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Some time ago I posted an article about Planet X also known as Nibiru that is supposedly going to destroy much of the earth.
I subsequently received the following document which provides links to video and still photographs which appear to indicate that there IS something out there.
I remain skeptical as to whether something so far out would be producing effects now – gravitational force decreases exponentially with increasing distance and I yesterday read another article which claimed the earthquakes were the result of some scientific experiment in Alaska, which I am also skeptical about.
I do not know enough about astronomy to have an opinion but I do know from a practical engineering approach that since the earth rotates and orbits the sun and is therefore a moving target in three dimensions and since the object is allegedly coming head-on towards the earth it is not possible to predict a near or far miss and certainly not possible to name countries, etc – incidentally this article does NOT make such claims but there are other articles and reports that do.
I do not have any sense that this is the star spoken of in Revelation 8.
Note that an assumption of steady state normalcy which is now deviating is not valid, the flood reported in Genesis occurred roughly 4,500 years ago (that is recently) and the entire surface of the earth was massively destroyed and reformed, the earth has been constantly adjusting from this trauma ever since thus happenings on earth do not necessarily indicate a new external force OR a human triggered happening.
That does not mean that there will not be a fly-by and that there is no possibility of massive consequential damage, I do not know enough about the object to hold an informed opinion.
I AM clear that Father still has much that needs to be done on the earth and so I remain skeptical with regard to extreme disaster scenarios – according to this article we do not have long to wait to find out if this particular story is valid.
I continue to hold that if something that large even flies reasonably close to earth the earth as we know it will almost certainly be totally destroyed.
I am very clear that Father Yah has spoken to me about a thousand year reign of anointed one's with the Spirit of Yah which only commenced in May 2003 and accordingly I hold that even if something does fly by there will be a significant body of people who will survive.
Having said this, we should not require something like this to trigger us to get our lives right with Yah, if your life is not right with Him, deal with it now, you could die any moment anyway
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No Elenin -- Planet X Causing Quakes
I am sure the dangerous practice of fracking and the Gulf oil well that is pressurizing and lubricating the faults will help bring earthquakes to the New Madrid and East TN seismic zones but here below is the main trigger.
What they are calling Comet Elenin is actually the Brown Dwarf / Planet X / Nibiru. NASA is trying to allay fears by saying that this thing they see coming is a comet and not the much more dangerous Planet X / Nibiru, but it's too late -- it is being seen by astronomers
This video* shows the alignment of Nibiru / Planet X, the Earth and the sun for the 2/27/10 Chile earthquake, the 9/4/10 New Zealand earthquake and the 3/11/11 Japan earthquake. The next alignment will be on 9/27/11, which is three days from Yom Teruah on 9/30/11. The closest this brown dwarf will get is .232AU on 10/17/11 which is in the middle of Sukkot which runs from 10/14/11 to 10/21/11. When it draws close it will be seen with the eye. On 11/5/11 Earth passes through the path of Nibiru/Planet X so we should be pelted pretty badly with asteroids, as is described in Revelation 8. On 11/23/11 comes another alignment. These dates can vary due to the Brown Dwarf speeding up or slowing down according to its relationship to other planets and the sun.
Here is found much more of the story.
This video debunks Elenin and Betelgeuse as second sun -- it's a binary brown dwarf.
*Here is the link to the tool the guy in the video was using; click on “Orbit Diagram” to launch the Java applet tool (you need Java installed on your computer to use this tool).

Here Comes Elenin (X)
Look at the dates of previous alignments of Earth with Elenin (X?) and the earthquakes that have happened on them. Look at the size of the quakes. With this powerful effect on Earth, this could not be a wimpy comet, as the government is saying to calm fears. Look at the future dates this year when there will be alignments but this time Elenin will be much closer.
Please repent and believe the New Testament of the Bible quickly.
Here Comes Elenin
Monday, May 09, 2011 10:01
“At its present position beyond the orbit of Mars, Elenin is a faint telescopic object. At that distance a planet-sized object would be one of the brightest ‘stars’ in the night sky one would think, and if it were Jupiter-sized it would be visually spectacular, a shining beacon that would make everyone take notice! But no, that does not seem to be the case. Large amateur telescopes are straining to even catch a glimpse of Elenin; it is likely a small object, probably a big rock,” writes one blogger.
