2011.04.01 About Mohammed and the Quran Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Why the statement "I don't believe in the Quran at all, because it hasn't been written by God. Their "god"
has passed away while our God is still ALIVE!!!! " is false
About Mohammed and the Quran
James Robertson
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This morning I received an email which said in part "I don't believe in the Quran at all, because it hasn't been written by God. Their "god" has passed away while our God is still ALIVE!!!!
The following is my reply with some amplification beyond my reply to the above writer:
Regarding "Allah", "Alaah" is the Arabic for the Aramaic word "Eloah" and the Hebrew word "Elohym" which is the word generally translated "God"
Muslims worship the Almighty Creator and NOT Mohammed
Mohammed never claimed to be the Creator or God, he very clearly told men to worship only the Creator and warned of severe judgment for those who worshipped anything or anyone else
When you say that "our God is still alive" are you referring to Yahooshua {Jesus}?
I worship Yah the eternally self existing, the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth, that is my Mighty one {God}
I do this through the covenant made by Yahooshua {Jesus} who was a man filled with the set apart {holy} Spirit of Yah
Yahooshua was put to death but because there was no sin in him he was resurrected and is now seated at the Right hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool, he is NOT the Creator
The worship of Jesus by Christians is a pagan idolatrous practice which the Creator detests and which Mohammed spoke against strongly
The Quran is at least as inspired as the bible and there is nothing that says that the few pages in the bible are the sum total of all that Yah has given to human beings to write down
Worship of the bible is also sin and also something that Mohammed spoke against
The fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity is that the Muslims know that it is sin to worship Jesus and sin to worship the book {bible} and most Christians commit both of these grievous sins.
Further, Islam means "the worship of the Creator" and Muslim means "one who worships the Creator"
The fact that there are many errors in modern Islam is no more significant than the fact that what today is called Christianity is massively far removed from Yahooshua and what he taught -- both religions today are massively in error.
It is vital to understand that the covenant of Yahooshua was given to descendents of Isaac and Israel (Yaakov -- Jacob) and is therefore NOT directly available to the descendents of Ishmael -- the Arabs, from whom Mohammed descended. Therefore when the Christians descended into apostacy in the great falling away that took place in the six hundred years after Yahooshua it was necessary for Yah (the Almighty) to raise up a new prophet in the form of Mohammed and introduce a new covenant.
The reason the Muslims are not part of Christianity is because Christianity is apostate and in gross error but cannot and will not see it
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.

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