As i probed further, i found the images on the right of an aircraft smashed deliberately at high speed into a concrete block.
It disintegrated into SMALL fragments and the concrete block was hardly damaged at all!!

On the left we see the impact of the second plane into the second tower.
Notice the fireball – that is most of the jet fuel burning off -- and notice the fragments, presumably of the aircraft and the building resulting from the impact.
Not dissimilar to the image above.
Probably not a lot of the aircraft left.
Notice the tower on the right.
Plumes of black smoke.
What produces black smoke?
NOT high temperature fires, low temperature fires.
Your barbeque / braai fire smokes when it is starting NOT when it is burning at high temperature.
So, the fire was NOT very hot.
the buildings collapsed totally.
Two towers, each of in excess of five hundred thousand tonnes mass demolished in a couple of hours by an aircraft of approximately one hundred tonnes of which about half was supposedly jet fuel, much of which, as we see above, burned off in the explosion at impact.
So we have an object of about 0.02% of the mass of the building causing the entire building to collapse in a couple of hours. Roughly the equivalent of throwing an egg filled with petrol against the wall of your living room and expecting the house to explode and collapse.
All fire prevention and protection regulations require a high rise building to stand for hours unaffected and fire proofing is designed to prevent the structure from collapsing except after a very protracted fire.
None of the fire fighters who survived expected what happened, they had not ever experienced such a situation. It had NEVER happened before ANYWHERE in the world!
Six weeks later as the rubble was unceremoniously and hastily cleared the demolition crews were finding steel at very high temperatures in the basement of the towers, in fact, MOLTEN STEEL.
Now, given that most of the Jet A1 burned off at impact how did the steel the in the basement melt?
This was high strength structural steel, protected with asbestos and other insulation to make it able to withstand fire for hours if not days before it was damaged.
It is alleged that Jet Fuel and paper and furnishings were blown down the lift shafts into the basement and burned there.
Check this out with your own experience.
Firstly, elevator shafts are closed off by very solid steel doors and the elevator lobbies are protected by fire proof doors, so how did the stuff get down the shaft, after all there were elevators in the shafts as well that would block them.

Secondly take some paper, some cloth, some floor carpet tiles and other flammable material of the sort you would expect to find in an office, place it in your steel garden wheel barrow, soak it with petrol, pour excess petrol onto it and set it alight – you can visualize yourself doing that i suspect AND i suspect that you are entirely confident that the wheel barrow will NOT melt into a puddle of molten steel.
After all, you have probably had a barbeque or burned garden waste or even had a coal or charcoal or gas or log fire in the fireplace of your home in a STEEL grate and NEVER experienced those materials materially deforming the steel let alone melting it in a way that it totally collapses into a puddle that stays liquid for six weeks!
How then would some of these materials twenty metres underground in an oxygen starved environment melt massive steel columns in a couple of hours such that these huge structures would collapse?
Surely the designers of these buildings allowed for fires of that nature in their designs?
Then i discovered that these structural steel columns in the basement that were melted by this mixture of office debris and unburned jet fuel were each two and a half feet by four feet in external dimension with walls four inches thick of high strength structural steel. That is about 0.75 m by 1.2 m with wall thickness 100 mm.
The walls are as thick as the width of a brick. I have never seen such massive steel columns and i guess very few people reading this have seen such a steel column.
This size is the size of a full size single bed.
Consider a full size single bed with solid base to the floor turned on its end and then consider that as high strength structural steel the thickness of a brick all around.
Then visualize piling all the carpeting, files, books, papers, etc that you can find against this massive structural steel monolith, pouring petrol over it and setting it alight.
Do you really visualize that steel tower melting and staying molten for six weeks?
What if i tell you there were 47, that’s right forty seven, of those steel columns in the basement of each of the two towers.
That is huge, YET those buildings collapsed in about two hours catastrophically in a way that NO OTHER HIGH RISE BUILDING HAS EVER COLLAPSED in the history of modern high rise buildings except when DEMOLISHED using controlled demolitions!
The next challenge is exemplified by the photograph to the right.
AFTER the aircraft has disintegrated there is a massive explosion.
In fact, eye witnesses report NUMEROUS explosions and a seismograph reports massive explosions.
By now the aircraft is reduced to rubble and the jet fuel is burnt out, or as the story goes, leaked into the basement.
But there is this massive explosion that sends pieces of the building flying in all directions, including UPWARDS.
In the dust and the rubble is found evidence of highly advanced explosives, the ONLY type of explosive that could be used to demolish such massive structures and a type of explosive not found in civilian life. In fact, one interpretation might even be that it was developed specifically for this PROJECT!
