2013.11.07 Life WITHOUT Sin -- Amplification Created by James on 11/22/2013 10:21:49 AM Further thoughts and experiences from my journey that I hope will encourage YOU to seek to draw close to the Almighty Creator (Yah the eternally self-existing) and get free from sin and follow the example of Yahooshua {Jesus}
Life WITHOUT Sin -- Amplification
James Robertson
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After posting the article “Life WITHOUT Sin” it occurred to me that there was more I could write about the subject for those who might take the topic seriously.
I will present my further thoughts as they come to me in unstructured form, much like the previous article.
In presenting this I must stress that you will ONLY come to a place where you walk free of major sin IF you seek a close relationship with Father. You CANNOT get really close to Him if you persist in sin that He has spoken to you about AND you cannot get free of sin UNLESS you get close to Him. It is an iterative process.
It seems to me that a helpful precursor to a journey to seek to follow the example of Yahoohua is an extremely intense decision to serve Yah NO MATTER what it costs you. I made such a decision in March 1993 when Father turned me from suicide by speaking to me audibly. At that point I KNEW that He was real AND that He cared enough to want to change my situation. Very soon after that I came to understand that if I had died that day I would have been utterly rejected and been consigned to burn. I GOT that message and it has NEVER left me. Got a bit faint at times but never left totally, useful to fall back on when you get tempted or slip in some way.
As I see it today, over 20 years later, there is NOTHING to prevent you making a quality decision WITHOUT such an event, you MAY have to work harder to stand by your decision when the going gets rough BUT you CAN make that decision TODAY, NOW IN FACT.
I ALSO realized at that point that my intellect and understanding and all that I knew had FAILED ME and taken me in the WRONG direction and therefore I made a very intense decision NOT to rely on men to teach me and NOT to rely on my intellect to guide me but to trust in Father and ask for His guidance in all things. As a consequence I have done NUMEROUS things that do NOT make sense to human minds but which DO make sense in spiritual terms to Father. There are TWO completely distinct worlds that interact, the physical realm and the spiritual realm. What happens in the spiritual realm is, simplistically, manifested in the physical realm and what happens in the physical realm generates results in the spiritual realm. Be prepared to do things that make NO sense to the people around you – worrying about what people think is one of the BIGGEST inhibitors to serving Father.
As part of my decision to serve Father, having been profoundly influenced over several weeks by people teaching things that made sense from the bible I took my new bible and held it up to Father and declared something along the lines of “Father, these people say that this IS Your word, I choose to believe this and I ask you to answer ALL my questions”, I started reading and questioned everything. In about eight years I read the Old Testament about 20 times in numerous translations and the New Testament about 35 times in even more translations. I filled about 14 notebooks with what I was shown, my questions, the answers, etc. And, at the end of that period He said to me “the bible is NOT my word, it is the work of men”! It took me another roughly ten years to come to terms with that and work it into my thinking and a further few years to come to a point where today I think I understand the implications of this AND to hear Father say that He “HATES” the book because it keeps men and women from seeking a deep personal relationship with Him!
So, IF you want to walk the road I am writing about you need to be prepared to have just about everything you believe turned on its head or discarded completely.
Alongside these decisions I also decided that as an engineer and intellectual Father had equipped me to be an engineer and given me my intellect and that He was the greatest engineer and greatest intellectual there is and therefore He would NOT require me to compromise my intellect and therefore EVERYTHING was amenable to my being able to understand it. On this basis I questioned EVERYTHING, at school and at University, with Father I was and am still the same. Why this, why that, how is this, etc, etc. And Father has answered every question.
An extreme example: In 1995 I asked “Father why is there so much divorce in the church”, He answered me by taking me through my first divorce and then another two legal divorces and another 9 divorces in the Court of Heaven to a point where I can now say that I am fairly confident I know WHY there is so much divorce at a level where I can now look with some confidence at the task of documenting WHY there is so much divorce. The implication, IF you are serious about serving Yah be willing to do the hard yards of getting your questions answered. IF you are NOT prepared to discover FIRST HAND what causes divorce, do NOT ask the question or else ask me instead. You CAN turn to my writings for answers of MANY questions so, in that respect, because I have done SOME of the work, you can take the road more easily provided you are prepared to work through the thousands of pages that I have written in the last few years and possibly some of the more inaccurate stuff that goes back more than a decade – sift the wheat from the chaff – Father never lets me go back to “fix” my previous writings, constantly moves me forward with NEW writing.
