2012.11.04 What is a week – REALLY? Created by James on 2/1/2014 9:25:01 AM Following on from the previous articles the same website documents evidence that weeks commence on the New Moon and should follow a lunar calendar.
However, since there are 29.5+ days in a lunar month a seven day week does NOT fit so observance of the Sabbath as the seventh day becomes problematic.
Yah has pointed out that the precise pattern of weeks, months and years was disrupted during the flood when the earth was knocked off its axis, its orbit round the sun was distorted to an eclipse instead of a circle and the orbit of the moon was disrupted.
Yah recommends that one asks for Mercy and Grace and adhere to the currently accepted calendar as any other weekly cycle will cause massive disruption.
What is a week – REALLY?
James Robertson
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Following the preceding mails on incorrect words I clicked on the link to “Sunday” in the table in the previous email and that took me to the attached page and subsequent pages (also attached) which collectively present an argument that the week actually cycles with the new moon.
I also visited Wikipedia (also attached) and found that because the Lunar month is a bit over 29 and a half days there are all sorts of approximations, etc so that different groups have different views of a lunar month and a lunar month is NOT 28 days so that the concept of weeks linked to new moon is therefore problematic – there are one and a half days that do not fit four weeks every month.
When I asked Yah about it he reminded me that prior to the flood He had created the solar system such that the earth had a precise orbit around the sun and the moon had a precise orbit around the earth resulting in consistent solar and lunar calendars.
This was totally disrupted by the flood when the earth was tilted on its axis, knocked out of its orbit around the sun and the moon knocked out of its orbit around the earth and consequently to try and follow lunar weeks in the current age is highly problematic from a business and employment perspective.
for information on the massive disruption of the earth’s surface and orbits that was associated with the flood.
He advised me that the best solution was to stay with the current calendar on this point and ask for Mercy and Grace insofar as it practically impossible to be compliant with a lunar based week model in our society – then He advised me to research the origins of “Mercy” and “Grace”!
The true week should correlate with the lunar new moon cycle but this was only truly possible before the flood. Yah has indicated that He will accept it if we comply with the conventional calendar with regard to Sabbath observance.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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