And, it is an explosive that only the United States and perhaps a few other highly advanced countries would be able to produce let alone have any reason to produce so the rag tag bunch of El-Qaeda ruffians would have been hard pressed to make it and smuggle it in and place it all over the World Trade centre buildings in carefully concealed and disguised packaging.
Then, as i was wrapping up this article i linked to:‑demolition.htm
To discover the statement:
“Fact. The twin towers were designed to withstand a collision with a Boeing 707.
In the early 1970's the World Trade Center's chief structural engineer, Leslie Robertson, calculated the effect of the impact of a Boeing 707 with the World Trade Center towers. His results were reported in the New York Times where it was claimed that Robertson's study proved the towers would withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 moving at 600 miles an hour. Little did he know that decades later, two aircraft, almost identical to the Boeing 707, would impact the towers.”
Take note that this statement alone should raise the question as to why there has not been a criminal inquiry into the negligence of the design engineers for failing in their duty of care to design the buildings to withstand an entirely possible event, an aircraft colliding with one of the towers.
Surely the magnitude of negligence would be high since both buildings collapsed. But, again these realities have not been recognized in this situation.
With this article i will distribute a number of Adobe Acrobat pdf files from various websites that provide further information.
I suggest that you do NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR THIS!
Go and research for yourself.
Follow the links i have given you.
Read the attachments.
And reach your own conclusion.
My conclusion?
High ranking officials in diverse areas of the United States Government, Military, etc assisted by diverse people in the private sector systematically and deliberately planned these events in order to create a pretext to engage in the “War on Terror” which is primarily a Christian attack on Muslim countries whether we like it or not.
Muslim’s have been portrayed as blood thirsty savages who deserve no mercy in order to generate an excuse for war.
And, some allege, for key people and corporations in the know to benefit hugely financially.
There are all sorts of theories about motives, about who benefited, about how the explosives were placed, etc.
You are welcome to research and form your own opinions BUT that is not really the important conclusion, certainly from my perspective anyway.
Having realized the magnitude of the crime that had been committed against the occupants of the buildings and possibly of the aircraft on 11 September 2001, the crime that was committed against all the citizens of the United States of America, against all the people of the world and against the nations of Islam i was struck by the reality that setting up this entire elaborate hoax must have involved at least hundreds but more likely thousands of people.
People who told little lies and people who told huge lies AND who continue to do so!
People who actively plotted and gave instructions to manufacture and plant what was probably tons of explosives.
People who after the event told elaborate lies to trusting and shocked citizens AND continue to do so.
At least several people who actually guided those aircraft into those buildings and at least one person who detonated the charges that destroyed those massive structures and committed wholesale murder.
As i pondered this i was forced to consider another set of truths that i have at some level wanted to ignore or believe were exaggerated.
The reports of secret societies that take blood oaths and bind their members to lie to protect the brotherhood on pain of terrible and excruciating death.
Societies that take oaths like “that my tongue be torn out by the roots and my heart ripped from my chest while i still live if i betray this trust” and other similar oaths while drinking blood ranging from human blood to pigs blood.
One such organization, reported to operate in one or more prestige US Universities purportedly drinks blood out of a human skull.
These organizations and their people DEEPLY UNDERSTAND COVENANT in a way few servants of Yah understand it – they know that IF YOU BREAK COVENANT YOU DIE – and they perform that death rite quickly, efficiently and mercilessly. So it is seldom necessary for them to do it because everyone knows it is dependable except in extreme cases where our Father, Yah, takes them out and protects them, such as in the case of the man whose testimony was shared in the previous article.
Allegedly membership of one or more of these secret societies is necessary to progress in many organizations, institutions, political parties, governments, etc.
Allegedly members of these organizations will lie under oath and judges who are members will defeat justice so that members of the brotherhood may go free. Such organizations exist in every society and every culture and every religion.
Free Mason’s are allegedly an example in Western societies, there are MANY others.
I have heard of these organizations and tended to downplay these reports as exaggerated.
I HAVE encountered the demons associated with these blood oaths in my own blood line and others.
Other reports have for several years been claiming that some of these groups have been planning to crash the global economy for the purpose of hijacking the currencies of the major nations, particularly the United States -- but that is another discussion.
Again, i have tended to regard these reports as exaggerated and downplayed them.
Now i have to conclude that crime as extreme as the 911 attacks on the World Trade Center and the associated events, which must also now be viewed as similarly inspired, is only possible through a very substantial network of people who in presumably years of planning BEFORE 11 September 2001 and in the conspiracy of silence and misinformation and downright lies that have followed up to this day to conceal the truth that such secret societies ruled by fear and extreme blood oaths coupled to death vows ruthlessly carried out on those who break them, must in fact be operating.
Thus, where i was shown the hand of Satan on the Twin Towers at the time, that hand was and is far more pervasive than i could imagine, the evil more deep rooted than anything that i had previously considered possible. Refer to “1A1.01.09.06_Satan's Presence At The World Trade Centre ‑ Confirmed in Photographs.pdf”
You may have heard of the “Illuminati”.
