2013.11.05 Headlines of the walk of James Robertson with the Almighty Creator Created by James on 11/22/2013 10:10:01 AM I am regularly challenged by people on this list regarding my statements that "the Almighty says" or "Yah says", etc
Some months ago, having been travelling constantly for several months and moved to London, NOT having worshipped regularly, etc I wrote an article that was prideful -- you may have received it
Yah blocked it after it had gone to a few people and then judged me severely
After I had repented He gave me a severe rebuke that lasted for about half an hour while I was on my knees and I then published a retraction
I immediately focussed on getting closer to Him, restoring the anointing that had drained, and dealing with the other issues that He had raised with me
I am now on my fourth three day fast and confident that the problem of a few months ago is well behind me
Some weeks ago Father had me write a new document simply factually summarizing my walk with Him and who I believe myself to be with Him
This is presented below
He has now instructed me to send it to the list
For all who doubt i counsel caution and fasting and I ask that you consider the possibility that since I constantly ask Yah to judge me that I AM hearing Him accurately most of the time
Headlines of the walk of James Robertson
with the Almighty Creator (Yah the Eternally Self-Existing)
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Most will find what follows challenging. If you do not agree or do not understand rather hand it over to the Almighty Creator and ask Him to show you the truth than speak against me. It is not uncommon for the Almighty to judge people who speak against me or curse me, some have died.
1. Now aged 60 (November 2013). Grew up as a nominal believer in an Anglican family, confirmed around age 13, minor experience of the Creator, assisted in church youth, called in a dream in 1972 to become a Server (Altar Boy), served till about 1978, offended by hypocrisy in church and turned back on the Creator, walked in pride and finally into adultery in 1991;
2. 1993 after adultery exposed, life in a mess, planning to kill myself, about 07h00 on Friday 12 March 1993 the Almighty spoke to me audibly and told me to call an associate, led me to a personal relationship with the Creator and Bible based and Spirit filled teaching, filled with Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit, speaking in tongues, water immersed. Realized that if I had died that day I would have gone to Hell, gave the Almighty a strong commitment. Took Bible and asked Almighty to answer all my questions. Subsequently read the Old Testament over twenty times, New Testament over 35 times in as many translations as I could, filled about 14 books of notes, received answers to all questions. Taught by the Almighty personally, much taught directly. Most NOT widely known;
3. December 1993 powerful testimony of Benny Hinn regarding His intense encounter with the Almighty. About 03h00 morning of 2 January 1994 in bed praying to know the Almighty this way, bedroom filled with roaring sound, pressure pressing me into bed for seemed like twenty minutes, hand of Almighty. Woke with powerful anointing for healing and to speak on behalf of Almighty. Not accepted by church;
4. About August 1994 in Malawi, power of the Spirit of Yah flowed through me such that almost everyone in the Assembly fell to the floor convicted of sin, next day Yah spoke through me for about three hours at a level where the only control I had was to close my mouth, no knowledge of what was going to come out of my mouth – told that this was similar to the level of anointing that Yahooshua {Jesus} walked under. Never experienced this again;
5. During this period the Almighty started to show me great error in the Church. Prayed to be found a “good and faithful servant”, Father to take the people He did not want in my life out, realized Set-Apart Spirit given to lead into “ALL truth” and asked for that. Asked Him why so much divorce;
6. 1996 Father showed wife had betrayed, she repeatedly refused to obey Him and He finally took me out of the marriage. Miraculous confirmation of direction, later that year confirmed by eleven spokesmen {prophets}, two servants of Satan died at Yah’s hand for cursing me. Thrown out of churches, Pastor who instigated died subsequently;
7. About 1997 first prayed “Father show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it” and “Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly” – prayed this on and off since then, regularly in recent years. Been judged on a number of occasions;
8. Tuesday 4 April 2000 vision of a massive steel cart, Father says to be driven over the church, published message “A Vision Concerning TsaphanYahoo (= Yah has treasured) {~ Zephaniah} 1 and 3”. The point of inception of End Time Issue Ministries and email list in which messages, inspired at some level by Father (increasingly inspired in recent years) published to a limited list of people by email see: http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/220/2000-04-01-A-Vision-Concerning-Zephaniah-1-and-3.aspx. In 2010 published on website, 2011 new website;
