2012.11.20 IF the Bible IS corrupt then WHAT do I do? Created by on 9/28/2013 10:33:21 AM Following on from the article in which Yah stated that the bible was a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men the next logical question is "what do I do about this?"
This article discusses various actions that are appropriate once you realize the bible is NOT what you thought it was
IF the Bible IS corrupt then WHAT do I do?
James Robertson
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Last week I published an article “The bible is a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men” (article 2012.11.16).
A logical extension of that statement by Yah is the question “IF the Bible IS corrupt then WHAT do I do?”
I have asked the question myself on several occasions and have prayed about it further in the past week. Here is the answer:
- Get closer to Yah
The fundamental reason that Yah hates the Bible (book) the way He does is that through their worship of, and reliance on, the book people are prevented from getting close to Him.
The primary reason for our existence IS to serve Yah, to worship Yah, to have deep relationship with Yah, to talk to Yah, to be His friend and companion and confidante in the world, to fight the battles on earth on His behalf and, ultimately, to reign with His Spirit to restore Yah’s rule on earth.
So, the first thing to do when you realise the bible is JUST a book is to TURN TO YAH with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and seek to develop a DEEP personal relationship with Him.
NOTHING is more important.
2. Stop worshipping the book {bible}
It is one thing to recognize that the book is NOT “the inerrant word of God”, that in fact it is NOT EVEN “the word of God”, that actually it contains errors, that in fact virtually every English translation is MASSIVELY corrupt and that even those that have more accurate language are corrupt – it is ANOTHER thing to walk out this revelation.
Remember that the Greek word “biblios” means book, as in the Afrikaans work “Biblioteek” which means “Library” = a collection of books.
Remember that the bible is an assemblage of writings approved about 600 AD by the same group of men who formally approved worship of Jesus, formally accepted the use of Greek based names such as Jesus (derived from Zeus), who appropriated the right to claim the book was inspired by the Creator, who approved “moving” the Sabbath from the seventh day of the week to the first, who approved the pagan feasts like Christmas and Easter, who legislated monogamy and discounted virginity, etc, etc.
The very genesis of the bible is corrupt – it is constituted of fragments of text, SOME of which were written by anointed writers or about anointed persons which is ALL that Satan permitted to remain about the things of Yah and then, having conceded a small degree of defeat Satan turned around and almost totally defused the value of those texts by causing men to worship them as “the inerrant Word of God”.
Having got this revelation directly from Yah in 2001 it took me about ten years to internalise it – ten years during which I CEASED reading the bible, ten years when for a season I drifted and, to some extent fell back, ten years when I did NOT know what to do. It is ONLY in the last couple of years that I have comfortably adjusted to this reality and come to terms with what I should do instead.
In fact, even a few months ago I complained to Yah that I was battling to get back close to Him and that once upon a time I would have immersed myself in the bible – “what am I to do now?” I asked Him – to which He replied “read your OWN writings – they are anointed and you do NOT know your own writings that well” subsequently He instructed me to compile all my more recent writings into a set of collated books, a task which is still pending as I regain my health.
Bottom line? There ARE other measures you can take instead of relying on the bible, these are set out below.
3. Stop worshiping men and relying on them
Another trap, as great as the trap of worshiping the bible, if NOT more of a trap, is the worship of men and reliance on men.
We are conditioned to rely on the preacher or teacher or Pharisee or Rabbi or other man or woman who hears Yah or who claims to hear Yah or who we believe hears Yah and NOT think for ourselves or not seek a personal relationship with Yah ourselves.
It is available to YOU to have a closer relationship with Yah than ANY other person on earth today IF you set your heart to it and make the sacrifices that are required – pray the prayers, do the things, be obedient NO MATTER what the price, seek Yah and He WILL be found by you for He DESIRES to be found by you.
Son of man, what makes you think that you are so important to Satan that Yah does NOT want a relationship with you?
Yah does save Satanists, Wizards and Witches when they ask or when close family ask so WHY would He NOT want a close relationship with YOU?
4. Learn to HEAR Yah clearly
A necessary step in the journey I am discussing is that you must learn to hear Yah clearly.
To do that you need to DECIDE that you want that.
You need to PRAY for Him to clear out your spiritual ears.
You need to pray all sorts of prayers, you need to fast AND above all you need to test obedience.
How will you know you are hearing Yah if you do NOT act on what you hear?
Test what you hear for reasonableness – remember that UNTIL you have set yourself apart to a considerable level and got rid of your demons (YES, YOU DO HAVE DEMONS), got rid of all the other spiritual drek that you inherited from your forefathers and that you have accumulated during this life -- you are surrounded by spiritual noise that contaminates your hearing – there are other articles on this list that deal with setting apart in more detail.
BUT, remember, that most of the time most of what you have learned on earth is CONTRARY to the ways of Yah – most of what you have learned in church is corrupt and much is downright FALSE – so the day you choose to follow Yah alone you are going to find Him telling you things and telling you to DO things that are likely to rattle your cage!
Where necessary pray and pray again, He will NOT refuse you if you come to Him with a humble heart and ask for confirmation of clarification BUT a moment will come when He expects you to OBEY.
It will start out with easy things like “stop and pick up that hitch hiker and give them R100 / $10 and tell them I love them” – THAT is NOT easy at first – the more you are obedient the more the instructions and tasks will get more complicated and more challenging but will, initially, still be in the relatively easy realms of “give that man R1,000 / $100” or similar.