Many people think this is a secret society, perhaps it is.
It is however also the description of those who are illuminated by Satan.
Illumination is a counterfeit of the anointing of the set apart Spirit of Yah – what many people have mistakenly known as the ‘Christ’ – one of the incorrect terms that has created confusion about the true identity of Yahooshua, the one many call mistakenly “Jesus Christ” which is an incorrect translation of “Yahooshua the anointed of Yah” referring to the Spirit of Yah that comes upon a human being.
Yahooshua is the most extreme example of how a man can be filled with and controlled by the Spirit of Yah but there are others who have been similarly filled, of which Moshe {Moses} is a good example. There have been many others who have been filled to varying levels and today we are called to be so filled in order to restore the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and to prepare the earth for the return of our King (Yahooshua).
Such infilling of the set apart Spirit requires dedication, setting apart, seeking the face of the Almighty, dealing with sin, extreme sanctification, strict observance of the commandments of Yah, etc.
The illuminated ones are Satan’s equivalent.
They counterfeit Yah’s anointed in almost every way.
They can even perform “miracles” by withdrawing the demons that are causing illness and other actions.
You will even find them in churches praying to “God” in the name of “Jesus” and laying hands on people, prophesying over them and demonizing them!
BUT they achieve their “anointing” in the Satanic through fear, worship of Satan, inviting stronger and stronger demons into themselves until they become CONTROLLED by the demons that have taken up residence in them (in the cavity in the heart intended for the set apart Spirit of Yah), these people are “DEMON POSSESSED” as opposed to “demon oppressed” which is the case of nearly all the rest of the population of the earth. Only a minute fraction of human beings on the earth today are sanctified (set apart) at a level where they are not carrying some demons.
In the recent article “Combat in the Heavenly Realm” we read of such an illuminated one who was able to perform astral travel, levitate and perform other demonically inspired feats.
Illuminated one’s can be witches, wizards or warlocks or any other category of Satanic servant, they occur in every culture, every society, they are everywhere.
They are NOT ugly hags as depicted in children’s stories.
They may be unattractive but they may also be the most attractive men and women around. Satan enjoys collecting beautiful people and rewards them for serving him.
The person behind you at the bus stop could be an illuminated one but so could the person bestowing your cap on you at your University Graduation Ceremony or sitting in the judges seat when you appear in Court, or your local medical practitioner, or your member of Parliament or even your national President or local Bishop or pastor of your local church.
In fact, anywhere where you might pray for Yah the eternally self existing to place strongly anointed believers, Satan’s servants are praying and conniving and plotting and scheming and manipulating and lying and murdering to place their anointed ones.
And, on balance right now, there is MORE LIKELY to be an illuminated one than one anointed of Yah in those positions.
This is not to say that they are necessarily either.
Many are just run-of-the-mill ordinary citizens who sort of think they sort of serve the Almighty but do not really try and who spend most of their time sort of serving Satan but not really trying there either. They represent the huge middle ground of human beings who are referred to as “lukewarm” in Revelation, neither hot for Yah or cold for Yah (hot for Satan).
Fact is that there are many illuminated ones around at various levels of illumination and they do NOT LOOK ANY DIFFERENT TO THE AVERAGE HUMAN BEING than a highly sanctified servant of Yah filled with the Spirit of Yah.
You could even be married to one and not know it!
Thus, it is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE for the illuminated one’s to plan and execute the entire range of crimes involved in the events of 11 September 2001 and all that has followed!
All coordinated and controlled by the forces of darkness, Satan and his messengers and demons and human servants through the principalities, powers, thrones and dominions of the spirit realm which operate on the earth. Remember that Satan is in the Pit but all the remaining servants of Satan are operating on earth and above the earth barring those that anointed believers are sending to the Pit as the battle unfolds.
It is wise NOT to get too focused on the human beings, whether your local witch or warlock, the Government minister you suspect of being “one of them”, the church leader or leader of a denomination that you suspect to be “the beast” or whatever.
Unlike Yah who gave all authority on earth to Adam who gave it to Satan who remains the God of this world, the forces of darkness are NOT constrained as to who controls what. So the Satanic messengers are controlling things in a way that few human beings understand.
They have agenda’s across the world that are executed by human beings in all nations, tribes, tongues, religions, etc so it is wise NOT to get too focused on the human beings.
BUT, you say, Yahooshua said “all authority in heaven and earth have been given unto me”.
True, BUT he then immediately delegated this to those who follow him and went and is “seated at the right hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool”.
So, IF you claim to be a follower of Yahooshua, how many servants of Satan have YOU sent to the Pit this week?