9. Approximately June 2000 business project ended suddenly, turned to the Almighty, eight three day fasts at ten day intervals, commencement of dramatic revelation, 31 December 2000 given message “The Wrath of God for the Church” – was just starting to learn correct names. Called into full time prophetic ministry and told NOT to tell anyone I needed money. Lived by faith and in the period that followed wrote hundreds of articles at varying levels of accuracy -- http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articlesto2009.aspx;
10. Around April 2001 Father said “James, I have a job for you”, told me that I was at the “bottom of the barrel” and should not become proud. Around that time shown I was a son of Moshe {Moses} through Gereshom and a Levite and that my call to this office was a consequence of my lineage and a covenant promise made by the Almighty to Moshe. Called to deal with ALL sin and error in my life that was in any way breaking the Ten Commandments. Had already found that Church doctrine and practice was violating all of the Commandments. Learned that you cannot claim to truly love Yah (true Name of the Almighty) if you do NOT keep His commandments;
11. During this process Father said “read Revelation as quickly as you can and ask no questions until you are complete” He then proceeded to teach me about the end of the age and what has to happen before the return of Yahooshua. What He taught me bears almost NO relation to what is generally taught. During this process Father also personally informed me that the Bible was NOT His word and that Yahooshua was fully a man and that it was grievous sin to worship him. Yah also informed me that Mohammed was His spokesman and that the people of Islam were on balance closer to Yah than the Christians. Asked Yah to teach me to love the way He loves, was given a vision of a fat, unwashed, stinking woman and told that if I could love that woman I would understand how Yah loves because that is how He experiences the church;
12. 5 May 2003, by the Spirit of Yah called the Court of Heaven to order, called for Satan to be brought before the Court, read out the charges, secured judgment and sentence and commanded the mighty warring messengers of Yah, Michael and Gabriel, to cast Satan into the Pit for 1,000 years see:
13. September 2004 entered into covenant with the woman in the vision in point 11 above, she was all the things I had been shown plus fat, plain to the point of being ugly, the laziest person I had ever met, was extravagant and had a vicious temper. I loved her for five years until I could not stand the temper, rebelliousness and extravagance any longer and Yah took her out of my life. Yah’s love had taken on a whole new meaning, I had met the church in person and loved her. During this period many lessons that I had learned were consolidated and settled in;
14. Since 1995 Yah progressively showed me that he created men and women such that a woman could only enter into sexual covenant union with one man (virginity) but that a man could enter into covenant with more than one woman. Through this He also showed me that the lies relating to the relationship between man and woman resulting from the false teachings and practices relating to monogamy were responsible for grievous sin and commanded me to enter into covenant with seven woman in terms of Isaiah 4:1. In 2009 He commanded me to do this before the end of the year and judged me for dragging my feet. I went through a year of great torment and pain and did indeed covenant with seven women in some cases only momentarily. One man and one woman died at Yah’s hand for committing adultery against me. In 2010 I cried out to Him to release me and allow me to enter into a monogamous covenant. He granted me my request but, in the process, He had shown me the level of corruption of mankind in the area of the relationship between man and woman and I had accomplished a goal that was important to Him, the fulfillment of Isaiah 4:1 in this age;
15. Also in 2009 Yah called on me to resume writing and publishing starting in earnest around the Day of Atonement, since then I have written several hundred articles with greater insight, precision and inspiration than in the earlier articles. All of these articles are available at: http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles.aspx and Yah says that they are anointed and suitable for reading;
16. Later in 2003 I mistakenly concluded that it was possible to send demons to the Pit for 1,000 years and so prayed accordingly when I ministered deliverance in the ensuring years. As a consequence the demons came onto me instead of leaving. By August 2010 I had accumulated thousands of demons but they were not touching me. Yah opened the door for me to receive ministry from a highly anointed ministry team and in two one day sessions and a further two days nine months later was delivered of most demons as well as curses going back thousands of years were broken. My calling and position were also confirmed repeatedly. At Tabernacles in Jerusalem that year I was anointed as a King in the service of Yah in terms of the verse in Revelation which states that the servants of Yah will rule on earth with the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} for a thousand years.
