2013.10.10 South Africa -- Errata: Prayers against witchcraft curses, etc Created by James on 11/9/2013 7:43:45 AM After sending the previous message I realized that I had not provided prayers against witchcraft and curses, these are provided here.
This is a complex topic and there is much more that could be written about it.
South Africa
Errata -- prayers against witchcraft curses etc
James Robertson
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In the previous message I omitted to give prayers against witchcraft, curses, etc.
Be aware that Africa is Satan’s greatest stronghold of witchcraft in this age and that massive forces of witchcraft are arraigned against the believing people of South Africa. In particular, nearly all Afrikaans families have very intense witchcraft and curses operating against them, frequently evidenced by the death or involvement in serious accidents of children before they reach the age of 21.
A three day total fast is effective in breaking witchcraft so, as part of the prayers in the previous message also pray:
“Father we come to you in the name of Yahooshua and we ask you to cut off all witchcraft rites that have been proclaimed and practiced against us individually and corporately, we ask you to cut off all curses that have been spoken against us, we ask you to cut off all demonic and Satanic assignments against us, we ask you to show us everything in our lives that is giving that witchcraft, curses and those demonic and Satanic assignments legal right to operate in our lives and amongst our people, we ask you to guide us to cleaning up our lives so that these things are no longer effective against us, we ask you to reveal to us all artifacts in our homes, businesses and elsewhere that have demonic assignments associated with them that we may utterly destroy them” (burn with fire or smash completely);
Note that in many cases there is a substantial legal basis for curses and witchcraft to operate, again this is particularly so in the case of Afrikaner families where there has been abusive or violent treatment of Africans, particularly coupled to the lie that the African people are not descended from Noah and therefore in some sense sub-human – this lie has given African demonic forces one of the richest fields in which to attack Afrikaners. In such cases Afrikaner families may need to repent to those they have wronged and possibly make restitution before the curses and witchcraft will be cut off. This point is NOT limited to Afrikaners, only they are most widely guilty.
Note also that dealing with these issues is a progressive iterative process – as you grow in the matters of the Almighty you will be shown more things to deal with and be able to get rid of more demons, etc. To deal with the fundamental issues that in many cases go back hundreds or even thousands of years you will need the assistance of a highly experienced prophetic minister of which there are almost none left on the planet so your only recourse is to deal with sin and live a disciplined life so that, while these things are present, they are NOT able to touch you.
In due course you can pray further, “In the name of Yahooshua I come against every Principality, Power, Throne and Dominion that is operating over me, my family, my dwelling, my suburb, my city / town / farm / other, my province, my nation, my continent, my hemisphere and, in the name of Yahooshua, I command the mighty warring messengers of the Almighty to tear you down and send you where the Almighty sends you” – everywhere I have put “my …” substitute with actual names.
Note that until you have cleaned up your life significantly, by which I mean at the very least several three day fasts and deep self-examination and dealing with sin, you are NOT legally in a position to pray this prayer, ask Father to show you when / if you are in a position to pray this. Realize that if you pray it prematurely the forces of darkness will laugh at you and intensify their efforts against you to prevent you coming to a point where you ARE legally able to pray this. Note also that this is an ongoing prayer as are most of the suggested prayers, the forces of darkness that you are praying against are massive and include millions of demons and fallen messengers {angels} and, depending on your level of authority you may have to pray repeatedly to have only a few leave. There are many other prayers along these lines that can be prayed but these are outside the scope of this article.
Once you reach a point of material set-apartness {sanctification} you may also pray “Father, in the name of Yahooshua, and at your discretion, I ask you to consider returning curses against me by those who know what they are doing in such magnitude and such manner that you in your discretion consider just” – note that a curse without cause may NOT alight so if curses are touching you then you have sin in your life and you do NOT have a basis to ask for the curses to be returned, it is ONLY once you have dealt with your sin that the Almighty will grant such petition and He may NOT grant such a petition – if you pray such a prayer presumptuously you give the forces of darkness the right to attack you further so pray with caution and ONLY once you are certain you are in right standing at a level that permits you to pray this. Do NOT return curses yourself, that is witchcraft and you will open the door to massive demonic infestation.
Note that you can only pray with authority in the name of Yahooshua once you have a revelation of the authority that he gained through his sinless life and death AND that he delegated that authority to those who follow his example and leadership and serve the Almighty faithfully.
Note that IF 100,000 believers were to reach such a point of sanctification as I am suggesting above then the power of the returned witchcraft and curses against their enemies, typically magnified a 1,000 times, will be immense. I have had people die for cursing me when a prayer similar to the above was prayed once!
Pray whatever other prayers come to you to pray but do NOT get into presumption.
Please forward to all who are interested in the welfare of the people of South Africa.
May the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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