Big seems to be the appropriate word for we now have the first actual astronomical calculations that puts the coma (the part they can see is 50,000 miles in diameter. Yes a big rock!
“On April 8th at our Russian observatory we carried out planned observations of Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin). An analysis of the results of the observations shows a rapid growth of the coma. Besides the internal compact gas envelope, the forming rarified external coma is also visible in the image. Its diameter exceeds 1 minute of arc, or 80,000 km! It is possible that such a rapid growth of the coma is associated with the apparent superposition over it of the comet’s dust tail, which after opposition, still remains invisible to the earthly observer.”
The coma is what astronomers actually see and is actually much bigger than the core. It’s the green in the above picture that they are saying is 80,000 km or 50,000 miles across. We could estimate that the core might be half the diameter of the coma or approximately 25,000 miles. Big enough—it seems to be already stirring up the Earth under our feet.
There is a lot of speculation going on about what this comet actually is and what it is composed of but at least now we have an idea of its size. The following video is from a man who explains how the size was calculated and he confirms the above astronomers are not out of their minds.
The Professionals Step In
We have news out of Cornell University that sustains the view that Elenin is playing a direct part in causing large earthquakes. Professor Mensur Omerbashich is saying that his “georesonator concept in which tidally induced magnification of Earth masses’ resonance causes seismicity.” This trashes NASA’s assertion that the humongous earthquake we saw in Japan and before that with the ones in Chile and New Zealand were coincidental with alignments between Elenin, the Earth and the Sun.
The earth’s seismicity can arise as a natural response of our planet to its alignments with other celestial objects.
Professor Mensur Omerbashich
Omerbashich demonstrates empirically that “all strong (~M6+) earthquakes of 2010 occurred during the Earth’s long astronomical alignments within our solar system. He shows that the same holds true for all very strong (~M8+) earthquakes of the decade of 2000s. He asserts that the “comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) has been adding to robustness in terms of very strong seismicity since 2007. Elenin will continue intensifying the Earth’s very strong seismicity until August-October, 2011.”
It seems like every time Elenin lines up with Earth and another planet or the Sun we have an earthquake, the nearer Elenin gets the bigger the earthquakes.
Past Elenin Alignments and Earthquakes:
Past Alignments |
Date |
Location |
Magnitude |
Elenin – Earth – Sun |
Feb 20 2008 |
Indonesia |
7.4 |
Elenin – Earth – Sun |
Feb 25 2008 |
Indonesia |
7.2 |
Elenin – Earth – Neptune |
May 12 2008 |
China |
7.9 |
Elenin – Earth – Sun |
Feb 18 2009 |
Kermadec Islands |
7.0 |
Elenin – Earth -Jupiter |
May 18 2009 |
Los Angeles, US |
4.7 |
Elenin – Mercury- Earth |
July 15 2009 |
New Zealand |
7.8 |
Elenin – Mercury – Earth |
Aug 09 2009 |
Japan |
7.1 |
Elenin – Sun – Earth |
Sept 09 2009 |
Sunola islands |
8.1 |
Elenin – Earth – Venus |
Feb 18 2010 |
China/RU/N.Korea |
6.9 |
Elenin – Earth-Sun |
Feb 25 2010 |
China |
5.2 |
Elenin – Earth-Sun |
Feb 26 2010 |
Japan |
7.0 |
Elenin – Earth- Sun |
Feb 27 2010 |
Chile |
8.8 [Earth knocked off axis] |
Elenin – Earth- Sun |
Feb 27 2010 |
Argentina |
6.3 |
Elenin – Earth – Mercury |
Mar 04 2010 |
Taiwan |
6.3 |
Elenin – Earth – Mercury |
Mar 04 2010 |
Vanuatu |
6.5 |
Elenin – Earth – Mercury |
Mar 05 2010 |
Chile |
6.6 |
Elenin – Earth – Mercury |
Mar 05 2010 |
Indonesia |
6.3 |
Elenin – Earth – Mercury |
Mar 08 2010 |
Turkey |
6.1 |
Elenin – Earth – Neptune |
May 05 2010 |
Indonesia |
6.6 |
Elenin – Earth – Neptune |
May 06 2010 |
Chile |
6.2 |
Elenin – Earth – Neptune |
May 09 2010 |
Indonesia |
7.2 |
Elenin – Earth – Neptune |
May 14 2010 |
