2012.11.08 Obedience as a basis of judgement Created by James on 9/28/2013 9:28:37 AM Frequently believers are called to do things.
Most often they turn away because the task seems too daunting or too unpalatable.
that is NOT the issue.
Obedience is THE issue.
Through obedience we create a benchmark against which others, similarly called, will be judged.
"did you listen? did you obey? were you willing to pay the price? are three questions that many will fail on the Day of Judgment and the basis of their judgment will be the extent to which someone DID listen, DID obey, WAS willing to pay the price!
Obedience as a basis of judgment
James Robertson
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Over the years Yah has repeatedly asked me to do things.
This list is one of those things.
He has given me great visions of reaching the world.
He has called me to do things which were socially challenging and greatly opposed.
Most of the things He has called me to do I have failed in or have accomplished at only the most basic level.
In the early days I was mortified, it seemed I could NOT get anything right.
I was failing in my assignments left, right and center.
It did NOT correlate with the standards of performance that I set myself in my daily life.
Constantly I heard Yah tell me that He was pleased with me, that I was His friend BECAUSE of my obedience.
Initially I did not understand at all but slowly I came to understand that the magnitude of opposition in this world to the things of Yah is so huge that my prospects of success were, in fact, very slim.
And that failure was NOT the issue.
Obedience was the issue.
There are things which He has called me to do where after huge effort and massive personal loss I have given up and asked to be relieved of that task and always I have been thanked for my efforts.
Frequently I have been told “what matters is that you heard me, that you wrote about it and that you did your best to accomplish it – on the Day of Judgment I will be able to evidence that some man, you, DID hear me and DID attempt to do what I commanded – there are many others, more capable than you, better equipped than you, better resourced than you who were called to do this task who refused or refused to listen – they will be judged by your obedience!”
The same applies to this list – sometimes I say to Father, “does anyone read what I write?” to which He always answers – “that is NOT your problem, there are others who are on the list who are called to broadcast what you write – you will be judged for your obedience in writing, they will be judged for their obedience in broadcasting”.
As I understand it these people will be confronted on the Day of Judgment with these emails, unopened, unread, not forwarded and will have NO excuse for their errors and be judged accordingly.
So, the question for you today, “what is Yah calling you to do?” and “what attempt are you making to do it?” – the answers to those questions will have a significant impact on your judgment experience – will you sit on a high throne with Yahooshua?, will you be cast into the outer darkness with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth? or will you be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone – for a season to pay the price for your unconfessed sin or to be consumed to utter destruction, the second death – remember always that the Lake of Fire is primarily for BELIEVERS!
We are each called to do things, our obedience, even if it seemingly results in abject failure, is more important than our accomplishments – our obedience will provide a measuring stick against which others with comparable callings will be judged – “did you hear? did you obey? were you willing to pay the price?”
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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