2013.10.12 South Africa: About the world and the Almighty Created by James on 11/9/2013 6:58:06 AM In response to a fairly lengthy multi-sided debate about Jesus, Jews and other matters I suggested that the people who were opposing what I was saying fast and pray and seek Father in order to learn the truth
In response one individual sent me quite a lengthy reply attacking what I had said
In the process the writer raised diverse issues that opened the door for me to write about equally diverse issues, quite a few of which I have NOT previously written about on this list
After I had finished Father instructed me to publish the resulting email to the list as it contained information of relevance
The emails concerned are reproduced below
About the world and the Almighty
James Robertson
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In recent weeks I have been drawn into an email debate relating to the origin of the people known as “Jews” as well as the name “Jesus”
Eventually, in response to various emails I posted a reference to the article on the website http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/374/2012-01-05-Getting-close-to-Yah-Appropriate-prayer-and-fasting-are-VITAL-the-answer-to-doctrinal-dif.aspx and indicated that unless the parties involved fasted regularly seeking truth there was no point discussing the matter further
In response to this I received the following email:
"Getting Close to Yah – Appropriate Prayer and Fasting are VITAL – the answer to Doctrinal Differences"
No debate is possible with praying and fasting.
Don't see my point? Then pray and fast regularly for up to a year long!
Understanding or acknowledging historical and scientific facts are independent of fasting and praying.
Again, if any-one does not agree, please pray and fast till you agree with me, or die, whichever occurs first.
State politics, be it Israel, Europe or the USA, is also not subject to historical facts, because it is always intertwined with religion and propaganda. Even secular democracy - Carl Schmitt.
Nevertheless, herewith my outsider contribution, after following these unsolicited e-mails for the past month. I think a family member put my address on the mail list.
1. The 19th Dynasty of ancient Egypt, the Hyksos and the Edomites from Idumea and Nabatea had at least political relations - likely they formed the alliance of local and foreign rulers in Egypt.
2. Their political opponents were the 18th Dynasty, in particular the Christian Atenists, original Is-Ra-El, playing the role of Jakob versus brother Esau, Horus versus Set(i). Brother Esau and brother Set is only from the seed of the devil as demonized political opponent. Their actual DNA is identical as that of Jacob and Horus, meaning the true political opponents are of the same colour, language, country, and material culture, making distinction difficult.
I have read Dolph and Skip's statements regarding Idumea and Edomites, but their largest political opponent seems to not be Jews nor Israeli Zionists, but co-Westerners like James.
3. The powerful Herodians were Edomites, and influenced both the Roman Empire and Christian religion. Joseph Flavius worked for the Herodians and Rome.
4. East European Jews or Judaists can trace their origins to the Khazars.
5. The Holy Land of Israel is unholy.
6. The USA is the New JerUSAlem, because it is the New Rome, and like Rome experiences Herodian-like influence via monopolistic trade finance. Herod the Great build the second strategic trade-finance temple in Jerusalem, and thus influenced Rome by buying Senators and providing finance assistance for inter alia, assassinations and imperial wars. At the time Rome was the world's sole superpower. Likewise New York and Israel influence the Washington Empire via finance and the power of credit and money.
7. Some northern tribes of Is-Ra-El living close to today's Syria, were deported by Assyrian Empire in the 8th century BCE and relocated into the land of the Aryans, today's Iran. Perhaps Mahmoed Ahmedinejad was a true Israelite.
8. And perhaps some descendants of Jesus are today living in Africa via the French Huguenots-Boers-Afrikaners, as per Dan Brown's popular Da Vinci Code.
If you don't believe the above, wank 3 times per day for one year, and pray to your g_d, that he may destroy Wikipedia.
My response was as follows
It addresses a diversity of matters and Father has indicated to me that it is a useful reference on these matters many of which I have not formally written about on the list
Thank you J…
Of course you are correct, if you do NOT have a relationship with the Almighty and do NOT desire to draw closer to Him and seek truth prayer and fasting will avail nothing
In fact, for such a person, fasting will cause them to draw closer to their gods, in other words their demons
Further comments in thread
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 7:21 AM
To: James@end-time-issue-ministries.org;
Subject: RE: The Origin of the Name Jesus - but now the facts
"Getting Close to Yah – Appropriate Prayer and Fasting are VITAL – the answer to Doctrinal Differences"
No debate is possible with praying and fasting.
