2013.05.02 The Arrogance of Christian Ignorance Created by James on 9/28/2013 2:31:48 PM
About a month ago the Almighty said to me "son of man, have you seen the arrogance of those who call themself Christian in their ignorance" and gave me some headlines
This article provides some context for what I write based on my own experience and the discusses the points that lead to the conclusion that the vast majority of Christians are extremely ignorant of the matters of the Almighty AND arrogant in that ignorance.
The Arrogance of Christian Ignorance
James Robertson
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I came to a close relationship with the Almighty at Passover 1993 after He spoke to me audibly when I was considering taking my life. He showed me that if I had died then I would have been cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and that I was about to pass the last opportunity that I would have in my life to turn to Him. I gave Him my life unconditionally and committed to do whatever He called me to do.
He put me in touch with a strong believer who I knew through business and he in turn took me to his assembly. I was impacted by the level of knowledge and immediately assumed that everything that they taught was accurate. However, having made such an intense commitment and being an engineer with an extremely analytical mind and knowing that I had used up the grace available to me I rapidly started asking questions.
I soon discovered that the answers to my questions were frequently unacceptable to the church even though Father validated them repeatedly, on a number of occasions through dramatic spiritual events.
In 1995 I prayed for the first time “Father, I ask you to lead me into ALL truth”, I also asked Him to bring the people He wanted into my life and take the people that He did NOT want in my life out. I also asked that I might be found a “good and faithful servant on the Day of Judgment”. Following these prayers my life started to change dramatically and nearly everyone who was in my life was taken out in the next twelve months. I was also kicked out of a number of churches for my unacceptable beliefs – yet Father continued to say I was going in the right direction and confirmed this repeatedly through numerous of His spokesmen and women who did NOT understand the significance of what they were saying.
Father continued to work with me and in 1998 I prayed “Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly” and “Father, please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it”. I continue to pray all the above prayers regularly today. The revelations continued.
In the middle of 2000 I found myself in a situation where I was totally dependent on Father for my provision and I found that what I was praying and doing – in line with what I had believed from the church – was not working. In desperation I decided to fast and seek His face and I embarked on what ended up being 8 three day fasts at intervals of ten days – 3 day fast, 7 days eating normally. Concurrently all I did was to pray, read the bible and other sources of information and write what I was shown. With the fasts I prayed to be shown my error – the fasts were specifically directed at CORRECTING ERROR in my life. Within a few weeks I started to receive a barrage of revelation through emails, direct words from the Almighty, spiritual experiences, things I observed around me, etc, etc.
By the end of the eighth fast on 31 December 2000, Father gave me a message “The Wrath of God for the Church” which was about the doctrinal error in the church – I was battling to internalize all the information that had deluged and so I still used “God” although I had recently encountered “Yahweh”.
Father called me into full time prophetic ministry but kept me almost totally isolated at home. We sold assets to survive. I continued to spend all my time seeking Father, reading about Father and writing what I was shown. In the space of about two years I wrote about 750 articles amounting to about 10,000 A4 pages. By the end of 2001 almost nothing that I had believed remained, I had been shown that just about everything the Christian Church teaches was false and that the demonic realm was dominating the Church. I was isolated and alone, a few people remained on my mailing list but the vast majority of Christians rejected me. It was an extremely difficult time and then Father told me to return to my business and rebuild it.
During this period I was shown that it was time for Satan to be sent to the Pit for a thousand years and that since only men have authority on earth only a man could bring the charges against Satan. I was further shown that if the man concerned subscribed to any of the lies or errors that Satan had brought upon the earth that man would have NO legal standing in the Court of Heaven to bring the charges. I understood that I was being prepared to do this but I was NOT permitted to discuss this with anyone, not even my wife.
On 3 May 2003, while worshipping, the Spirit of the Almighty came upon me as described in the article at
I requested a hearing of the Court of Heaven, commanded that Satan be brought before the Court, read out the Charges (as given by the Spirit of the Almighty), secured a conviction, requested a sentence of 1,000 years in the Pit and called on the messengers {angels} of the Almighty to cast Satan into the Pit.
For most of the next ten years I hardly wrote, I grappled with the truths that I had been taught, attempted to put some critical truths into practice and failed repeatedly, I took some wrong turnings and picked up some extremely heavy demonic infestation which I was finally delivered of in 2010. At this point I went on seven three day fasts at intervals of seven days requesting cleansing and correction. At the end of this period I had a settled assurance that the bulk of the fundamentals of what I believed were solid and validated and I resumed writing. Since then I have published over 250 articles of which about 80% are on the website http://end-time-issue-ministries.org and elsewhere.