Algeria |
5.2 |
Elenin – Earth – Jupiter |
Jan 03 2011 |
Chile |
7.0 |
Elenin – Earth – Sun |
March 11 2011 |
Japan |
9.0 [Earth knocked off axis] |
Future Elenin Alignments:
Future Alignments |
Date |
Note |
Elenin – Mercury – Mars – Earth |
Sept 06 2011 |
Mercury – Sun – Elenin |
Sept 25 2011 |
Sun – Elenin – Jupiter |
Oct 11 2011 |
Elenin 0.246au from Earth; that’s a quarter of the distance to the sun. |
Oct 17 2011 |
Elenin closet to earth 0.232au |
Oct 20 2011 |
Elenin will enter Earth orbit and we will experience a gravitational pull. |
Nov 02 2011 |
Earth enter Elenins tail/ previous path |
Venus – Earth- Elenin – Mercury |
Nov 11 2011 |
Sun – Mercury – Earth – Elenin |
Dec 04 2011 |
Mars – Elenin – Jupiter |
Dec 25 2011 |
Final Alignment: Elenin – Earth – Sun |
Dec 21 2012 |
Now of course we have many earthquakes and if we showed them all, this chart would then lose much of its meaning. The 9.1 earthquake in Japan though will never lose its meaning and it happened on cue with an alignment with Elenin.
So everyone I guess it is not a small pebble after all that is coming our way and I think NASA knows this for how could they calculate its pathway through the inner solar system without knowing its mass or size? But before we blow our gaskets over this I want you to take a look at a most interesting and strange video of a presentation by a most beautiful and intelligent man. It seems that flybys of big objects are not that unusual and that we had a truly big comet almost hit the Sun less than ten years ago. Below we have physicist Nassim Haramein showing a NASA video of something that frightened everyone who was watching yet nothing happened when something should have. When asked why not Haramein said, “I don’t know.”
I trust Nassim, and what he shows goes beyond the pale of scientific understanding. According to him such a large object should have made a mess of the inner solar system but it did not. In the film we actually see the sun protecting itself with a huge and forceful solar flare from what looked like a possible collision with a huge comet.
But now we have another one heading in but this one is already wrecking the earth with 9.0 earthquakes, already resulting in a nuclear catastrophe in Japan. It was only seven days ago when I published:
In this video you will see with mathematical precision that every time this celestial body comes into alignment with the earth and sun we have a huge earthquake. The last three alignments produced the Japanese 9.0 quake, the one in New Zealand and before that the one in Chile. On March 11th Elenin was much further out. When the next alignment happens it will be devastatingly close. The main point to understand is that if Elenin was just a normal comet it would not have the mass to generate a gravity pull that would affect the earth when the Earth swings around into alignment.
The mystery only gets more profound. Cosmic rays crashing into the Earth over the South Pole appear to be coming from particular locations rather than being distributed uniformly across the sky. Similar cosmic ray “hotspots” have been seen in the northern skies too, yet we know of no source close enough to produce this pattern. “We don’t know where they are coming from,” says Stefan Westerhoff of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It’s a mystery because the hotspots must be produced within about 0.03 light years of Earth. Further out, galactic magnetic fields should deflect the particles so much that the hotspots would be smeared out across the sky. But no such sources are known to exist.
Perhaps our incoming comet is hot in terms of radiation and is doing more than putting out gravity fields that are affecting the Earth’s structure. We have an evolving puzzle going on down here on Earth but it will get clearer as the next few weeks or months pass. So far we have many strange “coincidences” that are going unexplained but as they pile up we will be better able to triangulate events into a comprehensible perception of what is in store for us and what to do, if anything, about it.
