2013.09.13 Why Names ARE Important Created by James on 10/12/2013 9:23:28 AM This article responds to various emails I have received from people challenging me with regard to the names that I advocate
I urge you to read this prayerfully and, if you have any love for the Almighty, Yah the eternally self-existing and Yahooshua {Jesus} that you change to the correct form of their names as an act of love and seek to bring them joy
Why Names ARE Important
James Robertson
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Various people have written to me to take issue with me regarding the names that I have been advocating
Arguments include “I have called him Jesus since I was a child and he knows how much I love him” and “Father knows my heart, He does not mind what name I use” and “Father is bigger than that” and “Grace”
Someone else has argued linguistically against the assertion that Jesus is derived from Zeus
And so people argue intellectually against something that is NOT intellectual
When I was young some of my friends called me “Jim” a common abbreviation for “James” – I resisted strenuously and, even today, will scarcely acknowledge anyone who addresses me as Jim, I know that my name IS important to me and it upsets me when people distort it
When I speak in countries where the language is not English they always introduce me as “Dr James Robertson”, the pronunciation may sometimes not be familiar but they NEVER suggest that they should translate my name
When I first became aware of the fact that the names “God”, “The LORD” and “Jesus” were inaccurate I asked Father about it – His reply? “James, how would you like it if your wife called you by the name of your worst enemy?” – I stopped using the names I had used all my life – it was a battle at first but I had got the message and I worked on it, it also took me time to get to the transliterations that Father said were most accurate in modern English but I had got the message and Father was blessed by the fact that I tried and it brought Him joy
Finally Father led me to transliterations that virtually no one recognizes but they ARE what He says are most accurate, and He should know
Recently, after someone had written to me telling me about how much they loved Jesus and how Father “understood” their use of “Jesus” Father said to me “if your wife insisted on calling you by the wrong name, after you had made her aware that she was using the wrong name and that the name was offensive to you, you would divorce her, wouldn’t you?” I agreed and Father responded “and so I divorce them”
The simple fact is that the fundamental Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth IS “Yah”, amplified as “Yah the eternally self-existing”, frequently represented as “Yahweh” and more correctly “Yahooeh”, the name of the prophet from Nazarus is “Yahooshua”
Depending on which source you rely on you will find “Yah” throughout the so-called “Old Testament” see https://app.box.com/s/u2tekscp4nzq5224j3e1 IF you hold the bible to be important then you owe it to Yah to call Him by His correct name
Derived from the above it becomes apparent that “Yahoo” is a derivative of the Name of the Almighty, that is “Yahoo” as in an exclamation of excitement AND as in xxxx@Yahoo.com which Yah says is a blasphemous name AND a name that is deeply hurtful to Yah when used by believers
How do I know?
Some years ago Yah indicated to me that someone who was very close to Him should cease using their Yahoo.com email address. I advised them accordingly and they rejected the message. By doing this they opened the door for massive demonic attack on their ministry and themselves. At the time it happened I saw Yah in tears, wracked with grief that this person whom He loved so much cared so little that they would continue to abuse his name once they had been told the truth
Shortly after that I was asked to communicate the same message to another, a person who had a Yahoo Groups community that had been running for the order of ten years with a huge store of articles, etc – this man IMMEDIATELY agreed to cease using Yahoo.com and moved to another service provider with great personal inconvenience and sacrifice. At the time this man made the decision I saw Yah in tears of JOY that this man, who had so little, loved so much that he was willing to sacrifice even the little he had to please his Father in Heaven
So, I say to you today “do YOU love the Almighty Creator ENOUGH to CEASE using pagan names?” and BRING HIM JOY?
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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