2012.11.02 Glory -- another blasphemous word Use kabad (Hebrew), esteem, high esteem or repute Created by James on 9/28/2013 8:39:59 AM
Following on from the previous article the same website documents a number of other major errors, in particular, glory is another blasphemous name (refer previous article for more information).
The full article from http://iahushua.com/ST-RP/glory.htm is recorded below and I urge you to read it -- there is further challenging information on this site.
Glory is another blasphemous word and other words
Use kabad (Hebrew), esteem, high esteem or repute
James Robertson
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Following on the article on holy the same website has a page on glory and evidences that this word also is blasphemous and that the words “esteem”, “high esteem” or “repute” should be used or the Hebrew “kabad” as the word most frequently translated “glory”.
>>> The article follows <<<
From http://iahushua.com/ST-RP/glory.htm
No fewer than 25 Hebrew words are rendered by doxa in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. Of these 25 words, 7 are more common, the most important being kabad. This Greek word doxa of the Greek translation of the Old Testament, and the doxa of the New Testament, are usually rendered "glory" in the English versions, a translation of the Latin gloria. If we first look at the Hebrew Old Testament, we find that kabad has usually been rendered "honour" when applied to man, but rendered "glory" when applied to our Heavenly Father. Why were they so keen to apply the word "glory" to our Mighty One? What is the meaning of the word "glory"? Funk & Wagnalls, New Standard Dictionary of the English Language, under "glory", gives the religious symbolic meaning, "In religious symbolism, the complete representation of an emanation of light from the person of a sanctified being consisting of the aureole and the nimbus;" and further on, "The quality of being radiant or shining; brilliancy brightness; luster; as the glory of the sun;" and further on, "A sunburst; any ring of light; a halo." John Ogilvie The Comprehensive English Dictionary, under "glory", explains it as, "splendour, as of the sun." Similar statements are made by The Oxford English Dictionary and Webster's New International Dictionary. The latter states, "glory is the general term for the aureola and the nimbus"—aureola being the halo or ring round the sun, and nimbus being the sun-disc.
This meaning, as well as the word itself, would be acceptable if the commonly used Hebrew words of the Old Testament, and the Greek word doxa, have had the same meaning of sun-radiance or circles of light. However, we do not find any trace of sun-radiance or emanation of light in any of these Hebrew words, nor in the Greek doxa. Once more we are rudely awakened to the fact of the adoption of Sun-worship into the Church, the fusion of Sun-worship and the Messianic Faith. In the dictionaries, encyclopaedias and ecclesiastical books, we find many illustrations of our Saviour, the Virgin, and the saints, encircled with radiant circles or emanations of light around them.
What are the meanings then of the Scriptural Hebrew words? Kabad means honour, dignity or esteem in its figurative sense, as well as weight, in its literal sense. Pa'ar means repute. Halal means praiseworthiness or praise. Adar and hadar means to make great. Tipharah means repute. Shavak means to esteem. The Greek word doxa simply means opinion, estimation, esteem, repute or dignity, coming from the verb dokeo, which means "to seem".
Thus, the ecclesiastical symbolic meaning of the word "glory", being that of radiance or emanation of light as from the sun, is totally un-Scriptural. It is strong evidence of the Church's solarisation of our Messiah and of His Father. The Church identified Elohim with the Sun deity, which was the prevailing deity of the Roman emperors, the Roman capital and its empire. However, not only does the concept of "glory" stem from Sun-worship, but we also find proof of "glory" (gloria) as having been a Roman goddess, discovered in the form of an icon personified by a woman, the upper part of her body almost naked, holding a circle on which are the zodiac signs. Pauly-Wissowa also defines Gloria as a personification of fame, the word being found very frequently on the coins of Constantine and his successors. Besides the frequent occurrence of the word Gloria on the coins, the image of this goddess is found on two coins, one of Constantius II and one of Constantine II.
We should therefore eliminate the word "glory" from our religious vocabulary for three reasons:
1) We have been commanded in Exod. 23:13 to "make no mention of the names of other mighty ones, nor let it be heard from your mouth"—especially in our worship, applying these names to the One we love, and His Son.
2) The concept of the word "glory" in religious symbolism, as we read in Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary, is that of the emanation or radiance of light, as of the sun. This is proof of the solarisation of our beloved Saviour, identifying Him, as well as His Father, with the Sun-deity.
3) The Hebrew words, as well as Greek word doxa, do not carry the meaning of sun-radiance or sunlight at all. Therefore the word "glory" is an incorrect rendering of those words.
What then should we use instead of the word "glory"? Simply what the Hebrew words and the Greek word mean: "esteem", or "high esteem" or "repute". These words carry the meaning of the Scriptural words and do not stem from the names of deities as far as we know, and should be used wherever our versions have "glory".
We should immediately cease using the word glory and use the words “esteem”, “high esteem” or “repute” or the Hebrew “kabad” as the word most frequently translated “glory” instead.
It is vital that we are precise in our language as we will be judged for EVERY WORD that we utter.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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