People pounced on Nassim Haramein for inferring that the NASA video he was showing in his presentation above was proof that Nibiru had come and gone already. It is dangerous to make assumptions but who would have thought that there was more than one big planet-size object that was coming in on comet trajectories within ten years of each other?
This last one that Haramein shows danced with the sun and must have had some Klingon cloaking device—certainly no one I know was aware of such a close call or that comets could be that big. Now according to NASA we have a tiny rock coming in that somehow is big enough to yank on the gravitational/electric/magnetic/structural under-pinnings of our world. Must be made of Krypton or its bigger than NASA is letting on.
Excuse my attempt to lighten up the discussion. I have people crawling all over the place, including inside my own family, who are uncomfortable even knowing what’s going on with comets on their way into our backyard. This one is going to pass close where the other one seen in Haramein’s presentation miraculously left the inner solar system in peace.
What is going to happen is anyone’s guess but Professor Mensur Omerbashich does not seem to be guessing. Perhaps we should all read his paper and study up on his georesonator concept. He is from Cornell one of the most respected Universities in the world so personally I do give him the courtesy and honor of taking him seriously. It is most difficult presenting these topics to the world for their will be great dissention and controversy until September and then we will really get to experience whatever reality is going to offer itself to us on earth. My bet is that events will continue to build in intensity and life will continually get more and more out of hand on every level and dimension.
I could literally post hundreds of videos and stories of strange happenings in our world. We do not need a crystal ball to see the relentless Earth changes. We have left the landscape of normalcy behind and are entering into a world where cataclysmic chaos is becoming the new norm. Just ask the people in the Mississippi valley this week. The escalating trend of anomalous weather patterns, massive animal die-offs, inexplicable seismic activities, droughts, famine and increasing food prices supports the view that things are changing quickly and something unseen and uncalculated is participating in this. Can’t blame everything on global warming and CO2!
Below you will see two articles, one from the Washington Post and another from The New York Times from 28 years ago, but read them like they were printed yesterday. Astronomy deals practically with eternity so what is 28 years? NASA came right out and admitted they found a massive very cold body outside the solar system. Now they are not saying a thing about this or whether this past massive comet from 2003, or the current one, have anything to do with their discovery almost three decades ago. What could possibly be their motive for keeping a tight lid on this terribly important subject?
Washington Post Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered 31-Dec-1983
A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby “protostar” that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars, or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through. “All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is,” Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology, said in an interview.
The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet, as large as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 billion miles. While that may seem like a great distance in earthbound terms, it is a stone’s throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto. “If it is really that close, it would be a part of our solar system,” said Dr. James Houck of Cornell University’s Center for Radio Physics and Space Research and a member of the IRAS science team. “If it is that close, I don’t know how the world’s planetary scientists would even begin to classify it.”
The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the satellite ran out of the super-cold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place six months after the first and suggested the mystery body had not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of the constellation Orion in that time. “This suggests it’s not a comet because a comet would not be as large as the one we’ve observed and a comet would probably have moved,” Houck said. “A planet may have moved if it were as close as 50 billion miles but it could still be a more distant planet and not have moved in six months’ time.
Whatever it is, Houck said, the mystery body is so cold its temperature is no more than 40 degrees above “absolute” zero, which is 459 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. The telescope aboard IRAS is cooled so low and is so sensitive it can “see” objects in the heavens that are only 20 degrees above absolute zero. When IRAS scientists first saw the mystery body and calculated that it could be as close as 50 billion miles, there was some speculation that it might be moving toward Earth. “It’s not incoming mail,” Cal Tech’s Neugebauer said. “I want to douse that idea with as much cold water as I can.”
The New York Times Clues Get Warm in the Search for Planet X
John Noble Wilford
Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long-sought Planet X.
