2013.09.11 The MOST Important Things in Life Created by on 10/12/2013 9:01:42 AM This article lists those activities and principles that are most important in life when gauged against the outcome on the Day of Judgment
To the extent that you may NOT be doing all of these things in roughly this order of priority I encourage you to seek to do them now
The MOST Important Things in Life
James Robertson
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The most important things in life:
1. Know with absolute certainty that Yah exists
2. Infilling with the Spirit of Yah, that is anointed by Yah, such that Yah can speak to you and through you
3. Intense prayer, on your knees and humbled before Yah including appropriate prayer
4. Regular worship of Yah
5. Strict observance of Yah’s Commandments
6. Intense resolve to do Yah’s will and doing His will NO matter how painful and how much it costs you
7. Periodic fasting as Yah leads
8. Deep personal relationship with Yah – 1 to 7 are necessary precursors
9. Do what Yah has called you to do – your ministry and your day job
If you are NOT seriously committed to 1 to 8 your life will be of limited value on the Day of Judgment and you risk hearing those terrible words “depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you”
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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