2013.10.09 South Africa: Call to Fast and Pray for Repentance and Deliverance Created by James on 11/9/2013 7:36:30 AM Having given little time to the situation in South Africa for many months I have suddenly been given an urgency for the situation there with particular reference to Yah's call for 100,000 adult believers to assemble at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria (as the outward symbol of his covenant with a segment of the believing population) on Monday 16th December 2013 to repent of the sins of the people and the nation and cry out for deliverance
Yah has also said that as many people as possible should embark on seven three day fasts at weekly intervals in the lead up to this meeting in order to prepare the way for repentance and to make sure that the required number of people attend the gathering
The article below gives a detailed set of recommended prayers
See also http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/374/2012-01-05-Getting-close-to-Yah-Appropriate-prayer-and-fasting-are-VITAL-the-answer-to-doctrinal-dif.aspx
South Africa
Call to Fast and Pray for Repentance and Deliverance
James Robertson
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On 7 January 2012 the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth declared judgment on South Africa having shown me visions of looming destruction that would eliminate almost the entire population:
On 11 December 2012 He gave me a further message “2012.12.01 South Africa -- Zuma Declares War on Europeans” in response to Jacob Zuma leading the ANC in singing “The Cabinet will shoot the Boers with machine guns”
He subsequently gave me a comprehensive analysis of the entire South African situation to show me how this destruction would come about.
Some months ago He indicated to me that the only way this destruction could be averted would be by 100,000 adult believers assembling at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria, South Africa on 16th December 2013, corporately repenting of their sins and crying out to Him for deliverance.
He has now said that it is time to start preparing for this.
In particular He has said that He wants as many people as possible to embark on seven three day fasts over a period of seven weeks commencing on 31 October and culminating on the Day of the Covenant, 16th December, 2013 at the Voortrekker Monument in order to prepare for the gathering on the 16th.
The purpose of these fasts is to:
1. draw the people who are fasting to a MUCH closer relationship with Yah;
2. to show them the level of their present deception and how to correct it;
3. to break witchcraft in their own lives;
4. to show them the corporate sin amongst believers in South Africa that is bringing this judgement;
5. and finally to cry out to Yah to bring the 100,000 to the Voortrekker Monument on 16th December 2013
The preferred fasting dates and times are set out below. If you really cannot manage those exact dates and times then adjust as necessary, the seven culminating on 16th December is more important than individual dates and times during the fast.
Times are given from sunset to sunset but you might want to fast from another time as suits you – sunset times are available at http://www.sunrise-and-sunset.com/en/south-africa
1. first six fasts of the seven for South Africa from sunset Thursday to sunset on Sunday or such other timing as is practical for particular individuals;
2. 31 October;
3. 8, 15, 22, 29 November;
4. 6 December;
5. Seventh fast sunset Friday 13 December to sunset Monday 16 December – this timing is very important whether you attend the gathering or not – for those who attend the gathering it is highly desirable that they join in at least this last three day fast
I urge all who receive this and who are in South Africa or who have family and friends in South Africa to join in this series of fasts.
At the start of the fast take bread and wine (or grape juice) and pray, “Father we come to you in the name of Yahooshua, we thank you for this food and we ask you to bless it to our bodies and bless the hands that prepared it, we recall that on the night that he was betrayed Yahooshua took the bread and, when he had given thanks, gave it to those who followed him saying, this is my body given for you, do this as oft as you shall eat it in remembrance of me, Father we ask that as we partake of this bread that we may partake of all that it represents to you”, each person eat a portion of bread, leave no remnants. Take the cup saying “Father we recall that after supper Yahooshua took the cup and gave it to those who followed Him saying ‘drink ye all of this, this is my blood of the new Covenant, given for you and for many for forgiveness of sin, do this as oft as you shall drink it in remembrance of me, we ask that as we partake of this cup that we may partake in all that it represents to you”;
You can do this morning and evening of every day of every fast and more frequently if you feel impressed to do so or if you need to take medication that requires that you have something in your stomach.
If you really are unable to go on a total fast then fast either on fruit and vegetables or soup, either in limited quantities.
You might also pray “Father, we dedicate this fast to you, as we fast we pray that you will help us to come closer to you and to live lives that are pleasing to you, we ask you to show us the level of our present deception and how to correct it, we ask you to show us all sin that we need to repent of and seek forgiveness for, we ask you to show us any person we need to seek forgiveness from, we ask you to show us all that we have stolen or gained unrighteously and show us to whom we should make restitution, we ask you to show us all people that we should approach to request forgiveness, we ask you to teach us how to live lives that are pleasing to you, how to come to a place of walking in all truth, how to overcome to the end that we may be found to be ‘good and faithful’ servants on the Day of Judgment, teach us to love our enemies, to pray for those that despitefully use us and to turn the other cheek when faced with insult or injury”;
You might pray further for South Africa “Father we bring our nation South Africa before you, we see that we face utter destruction, our people are in poverty, our people are fleeing to other lands, our people are being murdered, raped and mutilated, the assets which our forefathers worked so hard to build are being taken from us and wastefully destroyed and we hear that you have said that we face utter destruction. We turn to you now for deliverance. Show us as a people our sin corporately and individually that we may repent, show us the level of our present deception as a people and individually and how to correct it. Bring the 100,000 people that you have said we need to the Voortrekker Monument on 16 December 2013, let us find favour with the officials responsible for the monument and the officials of the local traffic authorities, bring people to organize and transport, let everyone who desires to be there find a way to get there, bring the people that you desire to be at the gathering to the gathering and keep those that you do not want at the gathering out, open the doors that you want opened and close the doors that you want closed in our lives individually and as a people corporately”;
“Father we ask you to raise up your spokesmen {prophets} and emissaries {apostles} to mobilise this people, we ask you in particular to move in our hearts and the hearts of all this people to give them a heart to return to you, a heart for repentance, a heart to seek out sin in their lives and fundamentally deal with it once and for all, soften our hearts Yah and deliver us from the hands of them that hate us and deliver us from poverty and affliction and murder and rape and all the other evils that have come against us”;
IF you are SERIOUS and are bold then pray “Father, in particular we ask you to judge us severely and correct us harshly that we may serve you more perfectly and then to judge this people that they may turn from their wicked ways and seek your face and once you have judged us and corrected us we ask you to judge our enemies as you have judged us, we ask you to put our flesh to death with the anointing of your Spirit that it is no longer we that live but you that live through us by your Spirit and the life we live we live by faith in you”;
Whether you pray the previous item or not pray “above all Father we ask you to deliver this your people in South Africa from poverty and destruction, we acknowledge that we are NOT deserving of your mercy, we acknowledge that we have sinned grievously against you and that our transgressions are as a stench in your nostrils and we ask you in our great mercy to bring us by your Spirit to a place of gut wrenching repentance and brokenness of spirit and contriteness of heart. Father we beg you to break our pride and self-righteousness, to pour out the fire of you set-apart {holy} Spirit upon us to burn out the dross, burn up the tares and make us brand new. In desperation we cry out to you for a miracle of deliverance, we ask you to turn the hand of the enemy from our people and to bring us peace”;
Pray whatever else comes up for you.
Please forward to all who are interested in the welfare of the people of South Africa.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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