Evidence assembled in recent years has led several groups of astronomers to renew the search for the 10th planet. They are devoting more time to visual observations with the 200-inch telescope at Mount Palomar in California. They are tracking two Pioneer spacecraft, now approaching the orbit of distant Pluto, to see if variations in their trajectories provide clues to the source of the mysterious force. And they are hoping that a satellite-borne telescope launched last week will detect heat “signatures” from the planet, or whatever it is out there.
The Infrared Astronomical Satellite was boosted into a 560-mile-high polar orbit Tuesday night from Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA. It represents an $80-million venture by the United States, Britain and the Netherlands. In the next six or seven months, the telescope is expected to conduct a wide-ranging survey of nearly all the sky, detecting sources not of ordinary light, but of infrared radiation, which is invisible to the human eye and largely absorbed by the atmosphere. Scientists thus hope that the new telescope will chart thousands of infrared-emitting objects that have gone undetected—stars, interstellar clouds, asteroids and, with any luck, the object that pulls at Uranus and Neptune.
The last time a serious search of the skies was made, it led to the discovery in 1930 of Pluto, the ninth planet. But the story begins more than a century before that, after the discovery of Uranus in 1781 by the English astronomer and musician William Herschel. Until then, the planetary system seemed to end with Saturn.
As astronomers observed Uranus, noting irregularities in its orbital path, many speculated that they were witnessing the gravitational pull of an unknown planet. So began the first planetary search based on astronomers’ predictions, which ended in the 1840s with the discovery of Neptune almost simultaneously by English, French and German astronomers.
But Neptune was not massive enough to account entirely for the orbital behavior of Uranus. Indeed, Neptune itself seemed to be affected by a still more remote planet. In the late 19th century, two American astronomers, William H. Pickering and Percival Lowell, predicted the size and approximate location of the trans-Neptunian body, which Lowell called Planet X.
Years later, Pluto was detected by Clyde W. Tombaugh working at Lowell Observatory in Arizona. Several astronomers, however, suspected it might not be the Planet X of prediction. Subsequent observations proved them right. Pluto was too small to change the orbits of Uranus and Neptune; the combined mass of Pluto and its recently discovered satellite, Charon, is only one-fifth that of Earth’s moon.
Recent calculations by the United States Naval Observatory have confirmed the orbital perturbation exhibited by Uranus and Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C. Van Flandern, an astronomer at the observatory, says could be explained by “a single undiscovered planet.” He and a colleague, Dr. Robert Harrington, calculate that the 10th planet should be two to five times more massive than Earth and have a highly elliptical orbit that takes it some 5 billion miles beyond that of Pluto—hardly next door but still within the gravitational influence of the Sun.
Some astronomers have reacted cautiously to the 10th-planet predictions. They remember the long, futile quest for the planet Vulcan inside the orbit of Mercury; Vulcan, it turned out, did not exist. They wonder why such a large object as a 10th planet escaped the exhaustive survey by Mr. Tombaugh, who is sure it is not in the two-thirds of the sky he examined. But according to Dr. Ray T. Reynolds of the Ames Research Center in Mountain View, CA, other astronomers “are so sure of the 10th planet, they think there’s nothing left but to name it.”
At a scientific meeting last summer, 10th-planet partisans tended to prevail. Alternative explanations for the outer-planet perturbations were offered. The something out there, some scientists said, might be an unseen black hole or neutron star passing through the Sun’s vicinity. Defenders of the 10th planet parried the suggestions. Material falling into the gravitational field of a black hole, the remains of a very massive star after its complete gravitational collapse, should give off detectable X-rays, they noted; no X-rays have been detected. A neutron star, a less massive star that has collapsed to a highly dense state, should affect the courses of comets, they said, yet no such changes have been observed.
More credence was given to the hypothesis that a “brown dwarf” star accounts for the mysterious force. This is the informal name astronomers give to celestial bodies that were not massive enough for their thermonuclear furnaces to ignite; perhaps like the huge planet Jupiter, they just missed being self-illuminating stars.
Most stars are paired, so it is not unreasonable to suggest that the Sun has a dim companion. Moreover, a brown dwarf in the neighborhood might not reflect enough light to be seen far away, said Dr. John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. Its gravitational forces, however, should produce energy detectable by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite.
