2013.12.03 Correction: Messengers {Angels} CANNOT Father ChildrenThis article corrects an incorrect statement that I made in the article on Race that messengers {Angels} fathered children before the flood of Noah
It is FALSE that messengers {Angels} have or can father children, it is further confirmed that ancestor spirits (demons) ALSO cannot father children
False teachings regarding Africans and Jews having been fathered by messengers are also confirmed as false
2011.04.26 Noah is father to all men livingThere are disputes about the genetic lineage of various races
2011.01.22 Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sinThere is a belief that because a person is anointed and used for mighty works by Yah that they are without error, in practice this is NOT the case
2011.01.09 About abortionAn article commenting on the evil of abortion
2011.01.12 Brother can you spare a dime?A discussion of the reasons why so many true believers are in severe financial lack
2011.01.01 NOT I that live but YAH that lives in meIt is vital to understand that Yah wants to dwell in us and guide us and have a deep personal relationship with us
2011.04.16 Please will you FAST with me over the feast of the GODDESS ISHTARHow should you conduct yourself over Easter (the feast of the goddess Ishtar)?