2013.10.04 Yah will NOT allow his children to be tested beyond what they can endure Created by James on 10/12/2013 10:14:00 AM In response to the article "The Virgin's Covenant" it is apparent that I did NOT adequately address the question of Yah's Mercy in situations of abusive relationships and other situations.
This article discusses this in more depth.
Yah will NOT allow His children to be tested beyond what they can endure
James Robertson
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From feedback on the article on the “Virgin’s Covenant” it is apparent that I did NOT adequately address the issue of Yah’s mercy.
It is written that “Yah will NOT allow his children to be tested beyond what they can endure”.
This is a vitally important principle and also one that is widely misunderstood.
Firstly many are NOT aware of this principle.
Secondly many teach incorrectly about this as a justification for sloppy faith and life style.
Yah WILL allow us to be tested to the limit of our faith and understanding at any point in time, until we reach the point of “a broken spirit and a contrite heart”, the point at which we have prayed, researched and put into practice EVERYTHING that we can find to do consistently and with commitment and discipline.
Then, if we still do not have breakthrough we may fall on our knees before Yah in genuine desperation and cry out for Him to make a way.
There have been a significant number of times in my walk with Yah over the last twenty years where I have done this, done everything I knew to do and finally gone to Him in desperation and asked for mercy and deliverance. On those occasions I have experienced dramatic breakthroughs.
That said, this state of brokenness is NOT something you can create, plan for or fake, Father is NOT mocked. You need to do EVERYTHING you can, find out everything you possibly can do and then, IF you are sincerely doing those things you MAY, by His Spirit, reach a point of brokenness and desperation that will result in Him extending Grace and Mercy and delivering you notwithstanding that you may have some level of error or sin in your life that you sincerely do NOT know about.
And, one needs to be aware that under some circumstances Yah may want you to push through no matter what the pain. Yahooshua COULD have called out to Yah and been delivered from the stake {cross} but he chose NOT to in order to qualify for the reward that had been promised to him.
In the context of the article on the Virgin’s covenant what this means is that a woman who is in an abusive marriage AND genuinely in covenant with the man in question will be expected by Yah to do EVERYTHING she possibly can to comply with the terms of her covenant and to do EVERYTHING she can to come to a place of right standing with Yah.
IF she does this and the abuse continues AND she reaches a point of desperation and brokenness THEN Yah MAY release her from the covenant.
If a woman is in this situation it is vital that she does all she can to comply with and honour the covenant otherwise Yah has NO basis to extend mercy. If she is contentious and fault finding and argumentative then there will be NO basis for Yah to deliver her, she must first deal with her wrong behaviour.
Exactly the SAME principle applies to a man who is in an abusive relationship.
There are other situations where Yah MAY extend grace but it is very strictly dependent on our standing with Him and the level of integrity that we have applied to seeking to comply with the terms of the covenant or other situation in which we find ourselves.
Over and above this, IF the terms of the covenant have been explicitly agreed and one party consistently and wilfully breaks one of the terms the other party has a legal basis for release at a point.
Under certain circumstances, having agreed in good faith, genuinely finds that they are simply NOT able to comply, no matter how hard they try, they may in time receive release from Yah.
Ultimately it is ONLY through direct petition to Yah and DIRECT direction from Him that this can happen. NO man has the authority to presume to express a judgment on such a situation. Under certain circumstances they MAY express an opinion but there may well be a situation where there is SOME factor that is known ONLY to Yah that may result in greater mercy or greater strictness.
I came across a situation some years ago where the man and woman agreed on divorce, because they sincerely believed that Yah would grant it and there were factors involving a third person that made the relationship untenable. The necessary prayers were prayed and sometime later the woman in question joined herself to another man. A few weeks later she died in excruciating pain having been judged for adultery.
So, to sum up, if you are in a seriously dysfunctional relationship AND the other party is guilty of breaking covenant, repeatedly and knowingly, after you have drawn their non-compliance to their attention AND you have done all you know to do to heal the relationship AND you reach a point of desperation then, YAH MAY release you from the covenant and permit you to join yourself to another.
And, there is greater merit for remaining in the relationship. I once heard the testimony of a powerful evangelist, I no longer recall the details but it went roughly as follows. He was an unbeliever, a drunkard and a drug dealer and user. He married a young woman who committed herself totally to him and loved him deeply. In his demonised state he became angry at her loving submission. He forced her into prostitution and drug addiction and he beat her. She kept on loving him and expressing her adoration. One day in a crazed drunken rage he beat her to death and she kept expressing her love for him to the moment she died. Subsequently his conscience convicted him of his sin and he turned to the Almighty in deep, gut wrenching repentance, was forgiven for his sin and delivered of his addictions, alcoholism and demons. Subsequently, having been discharged early from gaol because of his fundamental change of heart, he turned to become a great and powerful evangelist constantly sharing how the love of his young wife, even unto death, had brought him to repentance. I have absolute certainty that she is greatly esteemed in heaven and that all the merit associated with his evangelical ministry is credited to her account so that it is probable that she has a very high rank in heaven, far greater than would be the case if she had cried out to Yah for deliverance.
I leave it to you to decide which route YOU will take when faced with adversity.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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