2013.03.13 The Great Falling AWAY Created by James on 9/28/2013 2:09:12 PM
The Great Falling AWAY
James Robertson
There is also an expectation that we are in the age of apostacy or falling away or tribulation
We are BUT we have been for nearly 2,000 years
The major falling away took place in the first 600 years after Yahooshua {Jesus} when the body of believers departed from just about every fundamental law and principle of service to the Almighty such that since then the body of believers {church} has been breaking all ten of the Ten Commandments on a consistent basis:
1. Yah the eternally self existing is ONE Mighty One you shall have no other mighty ones before Him -- worship of Jesus violates this
2. No graven images -- worship of the bible violates this as does the worship of the cross
3. Do not use the Name of Yah in vain, includes calling Him "God", "the LORD", calling Yahooshua "Jesus" -- these are all blasphemous names, "ja" for "yes" in Afrikaans, "Yahoo.com" violate this as well
4. Observe the Sabbath -- Saturday and the other Sabbaths -- Passover, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonment, Tabernacles -- most people violate all of these
5. Honour your mother and your father -- putting them in old age homes violates this as do many other things
6. Do not murder -- abortion violates this and the abolition of the death penalty violates the commandment to put murderers to death
7. No adultery -- sexual intercourse with a virgin giving rise to a blood covenant is the union referred to here, this is almost totally ignored, man that takes the virginity of more than one woman is in covenant with all of them
8. Do not steal -- hardly observed at all -- preachers who teach lies and take up offerings break this
9. Do not bear false witness / lie -- almost universally broken, almost everything the Christian Church teaches contains lies
10. Do not covet, lust -- nearly all advertising and our whole culture at some level breaks this
THESE are the battles that have to be fought
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.

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