2013.11.02 Hidden Hazards of Halloween Created by on 11/9/2013 6:15:56 AM The previous articles regarding Halloween have highlighted the intense evil of the event
This article highlights the demonic baggage and curses associated with the seemingly innocuous pumpkin head, trick or treat, etc and advises readers to have nothing to do with it
Basic prayers for deliverance are provided and those who have been actively involved are advised to seek deliverance ministry
Hidden Hazards of Halloween
James Robertson
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I hope that the previous two articles on Halloween have given readers some concept of the deep evil of Halloween and why it should be avoided.
What may not have been clear from these articles are the Hazards that accompany even superficial participation in the event.
Any item that is symbolically associated with Halloween, the carved pumpkin faces (human skulls), the ghoul masks, the trick or treat ALL carry Satanic and demonic significance and the very act of participating, owning an item, creating the pumpkin head, wearing the mask, etc give demons the legal right to take up occupation on the person who is guilty of that transgression.
Depending on where they are and what is going on in the surroundings those who are guilty may or may not pick up a demon or demons.
If they are in a strongly demon infested area they are likely to pick up more demons and stronger demons.
Then it also depends on the origin of the artifact.
If the pumpkin was grown by some naive farmer with no evil intentions it may have NO negative impact, but if it was grown by a Satanist or Witch they may have already proclaimed spells and curses over the pumpkins and attached demons to them. The same applies to the items in toy shop windows, fancy dress stores, etc. They may not have any demons and curses assigned to them but, in practice, there is a STRONG likelihood that they do.
No self-respecting servant of Satan is going to pass up the opportunity to so easily curse others and transfer demons to them. If you purchase these things from a store which has all sorts of “creepy things”, take it as a given that it is demon infested.
The bottom line?
Do NOT under any circumstances have ANYTHING to do with Halloween or its associated artifacts.
Note that these items and their demons do NOT necessarily do anything tangible or visible initially, they sit on your shoulder metaphorically and look for opportunities to lead you into sin and the more you obey them the stronger they get – lust, pride, stealing, lying, disrespect to parents, idolatry, demons will lead you deeper into sin and service to Satan in all sorts of subtle ways – they do NOT get “in your face” if they did you would resist them.
If you have previously participated in Halloween in any manner repent and ask Father for forgiveness “Father I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I repent of my sins of participating in Halloween and I ask you to forgive me and I ask you to bind and cast out all demons associated with my sin and send them where you want them to go”.
If you currently have such items in your possession BURN them and then repent and ask Father to forgive you and deliver you. Heavily demonized items may refuse to burn and you may need to use Petrol and / or pray the blood of the covenant over them in order to get them to burn. Grind up or crush solid items that cannot burn, such as metal to the point where they are not recognizable and then burn them as best you can.
Speak to the demons attached to the items “I come against all demons associated with this … (name the item) in the name of Yahooshua and I bind you and command you to leave now and go where Father sends you”.
If you do NOT have a revelation of your authority through the name of Yahooshua they will probably ignore you. If you are NOT a believer with a personal relationship with Yah (the Almighty Creator) you have NO authority to use the name of Yahooshua and you will probably become MORE heavily demonized.
Before burning and destroying the items pray “Father I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I ask you to cover me and all those here present with the blood of the covenant and I ask that your mighty warring messengers {angels} camp around us to protect us”.
If you have got heavily involved in this stuff you may well need to ask Father to help you find an experienced prophetic deliverance minister to get rid of the demonic baggage you have picked up.
Similar advice applies to ALL Satanic and demonic artifacts in your possession, African masks and other “cultural” artifacts, ankhs (cross with a loop at the top), etc, etc the list is substantial, ask Father to show you what you need to know and how to deal with it.
Learning about these things and getting their influence out of your life takes time.
Being set-apart {holy} means that you shun these things and have NOTHING to do with them other than to help others get free of their influence.
May the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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