2012.11.03 Further information on incorrect words Created by James on 9/28/2013 8:45:11 AM Following on from the previous two articles the same website documents a number of other language errors.
The article below contains links to some of their pages.
Further information on incorrect words
James Robertson
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Following on the two articles on holy and glory being blasphemous names the same website has information regarding other words that I have known for a long time are incorrect
While I have NOT read the entire site it seems that the material is fairly reliable so, if you are NOT aware of why I avoid other words and names you might want to visit the site in more detail.
Following is a table of links that might be worth exploring from:
To access a link, highlight the word or phrase in the table that interests you and right click on it – for those of you who are Afrikaans notice in particular item 14 which relates to “Here” the Afrikaans word for “Lord” which is also a blasphemous name.
If you are not familiar with why you should avoid the above names I suggest you visit this site.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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