It is also VITAL that you choose to believe that ALL of Father’s promises are true. So when He says He will “supply all your needs” and it is NOT happening it is vital to NOT make excuses, the reason is very simple, there is either something your do not understand and are therefore doing wrong OR there is sin in your life that is getting in the way. So, when it does NOT work, get on your knees before Him until it DOES work.
In this regard it is vital to understand that there are some very uncomfortable principles like going to the one you have sinned against and repenting to them in person and restoring what you have stolen and …
Some examples:
A few weeks after Father spoke to me and turned me around He spoke to me audibly again and told me to “speak to D…” the husband of the woman I had committed adultery with. It took me a week to pluck up the courage to phone, I phoned, my former mistress answered and told me to please leave them alone. Father told me that was NOT good enough, I had to speak to him personally. I prayed for an hour and phoned again. His daughter answered and, after speaking to her father, told me he did NOT want to speak to me. Father AGAIN told me I had to speak to the man in person. I phoned my home cell leader and asked them to pray in agreement with me, prayed for about an hour and then phoned again. The husband answered, I repented and asked for forgiveness, he forgave me and said some things I would not have expected.
Another occasion, speaking at two business conferences in Israel in 1996. I had a slide at the end of my standard presentations with a cross and acknowledging Jesus as “Lord of Lords” or similar. After visiting the Holocaust Museum I asked Father if I should remove the slide. Instead He said “I want you to keep the slide and when you get to it I want you to acknowledge that Jesus was a Jew and apologize to the Jewish people for all the wrongs that have been committed against them in the name of Jesus”. Throughout the first presentation I was pushing back, hoping that Father would let me off the hook. He did not. I gave the message. After my presentation the Chief Executive of the company that had sponsored the conference, an Israeli Jew, came up to me and thanked me. He advised me that there would be many older men at the next presentation who would really value my message. I gave the message again, afterwards a number of mature Jewish men came up to me in tears and thanked me for what I had done.
In about 2002 I was attending a one week residential life skills programme with a multi-racial delegate group of about 80 people. Father told me to stand up in front of the group, acknowledge that I was a former Commandant (Regimental Commander) and apologize to the African people in the group for the wrongs that had been committed against them by Europeans under Apartheid. Again people in tears.
There have been many other occasions where Father has instructed me to give messages and sometimes money to people, including people hitchhiking, begging, etc.
So, IF you decide to get closer to your Father then understand that He EXPECTS OBEDIENCE and be prepared to repent, to go with messages, to go with gifts to people who you least expect. Expect to have to deal with your prejudice and expect to clean up your life to His standards.
Father has servants amongst every people group, race, social class but most of them are NOT highly recognized by society and some are downright dirty and unwashed. If you have prejudices expect Father to put pressure on those prejudices UNTIL you repent and get rid of them.
Regarding restitution – the restoring of things stolen. A few months after Father turned me around both my wife and I had dreams of a disaffected former domestic worker returning to rob our house. I prayed about it and Father said to me “I cannot protect your possessions while you have stolen goods in your house”. He reminded me of various small things I had helped myself to while doing my post graduate studies, ranging from plastic sample bags to a small well-worn small fishpond water pump. Nothing of major consequence but that was NOT the point. I had to scour the house, find as many things as I could and then phone one of my former colleagues and make an appointment to return the items – not clandestinely leave them at the door. This was about 12 years after I left the University! I subsequently had to make two more trips as more things came to light. I have never had the courage to show my face there again! But I did what Father required and we were not robbed.
It is vital to note that the judgement is appropriate to the sin, so there are some things that WILL affect finances, others that will NOT. Certain judgments, such as pride and lust will be delivered to your flesh directly. Cancer is frequently a judgment for pride or hatred.
On another occasion Father told me to repent to my parents for not showing them proper honour and to make right from then on.
At all times I have found that when I get on my knees and Father explains what is going on it makes perfect sense – BUT YOU MUST be prepared to understand HIS way and NOT try and filter what He says through what the world has taught you or what you want to hear.
Keep in mind that He is forced to speak to you through your vocabulary and understandings, so, for you to hear Him say something you do NOT believe He will say can be a challenge and, if you are NOT receptive, can take years or you may NEVER hear Him. If you suddenly cease hearing Him it is almost certainly because you are in sin or rebellion or both and are blocking Him with regard to something He wants to say and therefore are blocking Him totally. That is a VERY DANGEROUS PLACE, repent, get back on track.