These articles were published to a small group of people, some of who have been on the list for many years. Recently I have been impressed to increase the scope of the list and therefore most of those who are receiving this email know little or nothing about me.
As before I have experienced a substantial amount of rejection and argumentation and been called a “false prophet” on a number of occasions.
About a month ago the Almighty said to me “son of man, have you seen the arrogance of these who call themselves ‘Christian’ in their ignorance” and I was given the outline of the article below.
I have given the above context so that you may know that what I write below I do NOT write lightly and that what I have written in the last three years I have ALSO NOT written lightly – it is the settled and considered opinion of one who has been walking with Yah and seeking ALL TRUTH for twenty years. If you do NOT understand or do NOT agree, rather go to Father and ask Him for guidance than reject me and, in the process, reject Him who sent me.
I submit for your consideration that UNLESS you pray the prayers above repeatedly and over a number of years and undertake at least one set of seven three day fasts EARNESTLY seeking truth and UNLESS you are open to having just about everything you believe turned on its head, NOTWITHSTANDING how many times you have been caught up into Heaven and had other dramatic experiences with the Almighty you have no real prospect of fully understanding what I am writing about and have written about previously. Please refer to:
for more information on this, this article was also sent out to the list a few weeks ago.
Following is the article “The Arrogance of Christian Ignorance”:
The Arrogance of Christian Ignorance
James Robertson
As outlined above I have been on an intense journey to learn the truths of the Almighty and found that virtually everything that the Christian Church teaches is false. I have also found that the vast majority of Christians are NOT interested in reviewing their doctrines and changing.
About a month ago the Almighty said to me “son of man, have you seen the arrogance of these who call themselves ‘Christian’ in their ignorance” and gave me the headlines of a message as follows:
1. The Almighty and His ways are huge and massively complex
The Almighty, His ways, His kingdom are huge and massively complex. It is beyond the ability of any single human being to fully experience Him or fully comprehend Him or fully know His ways or fully walk in His ways. This is particularly true of the degenerate people who live today – we have ALL (including myself) degenerated massively from the first man and woman whom Yah (Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and the earth) {also known as “The LORD” and “God” both of which terms are fundamentally wrong and blasphemous} created just over 6,000 years ago.
We are greatly deluded if we think we know Him and His ways fully and where we judge others based on our minuscule knowledge of these things.
2. Yah is merciful and meets us where we are
Yah is merciful and gracious and full of compassion. He meets us where we are and does what He can to help us and guide us but is constrained by our ignorance and our arrogance and our inability to hear Him outside our existing paradigm’s. Yah grants us dramatic spiritual experience, speaks to us, gives us revelation, catches some of us up to Heaven, grants some of us to meet and speak to Yahooshua {Jesus} personally NOT because we are perfect but because He loves us and because we are at some level seeking and at some level have some small relationship with Him.
3. Even those close to Him have minuscule knowledge
Even those who are closest to Yah have, in truth, minuscule knowledge and experience of Him. We are incapable of comprehending all that He is and all of His ways as individuals. “For we who are MANY are ONE body”.
4. A dramatic encounter with Yah is NOT an endorsement of our doctrine – there are legal constraints
A minute number of us in this generation have had dramatic encounters with Yah. I have had the wind of Pentecost blow in my bedroom and had Yah lay His hand on me and impart a significant anointing, I have had Him speak to me personally through many prophets and others, I have had Him speak audibly to me directly, I have had Him call me His friend – NONE of that in any way confirms my doctrine – it simply means that in some small measure I have pleased Him and connected with Him in such a way that He has been able to touch me and grant me some experience that is effectively so minuscule in His scale of things as to be almost insignificant. These experiences do NOT endorse my doctrine or prove that I am without error or …
This is one of the greatest mistakes that those who have had experience of Yah make, they think that because they have been touched in some way, been used as spokesmen or women {prophets} or had other experiences that this signifies that they are fully in-line with Yah. I have interacted with some who have been taken up to heaven and interacted with Yahooshua and others, some of whom have had Yahooshua appear to them. Almost without fail they assume that such an experience, filtered by their knowledge and experience fully VALIDATES who they are, what they believe and their relationship with Yah. This is NOT so. There are legal constraints on what Yah can do and say in such an experience. He may NOT correct doctrine UNLESS you have expressly requested correction of doctrine and then you may well be unable to hear Him on many issues because you cannot believe He will say such things.