[>>> JAR] IF you are seeking genuine truth and you fast asking for revelation of truth from the Almighty and praying prayers such as “Father I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it” my personal experience since 2000 evidences that you WILL get clear answers
Don't see my point? Then pray and fast regularly for up to a year long!
[>>> JAR] I agree, fast and pray regularly for a year and pray the prayer above and at the end one of us will see the others point and BOTH will see Yah’s truth
Understanding or acknowledging historical and scientific facts are independent of fasting and praying.
[>>> JAR] the problem is that most of the records of history are corrupt, consider the matter of Creation versus Evolution and the creation of the planet, etc
I understand this point clearly, I am an engineer with a PhD in Engineering
For many years I turned my back on the Creator because of the arrant nonsense that was taught and practiced by the church until one day my sin caught up with me and I was staring death in the face
At that point in 1993 the Almighty spoke to me audibly, showed me my sin, showed me He was real and turned my life around and on its head
I CHOSE to believe AND I also chose to believe that the Almighty was the greatest engineer and scientist in existence and that accordingly He would NOT ask me to compromise my reasoning and intellect in order to serve Him
My experience of over 20 years validates this assumption
In that time I have learned that in most matters of history and other matters there are divergent and contradictory opinions, as there are with regard to the matters you list lower down in your email and that the ONLY reliable source of truth is the Almighty
In order to access that truth one HAS to have a personal relationship with Him and come to Him in trust and belief that He WILL answer ALL your questions
Some of my questions took nearly two decades to answer and are STILL being answered as I write this to you
Thus I suggest for your consideration that IF some aspect of what you are being told about the things of the Almighty appears to conflict with historical and scientific fact as you suggest then, EITHER the “facts” are false OR your understanding and interpretation of the facts is erroneous OR what you are being told about the Almighty is false
In this regard, if you have questions with regard to the debate with regard to “Creation versus Evolution” it may interest you to know that BOTH sides have some truth AND some error
The book http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/206/2007-10-01-What-is-the-origin-and-the-purpose-of-man-creation-versus-evolution.aspx addresses this in detail, if you would like the pdf version please email me
In the same way the majority of reports about the Flood and overall history stretching back over millions of years make some fundamental assumptions that are totally false, you might like to read http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/214/2011-04-28-Proof-of-a-Global-Flood.aspx and watch the videos linked to on that page
The videos that are linked from this page evidence from a robust engineering perspective that there WAS a global flood about 4,500 years ago and that the geology of the entire planet evidences this, the South African Gold Mines are perhaps the most robust evidence there is – my Doctorate in Engineering relates to the properties of manmade rock like materials
Again, if any-one does not agree, please pray and fast till you agree with me, or die, whichever occurs first.
[>>> JAR] If you fast and pray continually and IN relationship with the Creator you will draw closer and closer to Him and be filled with His Spirit to such a level that your carnal self and flesh WILL die and He will be able to live through you, as in the case of Yahooshua {Jesus} who spent 40 days in the wilderness without food before commencing his ministry
State politics, be it Israel, Europe or the USA, is also not subject to historical facts, because it is always intertwined with religion and propaganda. Even secular democracy - Carl Schmitt.
[>>> JAR] Agreed insofar as this relates to the records of men, however the truth IS known to the Almighty and IS available to those who will seek it through CLOSE relationship with Him
Nevertheless, herewith my outsider contribution, after following these unsolicited e-mails for the past month. I think a family member put my address on the mail list.
1. The 19th Dynasty of ancient Egypt, the Hyksos and the Edomites from Idumea and Nabatea had at least political relations - likely they formed the alliance of local and foreign rulers in Egypt.