17. It was also revealed that there were about 190 death curses invoked against me and that about 50 human sacrifices had been made against me. Because of the manner in which Yah had taught me to walk without sin none of these Satanic forces were having any impact on me. At the same time Yah called on me to intervene in a situation in which one of the most powerful Satanic strongmen, Molech, was in the process of killing an anointed servant of Yah, the Demon acknowledged my authority and left and the servant was restored to life;
18. Commencing in early November 2010 I embarked on seven three day fasts at seven day intervals to draw closer to Yah and for my flesh to be put to death that He might live in me by His Spirit. I commenced writing again in earnest and also recorded a set of video teachings on “Proof of a Global Flood – Turning History on its head” see:
19. In late 2011 and early 2012 Yah gave me a series of visions of what is to come in South Africa and on 7 January 2012 passed judgment on South Africa after the President and leaders of the ANC offered a bull to the Ancestors (demon spirits) see:
20. At the end of 2012 He gave me a comprehensive analysis of the situation in South Africa and had me publish a book and create a website http://south-africa-the-real-issues.org/ this was done in early 2013. Later in the year He led me to call a spokesman {prophet} to gather 100,000 believing people in South Africa to turn to Yah in repentance and cry out for deliverance on 16th December 2013, the date of the Battle and supernatural deliverance at Ncomi River (Blood River) see:
21. After many years of learning the answer to my question in 1995 “Father why is there so much divorce in the body of believers?” I had been divorced eleven times, each time learning about different facets of the relationship between man and woman and experienced great emotional trauma. In 2012 I entered into covenant with a very special woman, Ester, with whom I have been able to experience covenant union as Yah intended it to be and in which covenant I am greatly blessed;
22. Also in late 2010 Father instructed me to leave South Africa. We finally relocated to London, United Kingdom, in July 2013 to commence work on the next phase of my ministry on a global basis, I have already been shown that London is one of the greatest strongholds of Satan on earth. We are working to increase the exposure of the website and I have a backlog of several hundred articles to write on the ways of the Almighty;
23. In secular terms I have a BSc degree and a PhD in Civil Engineering and a Management Consulting business specializing in advanced methods for the optimum use of Business Information Systems and strategy as taught to me by Father http://www.james-a-robertson-and-associates.com/
In closing it is important that I make it clear that I claim that the Almighty has stated that I am the most senior emissary and spokesman {Apostle and Prophet} on earth today, that I am closest to Him because of my commitment to seeking truth and publishing it, sometimes at substantial personal cost. He has called me His friend and He has a special resting place in our dwelling. I have come to understand that the essence of loving Yah is to keep His Commandments and that His Commandments are NOT burdensome – one cannot truly claim to love Yah if one is not actively seeking to understand HOW to keep ALL of His Commandments AND putting that learning into practice.
That said, if you come to know me better you will learn that I really AM the “bottom of the barrel” and do NOT conform to what most people would expect of someone in this office. I am in the office by inheritance and Yah’s grace and as a consequence of failure of those much better qualified than I am to accept the calling. You will find that I make mistakes, I am fallible and I walk without a visible power anointing because Yah has said that were He to give me such an anointing on a sustained basis I would become proud.
My fundamental calling is to collect, collate and publish truth about the matters of Yah and make that information available as widely as possible. Because of the mantle I wear Yah also uses me in other matters.
You will almost certainly find MUCH of what is written above difficult to believe – I strongly recommend that BEFORE you say anything against what is written that you do what you need to do to hear CLEARLY from Yah about my claims – I would suggest that you seriously consider at least a three day fast IF you are likely to interact with me to any degree and BEFORE you judge me for what is written above.
May Yah the eternally self-existing bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
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