2013.09.07b - Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003 Created by on 10/12/2013 8:40:28 AM
Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit
on 3 May 2003
James Robertson
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On 3 May 2003 I was impressed to take certain actions that I had been preparing for for several years to bring Satan before the Throne of Yah and request a sentence of one thousand years for his sins against Yah.
That sentence was granted.
I am now impressed to send you the same message that was sent then with minor editorial changes in order to update the article.
In a number of messages some months ago on the Informal list it was indicated that it was my understanding that the time was near for Judgment of Satan in order for him to be sent to the Pit for a thousand years in terms of Revelation 20 verses 1 to 3.
Revelation 20:1-3
1 And I saw a messenger {angel} come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. (KJV)
This has also been referred to in various messages on the ETI list since early in 2001 – refer to www.ETIMin.org for these articles.
On Saturday 3 May 2003 at 10h30 South African time (GMT minus 2 hours) we were engaged in our normal Sabbath morning worship when i was impressed to pray as follows:
1) To come before the Throne of Judgement of Almighty Yah.
2) To request that Satan be brought before the Throne of Judgement.
3) To list charges against Satan including his rebellion against Yah, leading one third of the messengers {angels} of Yah to rebel, deceiving Adam and Havvah (Eve), lying to mankind and progressively leading mankind into greater and greater sin, specifically leading mankind to break all ten of the Ten Commandments en-masse and various other charges.
4) To request the court to find Satan guilty on these charges.
5) To request the court to sentence Satan to one thousand years in the Pit.
6) To request the court to send the mighty messengers {angels} of Yah, Michael and Gabriel and the other set-apart (Holy) messengers to enforce that sentence.
7) To command those messengers to "go now" and enforce the sentence.
By faith i believe that Satan has now been cast into the Pit for a thousand years.
This event is the culmination of something that Yah has been speaking to me about since 2000 and for which there has been considerable personal preparation but which i was not at liberty to disclose prior to the event for tactical reasons.
It is my understanding that we will now see greater turmoil in the spiritual realm as Satan's direct reports (those fallen messengers who reported directly to Satan) compete for Satan's throne.
It is further my understanding that it is the responsibility for believers everywhere to wage spiritual warfare with renewed intensity, specifically in the following areas:
1) Intensified efforts to seek set-apartness (holiness and sanctification) and to deal with ALL sin in our lives by praying prayers such as:
"Father, i ask you in the name of Yahooshua to judge me severely and correct me harshly in order to that i may serve you more perfectly"
"Father, i ask you in the name of Yahooshua to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it"
These prayers should be prayed daily and one should be sensitive to all indications of correction, no matter how severely these challenge one's present beliefs. These prayers initiate a process that takes years.
2) Intensified efforts to seek guidance in every area of our lives by praying the prayers for guidance contained in the document "Useful Prayers" issued in December 2001 – refer to www.ETIMin.org These prayers should preferably be prayed daily and accompanied by prayer in tongues should you have that gift.
3) Systematic prayers to bind and tear down principalities, powers, thrones and dominions over every area of the world system using the prayers in the attachment.
a) Pray ""Father, in the name of Yahooshua i speak to every principality, power, throne and dominion that is operating over ...........(as you are led)............ and in the name of Yahooshua i bind you and tear you down and command you to go where Father Yah sends you for as long as He sends you"
>>> NOTE -- 5 February 2011 -- that I originally said to pray that they were sent to the Pit for a thousand years, I did not have the authority to do that, I have recently learned to send them where Father Yah sends them. <<<
b) Start this prayer at the level of the smallest unit, starting with your dwelling place and then progressively praying outward to your property, the city block where your dwelling is situated, the police precinct, the suburb, the town, the city (if appropriate), the province or county, the region or state, the nation, the sub-section of the continent on which your dwelling is situated, the continent, the hemisphere and the earth as a whole.
This is an incremental process which requires on-going battle recognizing also that there is turbulence in the spiritual realm and that other satanic forces will flow into the openings that you create.
c) Similarly pray in this fashion over your local place of assembly (church) and over whatever other physical locations you may feel impressed to pray over, including friends' houses, houses of leaders in the faith, seats of local and national government of your own and other nations, seats of specific international bodies such as the United Nations building in New York, Vatican, World Bank offices in .........., offices of specific corporations, including your employer if applicable, etc, etc
d) Pray in similar fashion over organizations such as specific church denominations, religions, local, national and world organizations, businesses, etc.
e) Where you have revelation of the names of specific Satanic messengers {angels} either through documents in your possession or through revelation by the Spirit of Yah then pray specifically against that messenger by name and bind the messenger and send where Father Yah sends it.
f) Pray further prayers as led in order to open up further principalities, powers, thrones and dominions to be torn down.
Please realize that this is not a trivial task, there are millions of messengers {angels} in Satan's kingdom and billions of demons. It is my understanding that the most significant requirements for believers over the next thousand years are those set out above 1) set ourselves apart (sanctify ourselves) as set out above - this includes seeking ALL truth 2) constantly and systematically wage war as set out above.
Please be diligent in these actions in order to usher in the time when Yahooshua can return and the Kingdom of Yah can rule on earth.
Please forward this to all believers on your email lists so that they can also participate in this warfare.
It is vital to be aware of the change of spiritual dispensation that has taken place in the last decade.
The spiritual battle has become uglier and more vicious and will become even worse in the years ahead. Even the elect may be deceived.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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