Whatever the mysterious force, be it a brown dwarf or a large planet, Dr. Anderson said he was “quite optimistic” that the infrared telescope might find it and that the Pioneer spacecraft could supply an estimate of the object’s mass. Of course, no one can be sure that even this discovery would define the outermost boundary of the solar system.

Bad News from NASA Posted by Mark Sircus - Director on 04 May 2011 | Filed under World Affairs
This is going to be the most extraordinary communication so fasten your seatbelts; we are in for a rough ride. I have known in my heart for months that I would have to make a communication like this but had no idea it would be this soon. Back in January, while investigating the underground city that is alleged to have been built under the new Denver Airport, reported on by the former governor Jesse Ventura, I put the puzzle together and came to the conclusion that a planetary event was in store for us in 2012.
Today I am presenting rock solid information; it does not get any better when NASA is your source. What you are about to read and see is happening. Last night, looking at a NASA mathematical model of comet Elenin, I found out that a large celestial body has already penetrated the solar system and is on course for a near and possibly horrific encounter with the earth in the fall of 2011. What we do not know is the size and mass of comet Elenin though I have no doubt that it is known by the authorities.
Elenin is presently being tracked as it goes through the asteroid belt on its way into the inner solar system. I am truly sorry to have to be the bearer of such grave and threatening news but the source, NASA, is impeccable. We have an incoming mass (what might possibly be a neutron star) coming in and it will do a hard turn around the sun like any comet would, crossing and coming in between Mercury and Venus before starting its journey back out. On its way out it will cross our bow, meaning it will pass very close to the earth and the earth will pass behind it, plowing into its tail.
In the video below you will see this explained graphically. What you will see with mathematical precision is that every time this celestial body comes into alignment with the earth and sun we have a huge earthquake. The last three alignments produced the Japanese 9.0 quake, the one in New Zealand and before that the one in Chile. On March 11th Elenin was much further out. When the next alignment happens it will be devastatingly close. The main point to understand is that if Elenin was just a normal comet it would not have the mass to generate a gravity pull that would affect the earth when the earth swings around into alignment.
David Morrison, Astrobiology Senior Scientist at NASA, in an official communication on March 1st acknowledged no threat from Elenin. Ten days later Elenin came into alignment with the earth and the sun and Japan was almost destroyed.
Morrison confirmed that Elenin’s perihelion (closest to the sun) is in early September 2011 at a distance from the sun of 40-45 million miles. He said it will be closest to the earth on about October 16, at a distance of about 21 million miles, but he believes there is no reason to think Elenin is any different from a normal comet. I wonder if he changed his mind after March 11th. He dismisses everything alarming as pure fiction.
This is the real deal though—that alignment did happen as we can clearly see from the NASA simulation. Now we have to live with increasing radiation spreading around the northern hemisphere. We know how easy it is for people in authority to cover up information and lie with a straight face. The Japanese government admitted it kept in secret at least 5000 radiation measurements and assessments after the nuclear event that struck the Fukushima Daiichi NPP in March. This was done in order to not induce panic in the population, a representative of the staff dealing with the nuclear emergency told ITAR-TASS.
We have to acknowledge and accept that there is a danger and a possibility that part of our civilization and the people in it will be lost. This is not a time to deny anything or a time to hold back the tears. I hope to God I am wrong but the evidence cannot be dismissed casually, though of course it will be. One picture is worth a thousand words and NASA has given us visible proof to suggest Elenin is playing a role in events down here on our planet even from a long distance. It is not a time for fear; rather it is a time for love and cooperation in the context of preparation on all levels for what is to come.
There is a history to Elenin that has been visible for years but now she is upon us and there is nothing we can do but prepare and pray—and love like we have never loved before. We have to acknowledge and accept that there is a danger and there is a possibility that part of our civilization and the people in it will be lost. The below video displays what has been known by NASA for decades.
The whole solar system seems to be heating up, the sun is becoming active and earth-changing events are becoming more frequent and intense with beyond-worst-case-scenario climate changes hitting around the globe. We have increasing geo-activity, volcanoes, earthquakes, rogue tides, sinking islands, magnetic pole migration, mass animal deaths, huge unexplained whirlpools in the Atlantic and so much more it would make anyone’s head spin.
