2013.10.13 Halloween All Demons Day -- Poem by Mahdokt Walter Created by James on 11/9/2013 6:38:30 AM In response to a request for information regarding Halloween, Mahdokt Walter a former witch delivered by Yah, sent me the poem below
It gives some small indication of the evil of this day and why you should NOT participate in any manner
Halloween – All Demons Day
Mahdokt Walter
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Not all believers are aware of the extremely nature of Halloween. Some years ago Father told me it was “Satan’s Great Day” – a Satanic equivalent of the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles
I asked Mahdokt Walter, a former witch delivered by Yah, if she had anything that I could share with the list. She sent me the following poem which I share with you to give you some sense of what happens behind the scenes and why you and your children and grandchildren should NOT participate in any shape or form
Title: All Demon's Day
By: Mahdokt Walter
An ancient and wicked feast it is
filled with the anguished screams
of those sacrificed this evil night
from the bonefire as of old
the hearth is set alight
A witches tale and a cup of ale
to host the guests unseen
whilst the men of oaks perform
the Great and Evil Rite
raping and killing innocents this night
Eve of Sanhaim a serious occasion
merrily celebrated by all and sundry
this day as a day of innocent fun and play
whilst the dying offer their screams
of anguish to the moon
Drink, dance, spit out a curse or two
conjure the devils, dance to the moon
the horned hunter walks this night
to greet those that are new to
walking between the worlds
of light and dark, the great mystery
illuminated within, in sync with the earth
The outer is less the inner expands
on this very evil night
those supposedly birthed within hear me please
already you are dead,
consigned to the pits with your master you will go, if you do not this day
repent repent repent!
Hear me lost ones as I speak these words where you are in spirit,
I have already been what Satan tells you is a lie,
a filthy and evil lie
in him there is no truth, just everlasting
In your evil tongue today is what I tell as witness to the world about Niisa, Niisa, Niisa - come away!
Join me in Yashua and life everlasting
and be free!
To my readers, a note:
Please pray with me on 31 Oct for those being led astray.. mahdokt
Date created: 2009-10-05
It is published on www.mabooki.com under the name mahdokt.
You may read the poems there are quite a few warnings to the children of the darke one by favour of Yah.
And should you choose to do so you may direct your readers there. Let it be as Yah wills.
Walk with Him and He will walk with you.
Spoken to the lost ones of Israel in the Love of Yahusha our Redeemer.
Mahdokt Walter
Bond servant to Yahuwah
>>> POEM ENDS <<<
May the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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