2013.12.04 Father's ANGER towards MANY Afrikaner MEN Created by on 12/15/2013 2:29:43 PM This article summarizes a major sin amongst many Afrikaner men that Father has been revealing to me progressively in recent months as we have interceded and worked to avert the destruction that Father showed me two years ago was coming on South Africa
It turns out that many Afrikaners believe that Africans are sub-human and that intercourse with them is of no consequence and that the children that result are excluded from the community of those who believe and therefore ALSO of no consequence
This has resulted in massive fornication by this category of men with African women and the birth of children with African physical appearance who outnumber the children with European physical appearance of the same men
The magnitude of the anger and hatred that this has kindled amongst African people is huge and the magnitude of the sin and judgment that this sin is bringing upon these people is similarly huge
This couples with all the other sins that are present in South Africa on both sides of the "racial" divide including extreme witchcraft and ancestor worship on the part of many Africans, including the President and leadership of the ANC
The consequence is that South Africa will be utterly destroyed within eighteen years.
This article examines this sin in more detail including an account of an incident revealed to me by the Almighty with regard to a specific individual which Father says is representative of the sins of hundreds of thousands of other primarily Afrikaner men
Father's ANGER towards MANY Afrikaner MEN
James Robertson
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In the lead-up to writing the article “2012.01.04 Yah speaks on South Africa” on 7 January 2012 I was deeply grieved by the number and brutality of the murders of farmers that were occurring in South Africa. I was further grieved by the visions I had been given of MASSIVE carnage of savagely murdered Europeans in South Africa, INCLUDING in the major cities. The visions that I saw all related to Johannesburg
This continued and by the time I wrote “2012.12.01 South Africa - President Zuma Declares War on Europeans” at the beginning of December I was even more grieved by the songs that the President was singing and many other things
In that article Father gave me a long list of “Critical Sins” that were leading to the judgment but I did NOT ask for further information regarding sins.
Subsequently I wrote the book and created the website on “South Africa – The REAL Issues” at Father’s instruction which is a comprehensive analysis of the South African situation from a spiritual, sociological, cultural and economic perspective. http://www.south-africa-the-real-issues.org
In the months that followed I published regular emails on the subject and wrote to members of the European Parliament, Embassies and newspapers around the world asking them to intervene to stop the carnage.
I also cried out to Father for deliverance for the believers in South Africa.
Father responded by telling me that IF 100,000 adult believers were to assemble at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria on Monday 16th of December 2013, the anniversary date of the Battle of Blood River, fast, examine themselves, repent of ALL their sins and cry out for deliverance in terms of the Blood River Covenant He WOULD move. Father said that this was the LAST possibility of delivering the country from disaster.
He called an Afrikaans prophet through me who was eventually disobedient and then several others. Eventually He told me to get actively involved again and we added the pages on the Covenant Gathering to the website:
and http://www.south-africa-the-real-issues.org/Byeenkoms16Des2013.aspx
I also published a number of emails
An Afrikaans man eventually heeded the call and we worked together to try and reach people to fast and to gather.
My wife and I embarked on eight three day fasts of which the last fast is in progress as I write, to culminate on the 16th of December seeking revelation of what needed to be repented of and prayed.
There was very little positive response to the call, most of the positive response was from women who were relatively close to Father and a few men. There was a steady stream of negative response, primarily from men some of whom had a problem with the fact that I was English, some alleged I knew nothing about Afrikaners even though my wife is Afrikaans, etc.
During this year, through the above website, I have entered into correspondence with a diverse group of people including a significant number of Afrikaans men with extremely harsh racial attitudes towards African people. They espouse beliefs that include that Africans are “demon seed”, descended from messengers {angels – see previous article}, that Africans are “tares” and therefore of no value, that Africans are in some way NOT creations of Father and can be treated with contempt and that children resulting from intercourse between a European and an African are, in some way, so despised that they have NO place in the Almighty’s scheme of things and are of NO value because they are “bastards” – twisting the true meaning of the word which is a child fathered by a man other than the covenant man who took the virginity of the mother -- to signify “mixed race”.