We were tipped off to something unusual happening when Greenland experienced sunrise two days early, which was a strong sign that something was off with Earth’s orbit. On January 25th I said, “There is a lot of information (except in the mainstream press) about 2012 and the end of the Mayan Calendar that many are obsessing over but there is more than enough in 2011 to worry about and act on. Last week I was knocked off my chair with the report from the Arctic Circle in Greenland that the sun came back over the horizon two days early. That’s no small occurrence, is not something easy to make up, is not being reported as expected in the mainstream press, and only wild and stupid theories like global warming (since we really have rapid cooling) are being blamed for the event.”
Next Few Months
August 3, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the brown dwarf perigee position, while the brown dwarf is crossing the earth orbit location. About two weeks pass and on August 18 the brown dwarf crosses the Venus orbit some 67 million miles from the sun. Then 24 days pass to when the brown dwarf reaches the nearest point to the sun at 44.73 million miles. September 25, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the second conjunction with the sun, brown dwarf, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus in line for another gravitational alignment.
This video from the top of a mountain in Japan seems to have caught Elenin on camera.
October 2 is the day that the brown dwarf crosses Venus’ orbit again to begin trekking in the direction of earth. Two weeks go by and the brown dwarf crosses the earth orbit line to pass directly in front of our planet at just 22.3 million miles away, which is the nearest point in our encounter. The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit line on November 14, 2011 on the way to the third conjunction on November 22 where the earth once again passes directly between the two like on March 15.
An approaching brown dwarf star answers a lot of questions about what is happening all around us that others simply cannot begin to answer. No one really knows what will happen in the fall of this year as this incoming celestial body gets between us and the sun and then rebounds out again and heading directly into earth’s neighborhood. One person has speculated that it could rip our moon loose. It could hit us if its flight plan is changed by hitting an asteroid in the next few days. That could be possible if it really were a comet, but if it is a neutron star with a large mass, nothing will deflect its ordained path. If we are lucky, nothing will happen but humanity is not looking or feeling lucky these days.
What seems likely is what most of the ancient cultures and religions remember—huge floods that pass the world over. The only way the world can have a global flood is if there is some event like an asteroid impact, polar shift, or a very dense object passing close by earth that causes a massive tsunami tide. The gravitational pull would grab the water and pull it over the land on a massive scale, much like the moon does today on a smaller scale in the form of tides.
Safe Zones:
Move 150+ miles from the coasts.
Move 600 feet above sea level.
Move away from volcanoes and super volcanoes like Yellowstone in northwestern USA.
Move away from earthquake/seismic/avalanche/fault zones like the New Madrid Fault Zone in central USA.
Move away from dams that will break.
Move away from nuclear power plants that could become compromised.
Move away from high elevations where radiation levels will be highest.
Move away from large population areas where food riots will escalate into chaos and mayhem.
Join into survival groups with people of like mind that have survival supplies, gear and guns to protect them.
There is no shortage of flood legends. The earliest extant flood legend is contained in the fragmentary Sumerian Eridu Genesis, datable by its script to the 17th century BCE. In the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh there are references to the Great Flood (tablet 11). The best-known version of the Jewish deluge legend is contained in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 6-9). God selects Noah, a man who “found favor in the eyes of the Lord” and commands him to build an ark to save Noah, his family, and the earth’s animals and birds. After Noah builds the ark, “All the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.”
There are many sources of flood legends in ancient Chinese literature. The Shujing, or “Book of History,” probably written around 500 BCE or earlier, states in the opening chapters that Emperor Yao is facing the problem of flood waters that “reach to the heavens.” According to the Australian aborigines the water covered the land. Only the highest mountain peaks were visible, like islands in the sea.
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I leave it to you to take a view on this, personally I am not concerned at this stage and do not hear Yah tell me to tell people to take precautions but, as always, it is your responsibility to draw close to Yah and seek His face and ask Him for guidance.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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