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2012_02_02_Hearing Yah v 002
I have been asked how I hear Yah, more specifically how I know it is Yah and, I guess, by implication, how is it that I am so confident that I hear Him
The following article seeks to address this question
Believe He exists and wants a relationship with you
In order to hear Yah you MUST believe with absolute certainty that He exists and that He wants a relationship with you and wants to speak to you
If you do not believe or have walked a road of not knowing Him He MAY speak to you a few times in order to get you going but after that YOU must believe He exists and YOU must WANT to hear Him
Pray and ask Him to speak to you
Ask Him to speak to you
“Father, I ask you to speak to me in any way I am able to hear you – directly, through videos, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, people I meet in the street, in any way I am able to hear”
Get on your knees, listen and test
In my experience I hear Yah most clearly when I humble myself and get on my knees, sitting or standing, particularly rebelliously and challenging Him to speak is NOT the way to do it
He is the Almighty Creator of the Heaven’s and the Earth – you need to GET this and humble yourself appropriately
Then listen,
Believe He will speak to you and listen attentively
If you are NOT sure, test, ask for confirmations, in the early days of my walk with Him I repeatedly asked for confirmation – do that humbly from a perspective of “Father, I really want to do your will, please forgive me for asking for confirmation but I really do not want to miss it”
“Father I ask you to open the doors that you want opened and close the doors you want closed”
“Father, if I am missing it and this is NOT you please close the door, or prevent me from speaking to them, or …”
If you think He has sent you to speak to someone but you cannot get hold of them after three attempts it probably means you have missed it
Step out in faith
Then, step out in faith and do what you think He has told you to do
In my experience, in the early days of walking with Him, as long as I humbled myself and asked for His guidance I virtually always found I had heard Him and if I was sensitive to Him closing doors I would rapidly realize IF I was doing something in my own strength
It is vital to MOVE – it is very hard for Him to guide you if you are not moving
Even if you are not moving in the right direction it is easier for Him to steer you to the right direction than if you are stuck fast paralyzed by fear of making a mistake
Expect Him to challenge you
He is likely to challenge you
If you think He is asking you to do something you really do NOT want to do or that makes you uncomfortable it is quite possibly Him
I hate conflict and I hate speaking to strangers, so He has sent me into situations with a lot of both
If it is too comfortable it is quite possibly NOT from Yah
Having said this, you must be grounded in His commandments and truths so that you do NOT go and do something that is totally contrary to His ways and His will – problem is that because there is so much error in the church that what you think cannot be from Him COULD in fact be Him
So, key issue is obedience – I have it He would rather you did something because you sincerely believe He has spoken to you than NOT do something because of fear, unbelief, doubt, etc
Fast repeatedly and seek Him
It was only some considerable time into my relationship with Him that I started fasting, in 2000 I undertook eight three day total fasts (except water and a small quantity of bread and grape juice) at intervals of ten days and after that I heard Him MUCH clearer
Make notes
It is much easier to hear Yah if you sit quietly or kneel and make notes
If you have never read the bible it is worth reading it a few times and making notes but understand that it is NOT by any means all inspired
Read whatever other things He leads you to read
Listening is an art, writing notes is a vital component of listening, it forces you to be much more attentive and reduces the extent to which your thoughts wander off
Frequently when I sit down to write an article like this I have very little idea what I am going to write, I rely on the Spirit of Yah to give me utterance as I am writing the outline and as I am typing up the document
Seek to know Him more and more
You MUST seek to know Him
You MUST want to know Him
You MUST be willing to lay down your life to serve Him
You MUST see Him as Father, King and Lord and yourself as child and servant
The more you know Him the more you will hear Him
The more you know His will the more readily you will discern if the voice speaking to you is Him
The more you sanctify yourself and deal with your sin and seek to live a life without sin the fewer other voices will be able to speak to you and the more you will hear Him
There is NO recipe, seek Yah and you WILL find Him
Hearing Yah and knowing His voice takes time, practice and dedication
Be willing to be challenged, do NOT use other human beings as your guide, He is your teacher and He desires a deep personal relationship with YOU
He wants YOU as His friend
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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