2. Their political opponents were the 18th Dynasty, in particular the Christian Atenists, original Is-Ra-El, playing the role of Jakob versus brother Esau, Horus versus Set(i). Brother Esau and brother Set is only from the seed of the devil
[>>> JAR] The devil has NO seed on earth today, ALL the children of the Messengers {Angels} of Satan who had intercourse with women and fathered children died in the flood, that was one of the reasons for the flood – to destroy these people BEFORE they totally contaminated every blood line on earth, that was the reason that ONLY the house of Noah survived the flood – stories of a partial flood and some of the seed of Satan surviving are totally false and are a lie from Satan – watch the entire three hours of videos above to get a solid understanding of what REALLY happened
as demonized political opponent. Their actual DNA is identical as that of Jacob and Horus, meaning the true political opponents are of the same colour, language, country, and material culture, making distinction difficult.
[>>> JAR] The DNA of all men stems from that of Noah and his woman {wife}—see link on the Flood
Technically in terms of spiritual dispensation the nations are simplistically:
Children of Shem – the European and middle Eastern People
Children of Japeth – the Asian People
Children of Ham, and primarily Canaan (because they were most cursed and therefore closest to Satan and most prospered in a Satanic sense by him – the African People
By calling themselves “Afrikaner”, the Europeans who apply that name to themselves have grafted themselves into the African spiritual dispensation and are therefore subject to ALL the curses associated with Africa which are in the process of progressively destroying them as has happened with South Africa becoming a nation of Ancestor Worshippers on 7 January 2012 – see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/373/0999-2012-01-04-Yah-speaks-on-South-Africa.aspx
See also
and http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/443/2012-11-22-South-Africa-The-Covenant-is-NO-MORE.aspx
On a blood-line note ALL the people on the planet are, in fact, children of Abraham in terms of Yah’s promise to make him the “father of many nations”
This has happened through inter-breeding and fornication where, for example, sailors in Solomon’s fleet sailed the entire planet and, in many ports and at many destinations did as sailors do, had sex with the local women and fathered children
Because these children were raised in the spiritual dispensation where they had been fathered they took on the curses and physical attributes of those people
However, because of their bloodline these children were blessed MORE than the others who were cursed and so, through the generations, the seed of Abraham took over these people at a bloodline level
For example, in a battle the seed of Abraham would survive and the other seed would be killed – on BOTH sides
There were many OTHER ways in which the seed of Abraham spread out throughout the world
There was a group from Yahoodah {Judah} that fled Israel by ship before the Babylonian invasion of the Southern Kingdom and found themselves in Central Africa and by the same mechanism – in the same way the seed of Abraham, because it was blessed, infiltrated and took over the other nations
The North American Indians are also of the Israelites who left Israel at the time of the Babylonian invasion and eventually migrated East into North Amercia
There is a tribe in northern Nigeria who are Yahoodites who migrated into that part of the world and through genetic selection relating to Melanin levels and skin cancer eventually evolved into a dark skinned people
These principles apply throughout the ENTIRE world
I have read D… and S…'s statements regarding Idumea and Edomites, but their largest political opponent seems to not be Jews nor Israeli Zionists, but co-Westerners like James.
[>>> JAR] The challenge for you in writing this is to answer the question as to whether I AM writing at the leading of the Creator or not
You clearly do NOT believe that and, in the process judge me notwithstanding the commandment NOT to judge
As I said to Richard yesterday I say to you “I pray regularly for the Almighty to judge me and therefore, since you have judged me I pray that the Almighty will judge you as He judges me”
In addition I pray that Yah the eternally self-existing, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Almighty, will judge every person on this list who does NOT have a deep personal relationship with Him such that they are brought to a deep and gut wrenching knowledge of His existence and to repentance of sin BEFORE they die that they may NOT be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone on the Day of Judgment
See http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/205/2011-02-18-Where-will-YOU-spend-eternity.aspx in order to understand the outcome of a life in which one does NOT have a saving knowledge of the Almighty as well as the different levels of rank that apply in heaven
3. The powerful Herodians were Edomites, and influenced both the Roman Empire and Christian religion. Joseph Flavius worked for the Herodians and Rome.
