2013.11.06 Life WITHOUT Sin Created by James on 11/22/2013 10:14:52 AM
There is an almost universal belief that it is impossible to live life without sin
An implicit implication of this belief is that there is really not that much point in trying
This article was written in response to someone who made such a statement and endeavours to demonstrate from my own life experience that it IS possible to live a life without sin
Yes, you are likely to sin at times, the issue is will you ACCEPT judgement and learn from it and course correct and get back on the strait and narrow path towards Yah?
Will you EARNESTLY seek to be free of sin?
Are you willing to TRASH just about everything you believe in order to please Yah and seek to walk in ALL truth
Are you willing to lose EVERYONE in your life?
Are you willing to lose EVERYTHING in your life?
Are you willing to seek the prize that is WITHOUT PRICE?
James Robertson
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In response to an article on another list I received the following:
“Jou laaste opmerking ("IF you are without sin Satan cannot touch you.") is weereens gevaarlike woorde. Ons het maar almal 'n geraamte in die kas of 'n doring in die vlees, want as jy sê jy het GEEN sonde, het NIE die Messias nodig nie en daarby is jy 'n leuenaar. Ja, dit is ook so dat ons moet HARD poog om die Wette en instruksies van die Oppergesag na te kom, maar net met jou gedagtes kan jy ('n paar keer per dag) maklik sondig...”
“Your last remark ("IF you are without sin Satan cannot touch you.") is again dangerous words. We all have a skeleton in the cupboard or a thorn in the flesh, because if you say you have NO sin, then you have no need of the Messiah and thereby you are a liar. Yes, it is also so that we must try HARD to keep the Laws and instructions of the Higher Authority, but just with your thoughts you can easily sin (a few times a day) …”
This raises an extremely challenging point but a point that is absolutely critical in understanding how it is possible to walk with the Creator in this age.
In what follows I have shared personal details that it seems necessary to share in order to answer the question. I ask you to bear with me on this.
Thank you …
Yahooshua stated that he was “the way” the example
He stated that we would do the SAME AND GREATER works than he did
He stated that we were given the set-apart – that is Qodesh {holy} Spirit of Father to lead us into ALL truth
Yahooshua lived and died without sin therefore it IS possible to emulate him
We may NOT get it right every second of every day BUT Yahooshua died so that we ALWAYS have an advocate to intercede for us PROVIDED WE REPENT
AND he died so that for those who TRULY SEEK that level of relationship with the Almighty there IS chesed, lovingkindness {mercy and grace} AS we grow in this journey
I started to seek ALL TRUTH in 1995 AND prayed to be found “a good and faithful servant on the Day of Judgment” and many other prayers that are on my ministry website http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/421/2012-10-01-Prayers.aspx and on the Covenant Gathering page http://www.south-africa-the-real-issues.org/Gathering16Dec2013.aspx
For the next six years I learned and learned and learned and learned again
By 2001 I was STARTING to learn what all truth looked like and most of the time walking free of MAJOR (10 Commandment breaking) sin
I went on eight three day fasts at 10 day intervals fasting to be shown my error in the second half of 2000 and devoted my entire day 24/7 to seeking Yah for eighteen months and was unemployed without income and lived on a small income my wife had and by selling assets
I have prayed since about 1998 “show me the level of my present deception and HOW to correct it”
AND also regularly prayed “judge me severely and correct me HARSHLY that I may serve you more perfectly”
In 2001 I shaved ALL my hair except my eyebrows praying to cut off ALL ties with the world and with sin and with my past
Also anointed myself over my entire body with grape juice prayed over to represent the blood of the covenant and olive oil prayed over to represent the oil of the Spirit of Yah – three times over eight days
I wore sackcloth and ashes for a week
With three friends we immersed three times and on the third time Yahooshua walked down into the swimming pool with His arms open towards us
The first time we immersed a Sphinx like demonic object left the property
I have anointed myself and immersed myself like that several times since then
By 2003 I was consistently walking free of major sin at a level where Father could use me to bring Satan to judgment and have him sentenced for 1,000 years in the Pit
Since then I have slipped at times BUT Father has ALWAYS shown me my error, sometimes painfully, twice through fractured teeth – a particularly simple way for Him to get my attention – VERY painful J
To a point where in the last few years I am progressively dealing with my thoughts – it IS possible to ask Father to close up the cells in your brain that are programmed with sin and unclean thoughts AND it takes ongoing resolve on your part to come to a place where this is fully effective – right now this is one of the areas that I am addressing in the series of fasts that I have embarked on for my house and for South Africa
It IS possible to ask Him to limit your sexual urge to whatever your wife is willing to give you or NONE at all if you are single
Yes one DOES have to resist the enemy every day and discipline your thoughts AND Father WILL help you IF you constantly ask
You also HAVE to know that demons exist and chose to get rid of them
Between 1993 and 2011 I have been to something like TEN different prophetic deliverance ministers with sessions ranging from one hour to two days at a time
I have been delivered of several thousand demons many of which I picked up by praying amiss
AND there is an important point
In 2010 I was shown by a highly anointed prophetic minister and her team that I had around 190 DEATH CURSES against me and that around 50 human sacrifices had been offered against me
I had NOT had a single life threatening event or accident
I was FREE of sin that leads to death, i.e. breaking one of the Ten Commandments and although I was carrying thousands of demons and hundreds of curses they could NOT touch me
Also in 2010 I saved the life of the same highly anointed minister when Molech, one of the most powerful Satanic forces on earth, took her life.