Eventually Father said to me that men like these, including some of those who were corresponding with me, viewed intercourse with an African woman as nothing of consequence, NOT sin and, to quote Father “these men regard intercourse with an African woman as less of a sin than mast_rbation and more pleasurable”. Father went on to tell me that there were “hundreds of thousands” of Afrikaans men who regarded this as a light thing and many who did it regularly. He also said that there were some that kept a “kerfstok”, a trophy count of the number of African women whose virginity they had taken. Father said that there were some men who had taken the virginity of more than 100 African women, mostly girls, frequently as young as 14.
Father had by this stage made it clear to me that virtually ALL human beings on the planet are seed of Abraham, as promised by Yah to Abraham and a large percentage were children of Israel. Father indicated that this applied to Africa as well such that, while the African people fall under the spiritual dispensation of Ham and Canaan and are therefore cursed and heavily demonized their bloodlines can almost ALL be traced back to Israel, see
Accordingly, even the FALSE justifications used by these men were FALSE.
Father further confirmed that by taking the virginity of these women the men were entering into an eternal blood covenant with them, that is making them their “wives” in Yah’s sight and that there is absolutely NO basis for these men to regard intercourse with African women ANY differently to intercourse with any other woman.
Father also stated to me that MANY of these liaisons resulted in the women becoming pregnant and that in the vast majority of cases the men simply sent the women away after using them leaving them to deal with their pregnancy without any input from the father. In many cases where the men do NOT send the woman away immediately after using her they send them away once they realize she is pregnant. In both cases they consign THEIR children to poverty, illiteracy and witchcraft and are cursed as a consequence.
Father says that this is NOT a new development, it has been happening from early days, such that He says that President Jacob Zuma is descended five generations from an Afrikaner who fought at Blood River who subsequently impregnated a Zulu maiden a few weeks after the battle and left her to deal with her pregnancy on her own.
In other cases the men allow the woman to remain on the property or in the area, threatening them with death IF they disclose the parentage of the child.
Because African genes are dominant the majority of the children are African in appearance and are assimilated into African society. Where the child has distinctly European appearance it is generally sacrificed and put to death in barbaric witchcraft rites with more curses spoken against the father. The woman is frequently similarly brutally murdered.
There is HUGE anger in the African community with regard to all the injustices, hypocrisy, etc associated with this crime and great sin even though it is seldom spoken about, to Europeans at any rate.
Furthermore there is a transfer of demons from the women to the men and vice versa and these African demons then provoke rage and unreasonable behaviour in the men and transfer onto the legal wives of these men. The demons off the men, which are accustomed to a reasonable standard of living then are driven off into poverty with the woman and are extremely angry at having to live in primitive conditions and co-exist with African demons that they do NOT understand and cannot get along with. These angry demons drive FURTHER African rage towards the European men responsible for this situation.
Where children ARE raised in proximity to the man who fathered them they are mostly NOT recognized at all, or at best to a very limited extent to the point where in some cases the man does NOT recognize his own child and then, if it is a girl, has sex with his own daughter when she is old enough. Because of the debased view of African people and African women that characterizes this group of men it is quite common for the European sons of these men to have intercourse with the same women that their fathers have had intercourse with, including women whose virginity their fathers took and who are therefore in Yah’s sight their fathers wives!
All of this is a MASSIVE abomination in Fathers sight.
Father says that the problem occurs with other European lines as well but NOT to nearly the same extent as with Afrikaners. This is because these other lines do NOT subscribe to the most abominable of the teachings that this group of Afrikaner men subscribe to. Accordingly the fornication is NOT at the same extent and frequency and they are more likely to take more interest in the welfare of the women and the children. Therefore the bulk of the judgment that is coming and is already here has been triggered by Afrikaner men. This, together with ALL THE OTHER sins that were already documented in the articles above, is bringing judgement on Europeans in South Africa.
It is this collection of grossly unjust and sinful practices that are TOGETHER responsible for the huge anger and hatred that many African people have towards Europeans and particularly Afrikaners. They draw no distinction between those who subscribe to these abominable beliefs and practices and those who do NOT and therefore there is HUGE rage that is seldom discussed publicly and little known. This is combined with the demonic rage referred to above.
