2013.09.08 The correct dates of Yah’s High Sabbaths Created by on 10/12/2013 8:44:16 AM
There is uncertainty with regard to the correct dates for Yah's calendar for His High Sabbaths and special set-apart {holy} days such as the Day of Atonement
This article discusses this and recommends a source for a calendar that I have found to be reliable in the past
The correct dates of Yah’s High Sabbaths
James Robertson
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Apart from the misconception with regard to whether Yah’s High Sabbaths remain applicable there is also uncertainty with regard to the dates
In particular, the Jewish calendar typically differs from the calendars offered by others who claim to have determined the dates from consideration of New Moons
Even within the latter group dates do NOT always agree exactly
I have never researched the detailed astronomical basis for arriving at the dates but DO know this:
1. These set-apart {holy} days remain valid, Yah expects us to observe them, there are blessings for those who DO keep them and curses and judgment for those who do NOT, especially for those who CLAIM to be people of standing in the service of the Almighty
2. To the extent that the sighting of the New Moon can be different in different parts of the world and could result in a difference of a day it is my understanding that the New Moon in Jerusalem is the defining New Moon date
3. To the extent that astronomy was much more sophisticated in the days of Moshe {Moses} than most people believe today the date of Yah’s New Year was NOT determined from observation of the Barley at Jerusalem it WAS determined astronomically – ALL other dates flow from this
4. There are traditional calendars which are incorrect, the Jewish calendar is apparently based on a very old calculation
5. The astronomical determination is significantly complex and requires careful study
6. I use the calendar from Qodesh Ministries at http://www.qodesh.co.za/ which, up to now, Yah has indicated to me is reliable
7. Someone has said to me that Yah’s High Sabbaths may NOT occur on a regular Sabbath -- since the dates are determined by the cycles of the moon it is my understanding that this argument is unfounded
8. It has also been said to me that the word “Moon” is actually an incorrect translation of “Month” and that a month was originally 30 days with an extra day every four months to keep in synch with the seasons and that these dates have nothing to do with the Moon. Note that there are indications that before the ice comet fly-by / impact that caused the flood at the time of Noah, tilted the earth on its axis and knocked it into an elliptical orbit around the sun, that the year was 360 days exactly and that the orbit of the moon may have then been exactly 30 days – see http://www.youtube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood for discussion of the ice comet, the earth being tilted on its axis, etc
On the above Yah says that it is so that before the flood there were 360 days in the year and the moon had a 30 day orbit giving exactly 12 months. After the flood some of Noah’s family decided to adhere to the 30 day month with various models of adjustments and others to adopt the changed cycle of the moon. The former model has prevailed but since He had created the moon for the months Yah chose to remain with the moon cycle, as did Shem and Noah thus the moon based calendar for Yah’s special days is correct.
9. I have been working according to the moon based calendar for over ten years and have repeatedly seen Yah move on these days and, on one occasion I was judged for failing to observe the Day of Trumpets and engaging in commerce on that day. Accordingly I have a high level of confidence in the dates that I publish
10. I take it as a given that most readers are aware that Sunday is the First Day of the week and therefore NOT the Sabbath
11. It has also been suggested to me that the weekly Sabbaths are linked to the New Moon and that there can be up to two “leap month” type extra days. Yah has indicated to me that this is “not so” and that the weekly Sabbaths DO follow a continuous cycle of seven days with NO exceptions
12. I am aware that there is uncertainty as to whether Saturday IS the actual seventh day of the week or whether there has been some manipulation of the calendar at some time since Creation such that the unbroken seven day cycle from Creation would give the seventh day NOT corresponding to Saturday, to which Yah says that it is “not wise” to try and figure this out and that we should pray for grace and accept the current Saturday as the seventh day
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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