2012.07.16 Lilith -- Adam's first woman Created by James on 9/28/2013 7:31:29 AM In discussing divorce it is vital to take note of the fact that Adam divorced Lilith, his first woman, because of her treachery.
Lilith Adam’s first woman
James Robertson
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A modern myth relates to the perfection of creation in which Yah is alleged to have created only one woman because that was His perfect will.
This myth ignores the reality of Lilith the woman who was created at the same time as Adam but who turned away after Satan resulting in the first divorce.
Yah then created Chavah {Eve} from one of Adam’s ribs in a creative miracle far greater than the creation of Yahooshua from an unfertilized ovum.
It is vital to understand that divorce for treachery has been with us since the very beginning of the history of mankind.
There is diverse mythology relating to Lilith but what I have shared above is what Yah has confirmed to me.
Lilith, Adam’s first woman was divorced from Adam after she followed after Satan and rebelled against Yah and Adam.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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