Over time you will find yourself getting more complex and more challenging instructions which will become more and more specific to what Yah wants to do in YOUR life personally.
You may go through a period of “go to this church and tell the pastor that I am well pleased with him” and then progress to “go that pastor and tell him he is out of line and if he persists in his current direction he will soon lose all hope of salvation” – be prepared to be thrown out of assemblies and to be vilified – when you get to that point you can begin to realise that perhaps you ARE starting to hear Yah clearly.
Remember ALWAYS that the ways of Yah are NOT the ways of the world and NOT the ways of the church – choosing to HEAR Yah and be obedient is a choice to follow a lonely life for most people simply because there are SO FEW who chose this course of action so you WILL find it lonely – BUT you WILL have prestigious company in heaven IF you overcome on this path for the rest of your life.
The more you are obedient the more you will hear. The more you argue and resist, the less you will hear until, in time, Yah will cease speaking to you if you persist in your disobedience and rebellion – so do NOT ask Him to teach you to hear Him UNTIL you are CERTAIN you are prepared to obey and, it is so that there will be times when you hesitate and hold back and have no one to turn to except Yah and THAT is where you REALLY want to be!
5. Learn to be LED by Yah in every possible way
As an extension of the previous point seek to be led by Yah in every possible way, pray prayers like “open the doors You want opened and close the doors You want closed”, “bring the people You want into my life and take those that You want out, out”, etc – refer previous articles for more on these prayers.
Then, be SENSITIVE to His leading, if you arrange a meeting and it is cancelled and arrange another and it is cancelled, let it go, it is likely Father does NOT want you to have that meeting now or at all.
Look for doors that are opening and go through them and doors that are closing and turn aside.
Note that the road is STRAIT and the gate is NARROW that leads to eternal life and that the gate is WIDE that leads to destruction – this is NOT the easy way, so as Yah leads you do NOT expect it all to be plain sailing and easy, there WILL be opposition in the spiritual realm which will manifest in the physical realm.
It takes years of self-discipline and seeking Yah to come to a place where you are REALLY led by the Spirit of Yah and FEW people achieve this – largely because we live in a culture where few people teach that this is possible and even fewer teach HOW to do it – that does NOT prevent YOU from seeking this, it IS available to ALL who seek it!
6. Pray prayers that give Yah free reign in your life
Coupled with the previous points is how you pray and how you worship.
The articles on worship in recent weeks give you Psalms that have powerful words that will give Yah room to work in your life.
The various prayers set out in articles over the last few months and at intervals over the last more than a decade give an indication of what to pray.
The MOST IMPORTANT PRAYER, I think, is “Father, judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly” and second to this “show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it”.
Then DO what you find to do in response to Yah’s working in your life.
If you do NOT have the courage to pray these two prayers then admit to yourself that you are NOT really serious about all of this and be resigned to a BAD REPORT on the Day of Judgment.
If you REALLY believe there IS a Day of Judgment you should have NO difficulty praying these prayers J Trust Yah, He IS merciful and compassionate, and caring AND He will NOT allow you to be tested beyond what you can endure!
7. There are millions of other books, read them
You can still read the bible if you want PROVIDED you have the correct perspective on it, but once you recognize it for what it is, a useful historical record with some limited inspired passages then you are likely to find that one or two readings are sufficient.
It is written of Yah “in whom we live and move and have our being” – Yah is everywhere, Yah teaches and inspires engineers, scientists, artists, politicians, etc, etc – at whatever level is consistent with what is prayed by them, their families and others who intercede for them.
Thus there are millions of books with comparable levels of inspiration and reliability to the bible – ask Yah which you should read and be aware that He may only want you to read ONE paragraph!
I have hundreds of books, some I have not read at all, some I have read a few pages, some I picked up in a book store and opened at a particular paragraph which answered a particular question and I have never looked at again.
Being led by the Spirit of Yah is about being sensitive and obedient to His leading and NOT being legalistic – remember, He wants a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU!
8. Read your own writings
If you have been walking reasonably closely with Yah for some time, have fasted and prayed and out of this leading have written articles or even letters, then go back and read your own writings.
As I mentioned above, some months ago Yah advised me to read my own writings and cautioned me that I do NOT understand or apply all that I have written myself.
If you visit my two websites you will find close to 1,000 articles some of which are highly anointed and accurate and some of which, particularly the older articles, are full of error. The articles published from late 2010 when I did seven three day fasts, are, I believe, reasonably reliable and reasonably inspired but there are others written years ago which are also important – so, if you have read the bible several times and have not read most of my writings, that might be a useful place to go next PROVIDED you see them as the writings of a man and do NOT start worshiping them.
9. Get VERY CLOSE to Yah
By now I hope that you have seen that the correct response to the realization that the bible is corrupt is to draw VERY CLOSE to Yah – that is the beginning and the end – Yah CREATED US to have relationship with Him, that is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!
Yah clearly wants a deep personal relationship with each and every one of us. Worshiping the bible massively gets in the way of this so, turn to Yah and seek to know Him clearly and deeply, to hear Him, to be led by His Spirit in every possible way and seek to learn to be obedient.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. I ask that Yah will judge me severely and correct me harshly, show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it and lead me into ALL truth with regard to this teaching and EVERY teaching that I offer, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.
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