2013.11.06 Life WITHOUT SinThere is an almost universal belief that it is impossible to live life without sin
An implicit implication of this belief is that there is really not that much point in trying
This article was written in response to someone who made such a statement and endeavours to demonstrate from my own life experience that it IS possible to live a life without sin
Yes, you are likely to sin at times, the issue is will you ACCEPT judgement and learn from it and course correct and get back on the strait and narrow path towards Yah?
Will you EARNESTLY seek to be free of sin?
Are you willing to TRASH just about everything you believe in order to please Yah and seek to walk in ALL truth
Are you willing to lose EVERYONE in your life?
Are you willing to lose EVERYTHING in your life?
Are you willing to seek the prize that is WITHOUT PRICE?
2012.04.02 There is NO Trinity
The concept of "The Trinity" being "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" is pervasive and occurs throughout Christianity, it is however false and blasphemous and should be avoided
This article explains why
2013.09.09 The anointing that was upon YahooshuaThere is massive confusion relating to the word "Christ"
This word relates to the anointing of the Spirit of Yah and is NOT an alternate name of "Jesus" or Yahooshua
This article discusses this in more detail
2013.09.07 Clarification re Jesus, God, The LORD, Christ, Bible, Cross, etc are Satanic
Some were offended by my recent articles on the name Jesus and the Bible having Satanic connotations
This article clarifies the basis of these statements
0999.2012.01.04 Yah speaks on South AfricaA warning of harsh judgment for South Africa and a call to repentance
2010.12.12 How did Yahooshua {Jesus} accomplish what he did?There are many mistaken ideas about how Yahooshua {Jesus} accomplished what he accomplished and, indeed, about what he accomplished
2012.07.17 Demonically inspired bible versionsIt is vital to recognize that there is demonic influence in every bible version, some much more than others.
Accordingly never read the same version or translation more than a few times and read as diverse a collection as possible.
Three recommendations are given.
Avoid reading versions with embedded commentaries and also avoid versions which are not attempts at literal translation and which include a range of interpretation, some of these are dangerous.
Also look at reading all the material on the End Time Issues websites, particularly the new site.
2011.07.09 Shavuot Dallas 2011Teachings on the true name of the Almighty