Remember always, IF you love Him you WILL do all you can to keep His Commandments and IF you keep His Commandments to the best of your ability He will protect you and provide for you. Recognize also that as you grow so the standards are raised and He expects more from you and the forces of darkness focus more on you.
It WILL take time, years probably, for you to clean up your life and draw really close to Father AND it is the most valuable thing you can do with your life – see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/205/2011-02-18-Where-will-YOU-spend-eternity.aspx
Understand also that Satan and the forces of darkness rule on earth so just about everything you come across on earth, including the church, is full of lies and error. Just about the entire population of earth is serving Satan and NOT the Creator so do NOT be surprised by sin or the Satanic. Seek TRUTH NOT Error:
There is NO point in researching error, or writing about error or speaking about error. Every person has SOME truth, seek the truth they have that you lack and move on.
Pray prayers like “Father I ask you to bring the people you want into my life and take the people you do NOT want out”, “Father I ask you to open the doors in my life that You want opened and close the doors that you want closed”, then be prepared for radical change. In the year after I first prayed these prayers Father took just about everyone out of my life, business partner, staff, wife, etc – I was left with very few people around me. In the process He revealed how each person He took out was betraying me, had evil intent toward me, was involved in Satanic matters, etc.
It is VITAL that you believe that Father knows MUCH BETTER than you do and that you flow with Him.
Constantly seek to be filled with His Spirit, worship regularly AND be VERY selective about the worship songs that you sing. I have a CD of 17 songs of which I worship with about 5 regularly. This is the essence of a collection of over 50 CD’s that I no longer listen to. Please see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/422/2012-10-04-Worship-Part-1-Adjusted-Again.aspx
Expect to have to clean up your language, NOT just curse words like “damn” and “bloody”, etc but also the true names, Yah, Yahooshua, etc AND other words that have pagan connotations like holy – use qodesh, glory – use kabad, etc which are pivotal to talking about the Creator and for which there is sometimes NO suitable English word.
Expect to fully FORSAKE Christmas and Easter, observer Yah’s set-apart days – Passover, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles.
Expect to fast.
Expect to cease eating pork, shellfish, ostrich, etc.
The path is INDEED strait (constrained, narrow, restricted) but it leads to Yah and His Kingdom and, IF you are faithful and overcome to the END, it will lead to a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity and that is a more valuable prize than ANY OTHER.
Regarding Yahooshua – if you want to do this you need to STOP calling him Jesus IMMEDIATELY, just like you need to stop calling Yah the eternally self-existing “Lord” or “God”.
You also need to understand that Yahooshua was and is a man, the most powerful man in the universe but a MAN nonetheless and that he lived his life as fully man and emissary, spokesman (apostle and prophet) FILLED with the Spirit of Yah and that it was YAH and NOT Yahooshua who performed the miracles, etc.
The GREATEST WORK of Yahooshua was to live his life without sinning once – if you do NOT understand that he was a man you will not believe you can rise to that standard and therefore you will never try so one of the biggest obstacles for many is to get a hold on the truth about Yahooshua and STOP breaking the first commandment see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/379/2012-04-01-Why-Yahooshua-had-to-die-THAT-way.aspx and
http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/279/2011-02-16-Do-you-aspire-to-do-the-works-that-Yahooshua-did.aspx much else on the website
I hope this gives a few more pointers to how you can draw close to Yah AND how you can come to a place where you can live above sin.
Note that it will take YEARS to work the bad habits and thoughts out of your life. You may never fully succeed but if you do NOT make the effort those habits and thoughts will confront you on the Day of Judgment as will ALL the unconfessed sings – remember, Yahooshua came to provide a more accessible offering for confessed and repented sin NOT to take sin that you do NOT repent of.
Note that the forces of darkness do NOT know what you are thinking so judgement through them will ONLY come through your words and deeds so, to come to a place where they cannot touch you you need to clean up your words and deeds and make right however you are required to make right. As you gain mastery in these areas Father will increasingly challenge you with regard to your thought life until He requires you to deal with even the things that are deeply ingrained from your childhood. All this IS possible AND it requires dedication and effort and constant prayer.
May the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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