2011.12.05 Worship Yah on the sun god's birthday Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Yah wants us to separate ourselves from Christmas in every possible way
Worship Yah on the sun god's birthday
James Robertson
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Next Sunday is chrismas, the birthday of the sun god -- refer articles last year or email me for more information
Christmas has nothing to do with Yah or with Yahooshua
It is about God, the LORD, Jesus, Sunday, the cross, the bible, all the Christian abominations that Yah and Yahooshua hate but have to operate within in order to reach us
IF you TRULY love Yah and Yahooshua you will:
1. Abhor christmas -- keep totally away from it and do your best to ignore it and not participate in it in any way
2. Fast over christmas eve, christmas day and the day after -- total three day fast, small amounts of bread and wine twice a day if you want to or have to take medication
3. Actively worship and serve Yah in whatever way you can over those days
4. Alternatively engage in commercial activity over those days
5. Remember that new year is ALSO a pagan feast, Yah's new year is two weeks before Passover
Anything that keeps you from resting or in any way doing obeisance to Satan or participating in his festivities on his highest of highest days
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace
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