4. East European Jews or Judaists can trace their origins to the Khazars.
[>>> JAR] There ARE Jews, that is true Yahoodites”, in this generation who ARE descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Yahoodah (Judah) and who practice Judaism as a form of worship of Yah and some are relatively close to Him
5. The Holy Land of Israel is unholy.
[>>> JAR] Because Yah put His name on the place of worship in Jerusalem and the whole land Satan has gone all out to take over that land and destroy the remembrance of Yah in that land, there are STILL anointed places in Jerusalem and elsewhere and Yah STILL works in and through Jerusalem even though there IS massive Satanic and demonic activity there – was there recently
6. The USA is the New JerUSAlem, because it is the New Rome, and like Rome experiences Herodian-like influence via monopolistic trade finance. Herod the Great build the second strategic trade-finance temple in Jerusalem, and thus influenced Rome by buying Senators and providing finance assistance for inter alia, assassinations and imperial wars. At the time Rome was the world's sole superpower. Likewise New York and Israel influence the Washington Empire via finance and the power of credit and money.
[>>> JAR] The USA and, in fact, the entire Western culture that falls under the influence of the Roman Empire through the Roman Church and the Roman religion that is Christianity, IS Babylon in this age
There are Yahoodites {Jews} throughout European culture because the European people are ALL descended from Israel and there are Yaoodites intermingled with them
The Europeans – including those addressed in this mailing, are ALL of Israel, they are ALL blessed because of the blessings on Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
The Yahoodites are particularly blessed because of the blessings on Yahoodah, that is WHY there are “Jews” in positions of power and affluence throughout Western Society and also in Christian Europeans
The United States in particular has, in recent years, assumed the leadership of Babylon and is filled with corruption and error through Free Masonry and numerous other secret societies such as the Council for Foreign Relations, the Order of the Skull and Bones, etc, etc
They have also embarked on corrupt and evil deeds, see attachment – email me if you would like the supporting documents
See also what Yah had to say in this context http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/219/2009-09-04-Repent-Judgment-is-Released-on-the-Earth-The-Red-and-Black-Horses.aspx
Notwithstanding what is written above about the USA, it is NOT constructive to get sucked into all sorts of conspiracy theories http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/347/2011-09-05-Do-NOT-concern-yourself-with-conspiracy-theories.aspx
AND these issues are NOT the point, the fundamental point is whether you have a personal relationship with the Almighty Creator and are doing ALL you can to qualify for a HIGH THRONE for eternity or if you are doing something else that will line you up at least in part for a time in the Lake of Fire or, as with the vast majority of people on the planet, whether you will be cast into that Fire and totally consumed and obliterated
7. Some northern tribes of Is-Ra-El living close to today's Syria, were deported by Assyrian Empire in the 8th century BCE and relocated into the land of the Aryans, today's Iran. Perhaps Mahmoed Ahmedinejad was a true Israelite.
[>>> JAR] Many of those subsequently migrated to Europe and established the nations that founded the European Union
England = Ephraim, Germany = Gad, Denmark = Dan, etc
8. And perhaps some descendants of Jesus are today living in Africa via the French Huguenots-Boers-Afrikaners, as per Dan Brown's popular Da Vinci Code.
[>>> JAR] Yahooshua {Jesus} had NO descendants, he was celibate, he could NOT have accomplished what he did if he had joined himself to a woman
There ARE Europeans in South Africa who fled Europe to escape persecution of which the Huguenots are the most clearly identified, there were others from the other nations, in fact, there was a strong bias amongst the Europeans who came to South Africa of commitment to and relationship with the Almighty such that EVEN today there are a greater percentage of believers amongst the people group who call themselves Boers and Afrikaners who are at some level committed to the Almighty such that they have a SPECIAL place in His heart and He is desirous of delivering them from the evil that is coming against them in South Africa, see
If you don't believe the above, w… 3 times per day for one year, and pray to your g_d, that he may destroy Wikipedia.
[>>> JAR] May Yah judge you as He judges me and show you the level of your present deception and HOW to correct it
[>>> JAR] Thank you J…, that was a most helpful email
I acknowledge you as an Israelite, as also am I, a Levite in my case
Warm regards and blessings
James Robertson
May the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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