men who I respected and believed to be close to the Almighty suddenly turned vicious, aggressive, threatening and irrational
They claimed to believe the Bible to be authoritative but totally rejected arguments based on the Bible
This book was written in order to evidence what Father Yah had shown me based on the Bible which was my measuring stick at that stage
It was only much later that I realized that the Bible was NOT all that I had been told it was
The book systematically catalogues EVERY Bible verse that has ANYTHING to say about men, women, marriage, divorce, adultery and sex and analyzes what is presented there in order to present comprehensive evidence that it IS Biblical for more than one woman to marry one man, that virginity is set-apart {sacred} and that adultery is sex with a woman who is NOT a virgin and whose virginity one did NOT take
Marriage, adultery and divorce are exhaustively examined in this book and, while my understanding on many topics has changed radically, my basic understanding on these topics remains much as it was when the book was written with the exception that I now understand the Almighty MUCH more willing to grant divorce for outright covenant breaking than I had understood at that time -- see the section on divorce for more information
The sections of the book are in child-pages to this pages, in the following order:
Preamble and Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Concepts
2. Define marriage covenant?
3. Adultery?
4. Divorce
5. Is Monogamy scriptural?
6. Some other scriptures on marriage issues
7. The Tradition of Elders and other Heresies
8. Consequences of the Heresy of Monogamy and Related False Doctrines
9. Summary and Conclusion
10. Appendices A to G
11. Appendices H to P
12. Appendices Q to V
13. Appendices W to Key Words
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<<< PREVIOUS SUB-SECTION: Men and Women and Family
NEXT SECTION: The Almighty designed us from the beginning such that one man can covenant with more than one woman, this is evidenced by the seal of virginity >>>