When a man commits these sins the sins count against his whole house and therefore judgment and retribution for the sin falls on the whole family including wife and children irrespective of whether they are guilty or not. Father says that many of the men who commit these abominations are married to women who are relatively close to Father and therefore Father says that He repeatedly has to watch while women He loves are raped and brutally murdered and He is therefore EXTREMELY ANGRY towards these men.
Father has further stated that in MANY cases where women who are close to Him are married to such men He WILL grant them a divorce so that they can get out of danger. Some woman know of their men’s sin and at some level approve as it relieves them of their marital obligations, in such cases it is UNLIKELY that Father will grant divorce. Further article to follow.
To give some idea of how angry Father is …
Some weeks ago, in response to one of my articles that indicated that believing people of ALL races should respond to Father’s call to repentance on 16 December I received the following:
“Die gelofte is ‘n verbond tussen die Eloah van hemel en aarde en Sy uitverkore BOERVOLK wat Hy persoonlik geplant het op 16 Desember 1838, en het niks met enige ander ras of kultuur te doen nie, en definitief niks met engelse vroue en kinder moordenaars en hans kakies nie.
So stel ek voor dat die swart volkies op hierdie Gelofte dag gaan suip soos hul dit normaal weg doen en die engelse en hul liberale nalopers krieket kyk en vleis braai, en as hul wil rekonsilieer met hul swart bure.
Die BOERVOLK en die GELOFTE van 16 Desember 1838 het op die aarde niks met hul te make nie”
In response, having been receiving more and more revelation about the matters discussed above and feeling Yah’s anger, I wrote an extremely robust response and then, BEFORE sending it I went on my knees before Father to ask if I was out of line. He responded “actually I quite like it, send it to the entire list”
“Dear …
“There is a problem – see attachment (article on race)
“This separated people who you refer to have been F_CKING THE UNBELIEVING NATIVES whom you so despise and these women have borne them children whom your people have sent away into tribalism, poverty and WITCHCRAFT and YAH IS ANGRY!!
“The Almighty says that there are MILLIONS OF BLACKS whose bloodline flows through AFRIKANER MEN!!!
“Jacob Zuma is the fifth generation of a Blood River combatant who two weeks after the battle could NOT keep his C_CK IN HIS PANTS FOR A PRETTY ZULU GIRL!!!
“THAT is why the blacks hate you with a passion!!
“It is time that you and your people stop your arrogant and stupid and UNJUSTIFIED self-righteousness and face the truth – you are NO MORE SET-APART than a piece of toilet paper in a pit l_trine!!!
“Yah says that many of you and your kind consider it more acceptable to scr_w a black woman for R50 than MAST_RBATE!!!
“Wake up and smell the roses, JUDGMENT IS UPON you and your people
“You were judged in the Anglo Boer war because of the self-same sins that are bringing judgment on your people today
“What is more Yah says that WOMEN who are CLOSE TO HIM and in submission to their whoring husbands are being raped and murdered daily and He has to watch these atrocities brought about by the immorality and hypocrisy of men who are NOT FIT to have such women joined to them!!!
“The Blood River Covenant belongs to ALL who are blood-line descendants of those who fought on the Voortrekker side in the battle and the MAJORITY OF THEM ARE BLACK!!”
In response I received the following:
“As jy daarvan hou om te vermeng en te verbaster, praat vir jouself, anders as in Amerika en Engeland hoerreer blanke mans en veral Boere nie met swart vrouens nie, jy beledig ‘n Volk wat jy net mooi niks van weet nie.
“Daar is twee verskillende volke in hierdie land wat Afrikaans sprekend is die een is Die Boervolk en die ander die Afrikaner volk en daar is ‘n groot verskil tussen die twee, die Afrikaner sal soos die Amerikaner en Engelsman oor die rasgrens vermeng, maar ‘n ware Boer sal dit nie doen.”
