0080 What to do if you do not agree with what is posted here Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM This article outlines an effective approach to resolving issues if you disagree with what is posted on this website.
One of the major problems in the body of believers is contentious argument over teachings {doctrine}.
In order to avoid this the approach that I adopt is to interact with people who are questioning and seeking but when it becomes a debate about what I believe and you believe I will share my understanding once or twice and thereafter back off completely and decline to debate further.
Father has shown me that when two people do not agree that by the third exchange of views they are generally starting to get irritated and frustrated with one another and they rapidly get into sin.
Given that I truly believe that much of what I write is given to me by my Father in Heaven the best solution that I can offer is that you do what I have done.
Go on seven three day fasts at intervals of three days fasting and four days eating, that is one fast per week, for seven consecutive weeks.
First, second and seventh fasts are total fasts, only a small glass of grape juice and a small biscuit or piece of unleavened bread (Matzos) three times per day prayed over to remember the covenant made by Yahooshua. Rehearse the covenant three times a day every day for the entire period you are fasting, both on days you fast and days you do not fast.
Remaining four fasts as above but drink as much water as you need.
Claim the promises of the covenant and pray for guidance.
In particular at each covenant meal, pray "Father I ask you in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus} to show me the level of my current deception and how to correct it", "Father I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly", ask to be found a "good and faithful servant" on the Day of Judgment, ask to be assisted to "overcome to the end" that you may sit on a High Throne with Yahooshua for eternity, ask that your flesh be put to death that it is no longer you that live but the Spirit of the Almighty that lives in you (Galatians 2:20).
Anoint your ears with some of the grape juice and ask that your ears should be cleansed of all defilement and be opened in order to hear Yah {the LORD} clearly. Anoint your eye lids, your mouth, your hands and your feed similarly and pray appropriately. You could also anoint yourself with oil as well. Refer to the article 2011.02.17 What YOU can do TODAY for more guidance.
Ask Father to bring the people that He wants into your life and take the people He does not want out, be prepared for surprises. Ask Him to open the doors in your life He wants opened and close the doors He wants closed. Ask Him to speak to you in whatever way you are able to hear Him, through books, newspapers, magazines, websites, emails, people you meet or any other way. Be willing to go out of your way if you think He is directing you somewhere.
And listen for His still small voice and be obedient to whatever He asks you to do.
Pray and do all of this every time you rehearse the covenant, that is three times a day every day for forty five days.
If, six months after completing the fasts, you are still not managing to understand what I have written then by all means contact me.

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