2012.11.16 “The bible is a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men” Created by James on 9/28/2013 10:20:05 AM In supporting a person who has prayed to be judged in this life and is experiencing a harsh situation Yah has given me a very harsh message concerning the proper perspective on the bible
This article traces my journey through worshipping the book {bible} to the point where I can now hear Yah make such a statement and elaborate on the statement.
“The bible is a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men”
James Robertson
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In reading what follows it is appropriate for me to give you some historical context:
1968+/- I started reading the Bible because I had been told it was “The Word of God” got as far as Abraham with multiple women, conflicted with the church teaching, threw the book away
1993 – dramatic encounter with the Almighty – knew now for certain that He existed and that I was on my way to Hell if he had not intervened, found people who spoke sense and used the bible as a detailed source of reference material and teachings that made sense – took my bible, held it up to Yah and prayed “Father these people say this is your word, it does not make any sense to me, I chose to believe it is your word and I ask you to answer all my questions”
In the months and years that followed I read the bible (the word means book) over 20 times from cover to cover and another 15 times or more in the New Testament in diverse translations
2001 – Father says to me – “the bible is NOT my word and it is sin to worship it”
In the years that follow He progressively shows me error in the book – I struggle, for eight years I totally believed it WAS His word and used that language in all that I wrote, in my interaction with others, etc – I had invested huge amounts of time proving things from the bible on the basis that it was the final authority but slowly I came to understand what He was saying
2010 – late December, having just completed seven three day fasts over seven weeks for purification of my doctrine and to move closer to Yah amongst other things He says to me “son of man, do you see how this people limit me to one tiny book”
In the months that follow I write various articles each of which is more strongly worded than the last in positioning the bible as a collection of writings compiled by men, often from fragments of manuscripts and falsely deified by men who were responsible for codification of diverse gross errors through the Roman church about 600 years after Yahooshua
Earlier this week, again corresponding with my friend who has asked to be judged severely and corrected harshly – remember that in terms of where he now is he does NOT have the luxury of having things soft soaped or made palatable – he is out on the streets with hardly any food and has lost almost everything – he needs the truth URGENTLY – I was impressed to write:
“You write of straying from Father through people worship -- totally agree a major risk
“Yet you fall into that trap through "bible worship" -- you constantly make reference to "the scriptures" as though there is such a thing
“The bible is a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men from corrupt texts and containing only a few passages that are true "scripture" that is breathed directly by Yah through a highly anointed spokesman {prophet}
“You are constantly in my thoughts and my prayers
“I know you will come out the other side of this stronger in your faith and relationship with Yah PROVIDED you constantly examine yourself and your beliefs and deal with sin and error”
I was surprised myself when Yah expressed Himself through me so directly and forcibly – I understand Him to say to me that His patience has run out with regard to the lies about the bible
Yah has expressed Himself very forcibly regarding the bible – calling it a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men from corrupt texts containing only a few passages of true scripture – this does NOT mean it is not a useful reference only that its correct position in the scheme of things MUST be understood clearly
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. I ask that Yah will judge me severely and correct me harshly, show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it and lead me into ALL truth with regard to this teaching and EVERY teaching that I offer, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.
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