2012.11.15 Who to Listen to Created by on 1/31/2014 11:40:30 AM Many people on this list find what is published challenging and flying in the face of conventional and common teachings and practices.
This raises the challenge of "who do I listen to".
This article suggests that UNLESS the party who is teaching prays regularly to be judged, corrected of error and led to truth and has fasted intensively in support of this their doctrine should be regarded as suspect.
I have added these prayers to this email and ask you to pray them for me on a regular basis.
Who to Listen to
James Robertson
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Someone who is on the list has recently prayed “Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly”.
He is going through a torrid time of loss and discomfort as a consequence of sin that Yah is now dealing with him about.
I have been offering counsel by email but in response find that he is battling to know whether to follow my counsel or the counsel of others.
In response I offered him the following – slightly amended here in an email with subject “Purifying your doctrine”:
“Now that you have prayed "judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve You more perfectly" you can no longer pick and choose the doctrine that suits your intellect
“There is ONLY ONE doctrine that will get you out of your present situation and that is the doctrine according to Yah
“Before you accept counsel from others or accept doctrine from others ask the following questions:
“1. When did they first pray to be judged severely and corrected harshly? -- if the answer is “never” or “don't know” then be very cautious of accepting their counsel
“2. When did they first pray "show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it"? -- if the answer is never or don't know then be very cautious of accepting their counsel
“3. When did they first pray "lead me into all truth"? -- same as above
“4. When did they go on at least seven consecutive three day fasts seeking purification of their doctrine? -- same as above
“In response to the above my answers are:
“1. About 1998 and regularly since then
“2. About 1998 and regularly since then
“3. About 1995 and regularly since then
“4. 2000 and again in 2010
“Accordingly my brother I submit that my doctrine can be trusted and I urge you, if in doubt, to follow my doctrine rather than the doctrine of others”
I have reached a point where I offer roughly the same response to anyone who challenges what I believe in the context of what I claim Yah has shown me.
It is possible to pass all sorts of judgments on what I have just written but for me there is a harsh reality, it is only after I started praying these prayers that I started to find out the level of error in the church and it is my considered experientially based opinion that in the absence of regular prayer of these prayers it is impossible to find truth because one is NOT really seeking truth.
In the same way, it was only when I went on the first series of eight three day fasts at ten day intervals in 2000 that I started to get massive revelation of truth and these truths were consolidated and refined following the second series of seven three day fasts at seven day intervals in 2010 – this leads me to conclude that UNLESS one adopts some course of action similar to the above that one is NOT in a position to express firm opinion on anything relating to the things of Yah.
Remember, if you do NOT ask for judgment in this life you WILL be judged on the Day of Judgment and, based on my experience, you WILL be found wanting!
Appropriate prayer and fasting is the only way to refine doctrine – be very wary of the doctrine of anyone who is not regularly asking Yah to judge them and show them their error and lead them into all truth and who has not fasted in search of truth.
If you are seeking counsel from others then it is your liberty to pray for them to be judged and corrected and shown their error and led into truth but you do NOT have the right to do that UNLESS you pray it for yourself first. I would go so far as to suggest that you INSIST that anyone who teaches should pray the above prayers publicly every time BEFORE they deliver a teaching and include it as a preface to everything they write or record – to this end I have added these prayers at the end of this message and intend to do this as a routine.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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