2011.04.27 Even the highly anointed are falling away Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM
The spiritual dispensation has changed but many are NOT noticing it
I have written before about the level of falling away that is taking place and continue to be surprised by the extent to which those who have walked closely with Father and are strongly anointed are also in bondage to false teachings {doctrines} which Satan's hordes are using to tear them away from Yah.
It is written in 1 Corinthians 10:12 "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." KJV
In other words, when you become confident of your relationship with Yah and think that you are established take heed of your walk lest you fall.
In the Final Quest this point is made a number of times.
We can fall from any level on Yah's Mountain, no matter how close to Yah we may be pride, self-confidence, carelessness, etc can cause us to fall and be taken prisoner by the enemy.
And the enemy is in the large mass of people who have fallen to the false teachings, traditions, etc that are discussed on this mailing list.
Keep in mind that Yah has said that the person with the strongest anointing on the planet today has only half the anointing that was upon Yahooshua {Jesus}, we are in a very bad state today!
It is vital for us to pray constantly for Yah to judge us severely and correct us harshly that we may serve Him more perfectly, ask that He show us the level of our present deception and how to correct it, etc.
Constantly check up on what we believe and how we behave and course correct as necessary.
Our goal must be to draw closer to Yah and NOT to fall.
Please do NOT become over confident in your relationship with Yah or in your perception of your standing with Him.
The enemy will use pride and every evil thing to take you out at the first possible opportunity.
Father, I ask that you will blow away by your Spirit all in this document that is NOT according to your will and your ways, please blow away all lies and deception and leave only that which is from you, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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