Did you know you can do it?
Do you know how to do it?
Do you want to do it?
Do you CARE?
Or are you playing games with people while letting their souls go to hell?
Or are you just too busy enjoying life and making money to worry?
So, right now, as was reported shortly after 911, “Satan Is Winning the Battle Hands Down What Are You Going to Do About It?” (01.09.03)
By the time i had reached the above conclusion on Friday evening (25 September 2009) i sat stunned.
I could still not fully accept what my entire engineering and military training told me was the case.
I turned to our Father:
He confirmed that the broad conclusion was true.
That the government of the USA had actively murdered its nationals and others and caused massive damage in order to create a pretext for war with the Muslim nations.
He then said something that shocked me further:
“More than half the people who call themselves ‘Christian” have never known me and have been serving Satan through the blasphemous names ‘The LORD’ [= Baal], ‘God’, ‘Jesus’ [Approximately = Zeus] and ‘Christ’ but they have never known ME or had a personal relationship with me.
“Of the remainder who have had some level of personal relationship with me the vast majority have fallen away in the last decade and in particular since the grace for the use of these blasphemous names was withdrawn in 2001.
“And more than half the Muslims have also never known me and have been serving Satan through ‘Allah’ which is no more specific to me than ‘God’ and a similar falling away has taken place on that side.
“Thus, when the Muslim’s refer to Christianity and the United States as ‘The Great Satan’, they have been correct and when the Christians have made similar allegations against the Muslims they have also been correct.
“Thus we have the classic case of servants of Satan fighting against each other and embroiling my true servants in the deception because very few of my true servants have discerned that although most Christians are serving Satan a few are serving me and that although most Muslims are serving Satan a few are serving me.
“So, in causing war between these factions of his servants Satan embeds the lies on both sides that they are right and the other side are wrong and in the process more and more of my true servants are deceived and fall away together with the masses.”
He went on to say:
“The 28th of September, from sunset on the 27th to sunset on the 28th is the DAY OF ATONEMENT!.
“'I am calling those who claim to LOVE ME and claim to truly desire to serve me to ‘choose this day who they will serve’ ...
“Will they serve me through my true name ‘Yah the eternally self existing’ or ‘Yahooeh’ and my title ‘Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth’ or will they persist in using Satanic and idolatrous names?
“Will they come to me through the covenant that I made with and through ‘Yahooshua’ whose name means ‘Yah is salvation’ and who I created and will they refer to the anointing of my Spirit or will they persist in using idolatrous names, worshipping Yahooshua, a created being and using meaningless titles for themselves?
“I am calling them to choose, I will NO LONGER answer to ‘The LORD’ or ‘Lord’ or ‘God’ or ‘Allah’ or “Elohim’ and I will NO LONGER respect prayer in the name of ‘Jesus’ or ‘Christ’.
Thus says Yah the eternally self existing, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, the Alpha and the Omega, the Almighty who is a consuming fire and whose wrath is now kindled against the blasphemers on the earth who presume to call themselves His servants and are not!
I, James Alexander Robertson hereby testify that this was given to me and i accept full responsibility on the Day of Judgement if my claim is in error.
Yah has also stressed that He expects all who claim to love Him to keep ALL His commandments, that is all ten as headlined in the endnote to ETI emails and appended at the end of this document.
This includes observing the Day of Atonement from sunset 27th September 2009 to sunset 28th September 2009 as a fast and set apart day on which NO work shall be done.
The information in this article is challenging and stunning.
We are now called to choose sides.
Are you FOR YAH the eternally self existing, the Creator of the Heaven’s and the Earth, the Almighty and His created servant Yahooshua?
are you for The LORD, God, Allah, Jesus, Christ and therefore for SATAN!?
May Yah guide you to make the right choice and overcome your inhibitions and your compromises and traditions.
The time for traditions is PAST.
The time for compromise is PAST.
You are either SOLD OUT TO YAH or you are a servant of Satan.
It is as simple as that.
Satan is the God of this world, if you choose the world’s way and the world’s system and the comforts and privileges that go with serving Satan in this life.
Prepare to burn for eternity!
I hope that this article will help you to draw closer to the Almighty.
Download pdf version of main article
Download pdf version of attachment: 911 Research - An Independent investigation of the 9-11-2001 Attack
Download pdf version of attachment: Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth
Download pdf version of attachment: 118 Witnesses World Trade Center Fire-fighters Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers
Download pdf version of attachment: Grabbe Direct Evidence for Explosions -- Flying Projectiles and Widespread Impact Damage
Download pdf version of attachment: Explosive Residues found in World Trade Center Dust
Download pdf version of attachment: Red Hot Spots under the World Trade Center
Download pdf version of attachment: World Trade Center Demolition -- WTC Designed to Survive Impact of Boeing 767