One of her associates phoned me in Johannesburg from Zambia where I had been led by Father to take the bread and wine and repent on her behalf, we were betrothed so I had authority, and, as soon as they got me on the phone and I started to pray against what was happening the demon left saying “now you are too powerful for me” and her spirit returned to her body
What did I do?
I repented on behalf of my woman, I knew my authority in the covenant and I walked almost entirely without sin
So, when I say that WHEN you are without sin the forces of darkness CANNOT touch you I write this from first-hand experience
The biggest single issue that I have battled with is a divided house resulting from my covenant woman (wife) NOT being in submission to and agreement with me
That is one of the reasons why I have been in covenant with and divorced so many women
BUT you say, what about me, …?
You can do ALL that I have done
BUT, you do NOT have to
I have told you the way in large measure in http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/374/2012-01-05-Getting-close-to-Yah-Appropriate-prayer-and-fasting-are-VITAL-the-answer-to-doctrinal-dif.aspx
You can study what is on my website, MOST of what you will find at http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles.aspx IS largely inspired by Yah and He has said to me is of value for people seeking to draw close to Him
So, if you learn from what Yah has given me you CAN draw close faster
To illustrate
In 1996 we were facing major demonic attack, we prayed that if people were cursing us and knew what they were doing that Father would, at his discretion, return the curses 1,000 fold, the next day my wife’s former mother-in-law died, six weeks later her ex-husband was dead
I continue to ask Yah regularly to return curses
Important to note that at the time I still had major errors regarding names, person of Yahooshua, Sabbath, etc BUT I was seeking to be free and, in relative terms, we were much freer of sin than those who were cursing us and therefore judgment WAS POSSIBLE
The key thing in any battle between people that involves Yah is RELATIVE closeness to Yah and RELATIVE levels of sin
Right now the Afrikaners have MORE sin than the Africans and so judgment is coming on the Afrikaners
Some years later a woman left me for another man and died painfully
Another betrothed herself to another and he died painfully
Today, although I live in one of the three most heavily demonized cities in the world, I have NO evidence that the servants of Satan are in any material way attempting to attack me, it is my understanding that they largely leave me alone because quite a few of them have died from cursing me, etc and they fear me
So, when I write what I write I do so from FIRST HAND experience
In some respects it was easy for me, I am a Levite, descended from Moshe {Moses} and Moshe had a Covenant with Yah that one of his seed would send Satan to the Pit in 2003. Those who were better qualified than me and more anointed were disobedient and therefore eventually the call came to me so there WAS special chesed loving kindness {grace} towards me
Also, in 1993 I came to with a serious jolt when I realized how serious my sin was and that I was on the point of being rejected for eternity, so I made a VERY HIGH QUALITY decision to serve Yah and turn from sin
I say again, you CAN follow this path IF you SERIOUSLY choose to
Note that I have NO worldly wealth and a fair amount of debt because of mistakes I have made
AND you can learn from me IF you choose
Father has shown me clearly that if there are 100,000 penitent people at the Monument on the 16th of December who CRY OUT for forgiveness, truly repent AND let me lead them in prayer to confess the sins that Yah is in the process of showing me that this will create sufficient spiritual balance in the favour of those who cry out that Yah WILL be able to move
And when I say “move” I am talking of potentially MASSIVE judgment on the servants of Satan such that MILLIONS may die
I hope that this answers your question?
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
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It is vital to understand that the essential message is about seeking to draw close to Yah, to please Him, to be led by Him, to keep His Commandments and then doing what one finds to do every day.
NOTE that if you regard Yahooshua as Yah in the flesh, then what is written above does NOT make sense. Once you understand that Yahooshua was a man, like you and I, filled with the Spirit of the Almighty AND with substantial prior knowledge, THEN it becomes possible to seek to follow his example and do GREATER works than he did.
NOTE also that ALL current, widely believed doctrines of the church and believers generally are faulty to the point of being fatally flawed. This includes some highly toxic false beliefs that are particularly dear to a large sector of the Afrikaner population.
Yah will NOT allow his children to be tested beyond what they can endure - http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/476/2013-10-04-Yah-will-NOT-allow-his-children-to-be-tested-beyond-what-they-can-endure.aspx
South Africa Call to Fast and Pray for Repentance and Deliverance -- http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/489/2013-10-09-South-Africa-Call-to-Fast-and-Pray-for-Repentance-and-Deliverance.aspx
South Africa Errata Prayers against witchcraft curses etc -- http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/490/2013-10-10-South-Africa-Errata-Prayers-against-witchcraft-curses-etc.aspx
There are other relevant articles on the website.
May the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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