Correction of doctrine, in my experience, is frequently an arduous and challenging journey as, frequently, one will find oneself doubting whether Yah would say such a thing. You must be REALLY committed to seeking truth in this age in order to truly find the REAL TRUTH.
5. The level of ignorance and wrong belief in ALL groups is huge -- The world is flooded with sin and error
Just over 6,000 years ago, Adam, who knew NO evil, chose to disobey Yah and eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The consequence is that for over six thousand years mankind (the sons of Adam) have been learning ALL there is to know about disobedience, error and sin – i.e. evil such that, despite common Christian belief, this generation is, in Yah’s terms, the MOST evil generation that has ever lived.
Accordingly IF serving Yah and being found to be a “good and faithful servant” and an “overcomer” on the Day of Judgement is of any significance to you it is VITAL to understand that YOU will have to WORK HARD to find the truth that applies to you let alone “ALL TRUTH” that applies to you. Working hard means constantly and sincerely praying for correction, it means fasting periodically in a SERIOUS manner, it means being willing to challenge EVERYTHING you believe other than the existence of the Almighty Himself and even there you are likely to find that He is FAR DIFFERENT from what you have believed about Him.
And, even once you have been exposed to a new truth or been corrected it will frequently take YEARS for you to internalize it and apply it. In some cases it has taken me the best part of ten years to internalize and adjust my thinking to some of the revelation and correction that I have been given and I STILL find myself slipping into the old thinking and language from time to time.
IF you are serious the approximately 750 documents on the website http://www.etimin.org/ provide a step by step record of my journey with varying degrees of error, particularly in the earlier documents. More importantly, the approximately 180 documents on the website http://end-time-issue-ministries.org present my consolidated understanding as documented from the Day of Atonement 2009 to Passover 2012, a limited number of further articles have been written since then but NOT uploaded.
Amongst all these documents you will find a large amount of challenging truth but also some error, particularly in some of the older documents – the challenge is, that to the extent there IS error I do NOT always know it is error – and to the extent that my time is very limited it is NOT practical for me to go back and censor the earlier articles and Yah has told me NOT to. He says clearly that it is the responsibility of each of us to sift truth from error.
6. The vast majority oppose and condemn Yah’s truth
It is so that, in reality, the vast majority of the world’s people, even the vast majority of the 5,000 most highly anointed one’s who are at some limited level having an impact on the earth, are in serious error and, because of their experiences, opposing Yah’s truths and therefore Yah Himself.
7. The world and church are sinking ever deeper in apostasy
For the reasons given today the world and the church are sinking deeper and deeper into apostasy. The Christian church is smitten with pride and arrogance in their great error as custodians of the vital truth about Yahooshua which they have grossly corrupted, the Muslims are full of error, not as extreme as the Christians but severe none-the-less and all the other groups are also massively corrupt and in apostasy.
8. The Christians are Arrogant in their Ignorance
The net effect is that the Christians are massively ignorant and in massive error because they almost universally fail to truly recognize the Hebrew roots of their faith, the massive falling away and schism between the “Christians” and the “Jews” that had taken place by 600 AD in the time of Constantine and the errors that have been perpetrated ever since.
Charismatics speak badly of Protestants who speak badly of Catholics who speak badly of … and yet ALL have the same fundamental errors with regard to the names of Yah and Yahooshua, the personage of Yahooshua, the bible, etc, etc, etc and, as discussed in a previous article, they ALL break all of the ten Commandments most of the time.
Because of their ignorance and their mistaken belief that THEY have the truth rather than a desperate and humble seeking after judgment in this life and therefore seeking after truth they are nearly ALL arrogant in their ignorance. They do NOT know what they do NOT know and therefore they THINK that they DO know. Those who have been privileged to be granted some significant spiritual experience are frequently the most arrogant and the most resistant to change.
9. Appropriate prayers and fasting are vital
IF this scares you – which it should – there is ONLY one solution – pray the prayers that are mentioned above and in the document cited above, fast and constantly examine your life. Ask for correction, expect it and receive it.
The entire world system AND particularly the Christian Church WILL oppose you – it is a lonely and isolated road. Expect things to go wrong constantly and to suffer loss – it is only by being judged and learning from your judgments that you will climb the mountain of the Most High Creator and be found to be a good and faithful servant and an overcomer on the Day of Judgement.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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