In response to this Father showed me in DETAIL that this man was, himself, guilty of these crimes. I saw a strong young European man bend a fourteen year African girl over the kitchen sink, lubricate himself with butter and rape her. I watched as he wiped the blood off his organ on her faded but clean undersized floral dress and chased her out of the house.
I watched as some months later she came to him in tears, visibly pregnant and in response he went to his father and told him that this girl was troubling him. I watched as the father, also guilty of these crimes, chased mother and daughter off the property without so much as a few Rand for bus fare. I did NOT sleep well that night.
In response I wrote the following email which Father says I must ALSO share because the basic email could be written to “hundreds of thousands of other Afrikaner men as well”:
“Hear the Word of Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, the Mighty One of Abraham, Isaac and Yaakov
“…, I was there when you raped that 14 year old black virgin in your youth, the daughter of your father’s worker
“I heard her cries as you bent her over the kitchen sink
“I watched when you lubricated yourself with butter and forced your way into her v_gina, dry and contracted in fear
“I watched while you gloated and wiped the blood of your covenant with her off on her dress before threatening to kill her if she ever told anyone what you had done and chased her out of the house
“I watched when she, visibly pregnant, came to you and asked for help
“I watched as you went to your father and told him to get rid of “die meid” because she was making a nuisance of herself
“I watched as your arrogant racist father drove her and her mother from the property without so much as giving them the bus fare back to Qwa Qwa
“I watched as she gave birth to YOUR SON in desperate poverty and raised him
“You son who has inherited his looks from his mother but his sharp intellect from YOU
“I have heard her cries as she has struggled to raise YOUR son
“I have watched her hire witchdoctors to curse you
“I have watched her tell her son his genesis and I have heard him curse you and vow to torture you and kill you and your family slowly
“Because of the intellect that he inherited from you and the blessings on YOUR bloodline he has risen to become a man of stature and influence in his community and he has enrolled his friends in his plans to kill you
“He is right now waiting for the witchdoctors to throw the bones to determine an auspicious time for his plans for you and your family
“NOW, REPENT, TURN AROUND, confess your sin publicly, go and find your covenant woman {wife} and bring her and her son home and make good to them what you have stolen from them
“IF you will NOT do that then flee but, know this, your sin has found you out and judgment will follow you to the ends of the earth and wherever you flee you WILL die a painful and lingering death
“When you were very young you knew me from your mother for she knew me but as you grew your father drew you into his religious lies and abominations and you followed in his footsteps
“Your mother and your wife KNOW there is something wrong, they intercede night and day for you but you have shunned their love and those that I have sent to you before this
“Their prayers have preserved you to this time that you may know the full extent of your sin and repent of it
“If you do NOT repent now there will be NO MORE MERCY and judgment is ASSURED
“the sins associated with this incident that must ALL be confessed and repented of are as follows:
“1. That you perverted and twisted My commandments as reflected in the bible to make it acceptable to do what you did because you hold this woman to be a non-being, she is NOT she, too is a child of Abraham, Isaac and Yaakov although that is masked by her physical appearance
“2. You joined yourself as a believer to a woman who was NOT a believer and was a practiser of witchcraft and ancestor worship contrary to my clear commandment
“3. You raped her and took her by force and hurt her notwithstanding that My commandment is for men to be tender towards their women
“4. You took her virginity and therefore entered into an eternal blood covenant with her and made her your covenant woman, what you term “wife”, and then you DROVE her away – she is your FIRST WIFE and he is your FIRST BORN SON – accord them the privileges associated with those positions
“5. You took NO responsibility for the child that you had birthed in her womb and, on the contrary, drove her and the child away into poverty and witchcraft – their sins are UPON YOU
“6. Today you stand in arrogance and despise “blacks” and call yourself “set-apart”, remember that I OPPOSE the proud and you are NO MORE set-apart than used toilet paper in a pit latrine, you have defiled yourself with your disgusting behavior towards your wife and your son
“Now you face eternal rejection unless you turn from your sin, REPENT, REPENT, REPENT before it is too late”
If you are a woman who is seeking to serve Father and you are married to such a man Father has said that He will grant divorce to MANY who are in this situation.
May Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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